5 Years Later
Killer: *has sudden memories about what happened 6 years ago*
Killer: *approaches Redwolf*
Killer: remember when I successfully killed Kirivashki, 6 years ago?
Redwolf: yes! Why?
Killer: he said a phrase about a traitor among us?
Redwolf: uhm, what?
Redwolf: just ignore him, he's just a crazy b*tch…
Killer: yeah, I agree!
Radar beeps
Redwolf: you call them or I will?
Killer: eh, I will!
Killer: *pushes button*
All 4: *arrives to the meeting area*
Redwolf: maybe I'll explain…
Redwolf: an unknown group made in South Korea, has been showing signs of terrorism!
Redwolf: the group is located at Busan! pushing to Gimhae!
Redwolf: our objective is to stop the group!
Redwolf: dismissed!
All 4: *heads to the plane*
Redwolf; put on these masks, we might get flocked by them amidst fight!
All 4: *puts on mask*
All 4: *lands on the bridge*
Civilians scream
All 4: *shoots AM-X2 (AR)*
All 4: *sees laser*
Redwolf: sniper! Get down!
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy lasers activate from the skybridge
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy shoots RPG
All 4: *shoots*
Car piece comes flying from above
Missile hits skybridge
Civilians scream
Skybridge collapses
Redwolf: get back!
All 4: *frees civilians*
All 4: *shoots*
Huge missile impacts the sky bridge
Redwolf: we gotta move away from the bridge!
All 4: *shoots*
Missile hits bridge again
Enemy lands on front of sky bridge
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy chopper rises up
Machine gunner shoots
Redwolf: use the cars for cover!
All 4: *hides behind parked car*
All 4: *shoots*
Chopper collapses
Chopper explodes
Enemy convoy arrives
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy hacks onto every device
???: Hello Korea! Surrender yourself, and be under our rule, or we will eliminate all of you!
Black: holy shit…
Drone with microphone and camera flies by
???: ah, Geom-seok, when you actually became my alibi for everything, used to be best friends, but no, you, decided to betray me!
Killer: Geom-seok?
???: and you decided to bring your new friends over!
Black: shut up!
???: don't you recognize my voice as well?
???: *takes off hoodie*
Black (Geom-seok): Salhae-ja?
Salhae-ja: at least you remember me from high school, right?
Geom-seok: no! it can't be…
Salhae-ja: always has been, I started to get back onto you when you quit the HQ!
Salhae-ja: now, it was all your fault!
All enemies surround them
All 4: *shoots*
Salhae-ja: you can't stop them you can only surrender!
All 4: *still shoots*
Redwolf: they're closing in on us!
All 4: *shoots*
Room 080: *arrives with chopper*
All 4: *drops from chopper*
All 8; *shoots*
???: Need a hand?
All 4: *gets up*
Korean army arrives
???: Guess it's time to assist 'em!
Killer: who are you?
???: That's classified!
All 8: *rushes and shoots*
Convoy arrives
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Car piece flies all over the place
Korean police arrives
All 12: *shoots*
Choppers rise up
Machine gunners shoot
All 12: *shoots*
Choppers collapse
Choppers explode
Killer: let's go!
All 8: *moves to a nearby neighborhood*
Redwolf: watch your fire out there!
Enemies show up
All 8: *shoots*
Civilians scream
Tank drives by on skybridge
Tank arrives behind the team
Killer: *jumps and throws flashbang*
Enemy gets blinded
Killer: *shoots Feris (Pistol)*
Killer: *takes over tank*
Killer: *shoots tank twice*
Tank explodes
Killer: *shoots tank twice*
Tank2 explodes
RPG hits tank
Killer: *shoots tank twice*
Tank3 explodes
Redwolf: that's all of 'em
RPG hits tank again
Killer: shit!
Killer: *exits tank*
Enemies shows up
All 8: *shoots*
All 8: *sees enemy laser*
All 8: *shoots*
Salhae-ja: you seem to defeat 1% of my men, I see your skill, maybe it's time I make an entrance…
Geom-seok: …
Salhae-ja: *lands at a bride*
Choppers lands
All 4: *shoots*
Pilot lands
Enemies come out of chopper
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: take all the choppers! We have to locate them!
All 8: *enters this chopper*
All 8: *starts looking around the area*
Killer: found him!
Killer: he's on the move!
Killer: He has stopped!
All 8: *lands at the area*
Enemy soldiers show up
All 8: *shoots AM-X2 and FC-556 (AR)*
Enemy wingsuit gunners fly and shoot
All 8; *shoots*
Juggernaut lands
All 8: 8shoots*
Juggernaut explodes
Salhae-ja: *escapes*
Redwolf: catch up to him!
All 8: *shoots and runs to heli*
Killer: *jumps to rope*
Enemies reveal themselves
(Note: you can't reload)
Killer: *shoots*
Chopper loses control
Chopper collapse chopper explodes
Salhae-ja: *jumps off rope*
Enemy convoy drives by
All 8: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Juggernauts land
Redwolf: juggernauts incoming from the left!
All 8: *shoots*
Juggernaut fails
Enemy comes out
All 8: *shoots*
Civilian screams
Enemies surround the clusterteam
All 8; *shoots*
Redwolf: sir! requesting back up on 35.219721, 128.826284!
Pilot: roger that! Sending team 077, 076, and 075!
All 8: *shoots*
Choppers fly by
All 8: *shoots*
Choppers collapse
Choppers explode
POV: Your team 077
Veras: *casually checks view*
Nover: We're about to land soon to assist Room 079 and 080, get ready!
All choppers land
Nover: go, go, go!
All 12: *rushes and shoots*
Team 077: Team 079! Do you copy?
Killer: Killer here, yes, having heavy casualties, we hugely need your assistance!
Team 077: good, team 076 and 075 are on their way!
Killer: rog'
All 12: *shoots*
Convoy drives in front
Team 077: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
All 12: *hears screams*
Team 077: *readies weapon*
Nover: hold your fire! That's the Korean army!
All 212: *rushes onto the enemy*
All 212: *shoots enemies*
Nover: need a hand?
???: thanks for assisting us!
Nover: no prob-
Missile hits skybridge
Nover: ah shit!
Enemies shoots RPG
Nover: let's go!
All 20: *rushes back to the skybridge*
Enemies shoot R12-A1 (SMG)
Killer POV
All 20: *arrives at the sky bridge*
All enemies rush onto the team
All 220: *shoots AM-X2, FC-556, and Kor-7* (AR)
Salhae-ja: Surrender your country, or I'll destroy it and start World War 3!
All 220: *shoots*
Enemies throw flamethrower grenade
Killer: get back!
Flamethrowers activate
Grenade explodes
Trucks drive by
All 20: *shoots*
Truck explodes
Civilians scream
Enemies shoot RPG
All 20: *rushes*
All 20: *sees snipers*
Redwolf: We're going to snipe them all out, watch our 6!
Team 079: *takes all snipers down*
Part inspired from COD MW 2019 (Highway of Death)
Redwolf: enemy 2nd floor taking hostage!
Team 079: *shoots*
Enemy runs to the ground floor
Team 079: *shoots*
Redwolf: Request team 076 to rush onto them!
Team 076: *rushes onto building*
Redwolf: sniper on attic, white building with red roof!
Team 079: *shoots*
Tangos on building with green roof
All 079: *shoots*
Vehicles and enemies show up
Team 079: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Redwolf: wave 2 incoming!
Team 079: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Redwolf: this has the be the final wave!
Team 079: *shoots*
Vehicles explode
Enemies show up
All 20: *shoots*
Redwolf: Requesting LZ ON 35.220639, 128.799819!
Pilot: rog'
Redwolf: plane's coming, guard the LZ!
All 20: *shoots*
enemy shoots RPG
Choppers show up
All 20: *shoots*
Choppers collapse
Choppers explode
Korean army arrives
All 220: *shoots*
Redwolf: they're closing in on us!
All 220: *shoots*
Plane lands
Redwolf: plane's here, let's go, go, go!
All 20: *enters plane*
Plane takes off
Doors close
Plane flies back to the HQ
Killer: dang, we we're so close to getting him…
Redwolf: as always, we'll get him next time...