
Lots of cars filled the neighborhood in which Liam resides. We could hear the loud music from where we were standing. I notice Skyler fidgeting beside me. I took her hand.

“Hey, it will be fun, I will be with you all the way, I promise” I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

The party wasn’t what I imagined it, there were people making out. Gross. The smell of sweat and alcohol hung in the air. A group of people were huddled playing bear pong, hormonal teenagers were everywhere. Looking around, I realized Cherry and Tyler ditched us. Just great!

Skyler and I made our way towards the kitchen.

“Want some?” she asked, pouring herself a cup of fruit punch on a bowl. I gave a nod towards the direction of bottles of water stacked on the counter.

“I will have that instead”. I guessed they must have spiked the punch and I needed to stay clear headed in order to keep an eye on everyone.

“So what do you want to do now Skyler?” I had to talk really loud because the music kept drowning my voice. She smiled and gave a shrug in response. I can work with that. As if on cue, my favorite music came on “Bottom bitch” by Doja Cat.

“That’s my jam!” I pulled Skyler towards the dance floor. I started to sway my hips to the music. I looked at Skyler but she wasn’t dancing, at all.

“I can’t dance”

“Of course you can, just feel the music.

She started to dance but her movements were all out of sync with the music.

‘See you’re getting the hang of it” I laughed. She came to a sudden stop.

‘Then why you laughing?’

“You’re a bit out of sync with the rhythm of the music, but like I said you are getting a hang of it”

“I’m going home’ she said storming off. Shit. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. I took a look at my watch it read past eleven. What does she plan on doing? Walk all the way home? Tyler drove us here. I better go find her. Making my way past the throng of sweaty bodies grinding against each other, I finally made it outside. I bumped right into Tyler with a drunk Cherry by his side. Turns out she is lightweight.

“Have you seen Skyler?”

Tyler pointed at the direction of the road where a figure is seen walking away really fast. She is actually walking home this late?

“Don’t worry, I will take care of Cherry” I gave him a grateful smile and made a beeline for Skyler.



“Helloooo” is she seriously ignoring me? She can’t possibly be that mad. I walked faster trying to catch up with her. We were already on a very lonely street away from the other neighborhood.

“What the hell? Skyler!” My tired soul can’t take this shit anymore. Just then a van sped past me and skidded to a stop in front of her. Two huge men got out, one of them in a Pokémon beanie, I’m not even going to ask. They reached out to grab her, she turned and made a dash for it. It took me a few seconds to realize this men were kidnappers. I started running to her with full speed. I started to get tired. No, no this can’t be happening right now.

“Run!!” she screamed at me. One of them were just a breath away from her. I increased my speed. One of them finally got hold of her at the same time that I reached them. I grabbed Skyler by her other free arm, lifted my foot high above my head and brought it down with full force on the guy with the beanie on, bringing him to the ground. I turned the other dude, bent down avoiding a punch, giving him an uppercut as I stood up to my full height. Three other men were already making their way to us.

“Skyler, you need to get out of here” I said helping her up.

“No, I am not leaving you”. Taking an iron rod, I looked at her.

“You don’t have a choice, now GO!” She looked at me one more last time and ran. Turning my attention to the men in front of me, at same time catching a movement of one of the dude on the floor, I flicked my wrist and the pole landed nicely at the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

“Who is up first?”

Three of them came at me at once. I dropped to the ground, kicked one on the shin, used the rod and delivered a blow straight up to the face of another. Before I knew it a blow landed on the side of my rib, followed by a punch to my face, knocking me off balance. I heard a scream. With all the energy I could muster, I grabbed one of the men shoulder, delivering a head-butt. Looking at the direction of where the scream came from, I watched in horror as Skyler was being dragged into the van with a black bag over her head. Before I could go to her, I was suddenly grabbed from behind. Another in front of me with a menacing look.

“No” was the last thing I could get out before I was knocked into oblivion. All I could feel was pain, the side of my face was throbbing, and I opened my eyes looking around. This bastards left me for dead by the side of the road, I started to get up but then a sharp pain shot through my rib. I sat back down. I checked my watch. It was bloody 2am! I caught a glint on the floor, crawling towards the object I saw it was Skyler’s phone. I checked it luckily it was unlocked. Lots of messages coming from the twins, more than a hundred missed calls. I hit the dial button on Nickolas, it didn’t ring up to 2 seconds before the phone was answered.

“I swear to God Skyler, if you….”

‘They took her” I breathed out.