I took a car out of the garage. A Mercedes nothing too flashy, I packed a few blocks away from their house, and walked the rest of the way. Seeing two dark silhouettes standing by a big van talking in hush tones, I ducked behind a big green trash can so I won’t be seen. Once the brothers were back inside the house, I made a dash towards their van and got in the back, being petite finally pays off, crouching low in the van, I prayed I won’t be seen. Hearing footsteps approaching, folded myself the more at the back. Both the doors in the front flew open, and they got in.
“You ready?” It was Nate who spoke.
“Alright” he continued, typical Nick must have answered with a nod.
“I just want you to know, in case something happens and I don’t make it, I…”
“No harm will come to you brother, I promise” Nick finally spoke up cutting Nate off.
“Ti proteggerò a tutti i costi quindi non parlare come un morto”. ( I will protect you at all cost so don't talk like a dead man)