-- 39 --
Becca said a little prayer and goes back to sitting room
"How was church"
"We should all resume going back to church, since the return of hayley, we stopped going to church" lana says
"Meaning" adrian asks
Felix came back
"How is she, how is the baby" annie asked standing up
"What baby" becca asked
"Erna had her baby today" miggie says
Felix leaves
"She, Felix and Sammy were deep in the woods..I wonder what took them there and that's how it started" lana says
-- did I ask
"By the time Sammy could come here to get help and get back..Felix had delivered her baby"
She didn't say a thing but gave a tight smile
He goes into his room
-- she's gonna get what she did to me, I'm not gonna let her escape
Looking at Erna and her son pulled a string in my chest..makes me wanna scream out to my son
"I'm sure his birth was awkward"