A discovery the size of an iceberg

One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon !


"Are you a subordinate of Father Emperor?!"

Willian asked in confusion, seeing this strange person fainting and carrying the three princes on his back.

"Yes, Your Highness, I am your father's subordinate."

"Is your ability to be stealthy?"

"Okay, your highness I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything, you were invited to the palace by the emperor, you need to go and ask him yourself."

"Okay you can go, but leave these trash princes behind."

Willian's expression returned to normal, no matter what, he wouldn't forget what he came here for.

He would surely kill those bastards, he left them to last because he wanted to make them plunge into despair so that their death would be even more terrifying.

This is the price they have to pay to tease their older brother more than once.

"Your Highness, please let this matter pass, only this time! If you let me complete my mission to the fullest I will give you some information you need, how about this?!"

Since things have reached this point, he will compromise a bit, after all, if he didn't complete the task his clean record would be completely lost like that.

After all, he had never failed to complete a mission from the Emperor before... What would happen if he failed now?

He will become a joke in The super world.

Willian was very curious about this mysterious person, so when he suggested that he give him some important information, how could he refuse?

As for the damned princes, he'll surely kill them later.

"Okay, I won't kill them now you can take them back."

"Come on, tell me the important information."

"Okay, your highness, but you have to keep this a secret, please!"

"Okay, talk."

Lifedith took a long breath before he started speaking, he didn't think that he would have to betray his Emperor just to complete the task.

"Your Highness, this world we live in is not what it seems to you, this is just a facade."

"The truth is that there is a super world that you don't know anything about, empires and churches are just a joke in the super world..."

Lifedith begins to tell Willian the most shallow information about the supernatural world, but as shallow as the information may be, it creates waves in Willian's heart.

This was completely out of his expectations, no, this was he had never thought of before.

It turns out that the world he lived in for 17 years was super, and it was just a doll whose threads were controlled by the super world.

Suddenly an unknown fear rose in Willian's heart, what if everything about him was known to the super world... No, he should run away and not come back.


Willian returned to his palace in Diamond City, but his condition was not like a victor returning from war.

Although he is a high human who can control his emotions, what he heard today is not something easy for him.

It would be fine if he was strong enough to conquer the super world, but if it was the other way around, he should think of counter plans right away.

Before he could return he had cleaned the battlefield of any clues to fight him, he had sent all the frozen corpses into the depths of the seas of the One Piece world.

He also killed all the remaining soldiers and generals of the princes and sent their corpses to follow the other soldiers, so that they would all become food for the sea kings.

Well, he did this so as not to leave any clues to his early discovery by the super world.

After some time, Willian is out of town again, he's back there to inform his subordinates that the so-called war is already over.

But the topic of the supernatural world will not leave his mind since he became acquainted with it.

He was now on his way to the capital, to see the emperor and also to find out what his father had kept hidden from him all along and for what reason.

Now Willian had become a member of the super world because in the eyes of this world he had awakened his superpower.

Willian soared into the sky using his observation haki with full force to spot any strange people like Lifedith in his surroundings, Willian no longer trusts this world and considers him a weak world anymore.

To discover everything about the supernatural world, he must return to his past nature of planning and discovering things before acting.

The capital was in the middle of the Blueren Empire, it would take a month to reach it if he was to travel on feral horses.

But if he was going to fly at full speed it would take 3 days to arrive, after all, he knew a shortcut to get faster.


After 3 days Willian reached the outskirts of the capital and had to follow his way to the palace on foot.

The capital was extremely large, three times larger than Diamond City but for Willian who had become a super person, he could reach the palace in minutes, his walking speed was too much.

The familiar and astonishing imperial palace appeared in his vision.

He was excited to see his mother and younger sister again, as well as his fiancée that he longed-for her.
