I cried so much, I was scared my eyes were going to fall out. My heart was stabbed a thousand times that day. The next day came, and I tried to talk to Ethan but got cold shoulders from him. I did not give up; I plan to try my best to explain to him what really happened that day, no matter what it takes.

I am waiting at the door of his lecture hall. I finished my classes earlier than him today, so I have enough time to spare. Ethan and I might be studying the same major, but we still have different minors, so all our classes are not together. The clock hits five, and his class is over. I wait eagerly and nervously to talk to him.

"Ethan," I say, trying to stop him before he leaves like always. He does not answer and keeps walking. I increase my pace and step in front of him to block his path. "Ethan, please hear me out," I say, praying that he agrees. He tries to walk past me, but I block his way. He does it again, and so do I.