Mondays ugh….I hate Mondays, it’s like a freaking disease I dread every Sunday night.
My days have been stressful lately, after Tyler introduced me to the boys I had to separate my school from training. Cherry, Tyler and I have gotten pretty close after a while…they are like my best friends, they sometimes come to visit me considering am the only one at home so it helps.
Dragging my feet, I made my way to my math class.
“Hey” I greeted my teacher, he is really young, and so he is kind of cool.
“Hello Tessy…how was your night?”
I groaned.
“Pretty bad?”
Another groan.
“I will take that as a yes” he chuckled. By now people had started to file in one after the other.
I took my seat beside Tyler….
“Rough night?”
I was about giving him a very sarcastic comment when he kept a cup of coffee on my table.
That shut me up.
“You’re welcome”.
After about 30 minutes of Mr. Gregory going on about simultaneous equation using elimination method, the class was suddenly interrupted when our principal stuck his head through the door.
“Mr. Greggory you’ve got new transfer students, please come in” he said, we went in “I leave you to your duties Mr. Greggory”.
They were three of them. A girl, a really, really beautiful girl.
Then there were the boys, they were twins in fact…very hot set of twin. Although they were identical. They had different facial expression, one had a calm collected look while the order one looked ready to murder someone. By now the girls had started sending flirty glances their way, the boys ogling at the girl, yeah she looked badass to me. I mean come on, I know their hot but they don’t need to make it that obvious.
“Please could you introduce yourself to the class?”
I nearly busted a laugh with the look on my teacher face when he was given a cold look by one of the twin, they were allowed to take a seat, the girl sat by the order side of Tyler while the twins sat by my side the one with the hard feature sat directly beside me while the order one sat behind me.
Me being a very nice person I ignored them throughout the lesson but not before I saw Tyler flashing the pretty girl a smile. When the bell rang I was out like a flash, I wanted to get to the cafeteria fast because I was so hungry and I could bully Tyler in buying me lunch.
“Whoa…where are you off to in such a hurry”
“Food” I managed to say.
“Oh no”
“Yeah, exactly what I… wait what do you mean by oh no? Needing food is now a bad thing”.
“No, not that look”.
Turning around I saw the stunning new girl from earlier, on the floor with Chloe hovering over her. Anger washed over me, there is one thing I can’t tolerate is bullying, I hate it with passion.
I stormed over to the scene just about time shoving her away with so much force, she was on her butt in seconds.
“I hate bullies”.
She laughed at this standing up.
“Oh really, and what are you going to do about it?”
“You lil piece of….”
“What are you doing?” I heard the girl behind me asked.
Turning around I noticed she was already on her feet staring angrily at me.
“Excuse me, am trying to….” I tried explaining.
“I don’t need your help”. She cut me off storming away. People had stopped to watch the scene unfold. What is wrong with that girl? She is so rude, am never helping her ever again.
“What?” Chloe exclaimed. Everyone immediately disappeared.
“This isn’t over” she said getting to my face, I just smirked at her.
I watched her as she strutted away.
“What crawled up her ass” Cherry said materializing out of nowhere.
“Which one of them?”
“Mm….the hot one”
“I have no idea”.
“But what I do know is that I will never help her sorry ass again” I continued.
“Oh come on, you’re better than that and besides it’s Monday, everyone is grumpy on a Monday”.
“Same goes for Chloe?”
“Oh hell no, she a donkey every time”.
“I thought so too”. I said with a smile.
“Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria, am so………Oh damn, mama want’s one of those” I immediately turned and saw the two sets of twins coming our way. I can’t even differentiate, they’re both wearing the same tight black jeans, cool sneakers and black body hug t-shirts. They got a set of grey eyes that with one quick glance they could make any girl fall for them (not that am falling anyways) damn their blonde hair are so lovely, some part of it is covering each of their left eyes. But one stood out to me, I don’t know how but he did…they did look the same but there was something about him that got me…the suddenly like he felt me looking at me, he met my gaze head on. Damn those eyes…it was like he was stripping off my defenses, like he was staring into my soul. I was the first to break contact. “I’ve got to admit they’re cute, I had them in math’s class today” I said trying to shake off the goose bumps that had appeared from looking at him.
“What? Why didn’t you say anything...? Did you just say cute? Even smoking hot is an understatement! By the way transfer or no transfer, new or not new I still want one but the girl though, she is wow” she said as they walked passed us.”
“Oh, Cherry, you still haven’t changed” I said laughing.
“Even their perfume is breathtaking” she continued ignoring my statement.
“Hey girls” Tyler said walking up to us.
“What do you think of the new students Nathan and Nickolas Andrews, and Skyler Norman” he said. So that was their names?
“Well I think she is tripping already” I told him referring to Cherry.
“Oh come on girl, am sure they are way out of your league” he said giving her a friendly pat on the back.
“What? How could you say such a thing? How dare you?!” she shot back.
“Whoa, easy tigress, I was just kidding” he said with his hands raised in surrender.
“Jeez guys, cut it, let’s go, and I’m hungry” I said laughing at their little drama.
We left for the cafeteria, when we both had our choice of foods served for us on our plates we went ahead to sit on our usual table.
During lunch is the best time whereby you get to observe different characters.
The new students sat at a particular corner in the lunch room and of course you could say everyone’s eyes were on them.
“I think Cherry is finding it hard to keep herself from having a fit” Tyler whispered in my ear. When I noticed her obviously staring at them.
“What are you guys gossiping about” she said as she shot back her attention to us.
“Nothing Cherry…….Although we’re a bit concerned are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah am okay……….oh who am I kidding...Am not okay”
“Oh Cherry tell me it’s not because of the Andrews?” Logan asked.
“If it will make you feel any better it’s not because of the Andrew’s…… Tessie it’s because of the Andrew’s” she blurted out.
“Well, that was shocking” I said.
“I can’t believe, Chloe is already gunning for them” she said in despair.
“Ugh, let’s stop talking about them let’s talk about something else” Tyler said, although I was quite relaxed when he said that because I too did not like the weird goose bumps that appears on my skin anytime we talk about them. I started feeling very uncomfortable, looking up I met a certain cold grey eyes staring directly at me, and a cold shiver ran through my spine.
“Can we go say hi?”
“No” how does this girl thinks? There is no way in hell will I even think about going way over there to sit with those people, I mean come on, everyone in the cafeteria have their eyes on them, no way, no can do, not in a million years.
“I just don’t want to go there besides she was mean to me when I tried helping her”
“What about the twins?”
“What about them?”
“The twins? Were they mean to you?”
“I haven’t spoken to them before so how will I know?”
“Come on, they must be feeling lonely, can’t you remember how you felt when you were new? Tyler help me out here” she said turning to Tyler.
“Hey don’t drag me into this”.
“Fine, tomorrow we will sit with them deal?” I said already getting tired of the begging
The rest of the day went well, after school, I and Tyler went to Cherry’s house for dinner. Her mom was really pretty and nice.
“Hope you three are hungry, because I made you guys some nice dinner” she said as she welcomed us into the house.
“Thank you Mrs. Jeremy” I and Logan said in unison.
“Thanks mom”
“You’re welcome”
“Whoa Mrs. Jeremy, you really are young for a woman of your age”
“And beautiful” I added.
“Well, I do try to stay fit and healthy because I really want to see my little blossom grow up, get a good job and get married. I want to see my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. I hope Cherry my dear you’re not planning to bring home a man without any moral and with a crooked brain as a husband because your dad and I won’t just have it”.