Redwolf: Black is at the border between USA and Mexico, with its men…
Redwolf: creating more havoc on the wall…
Killer: guess someone made the great wall into reality…
Redwolf: His men are setting up a plan at Mexico…
Redwolf: it's only a matter of time before they bomb the walls…
Redwolf: leading their men to USA…
Redwolf: and destroying it's economy and comms to make it easier to attack…
Redwolf: I want all of us on top of the wall to destroy all artillery…
Killer: what about the US Army?
Redwolf: their men are losing rapidly so we have to assist and kill…
Killer: I see how this plays…
Plane lands at Border
Redwolf: head north!
Redwolf: destroy all artillery!
All 9: *shoots*
Redwolf: keep going!
Killer: Cynix, just get behind all of us!
Bombers show up
Killer: they are tearing down the border!
Redwolf: do not let them get past USA!
All 8: *shoots*
Redwolf: call in a scouting drone!
Killer: *calls in scouting drone*
Drone flies by
Turret shoots down drone
Drone collapses
Killer: f*ck…
Redwolf: keep going!
Choppers fly up
All 8: *shoots*
Redwolf: shoot them all down!
Choppers collapse
Choppers explode
Borders break below the team
Killer: shit!
Border falls to the ground
All 8: *falls*
All 8: *wakes up*
Killer: Cynix?
Cynix: Dad!
Killer: shit!
Redwolf: wake up! we have to get back up there!
Redwolf: *scouts area*
Redwolf: there's a tower leading on top of the wall, let's go!
Killer: Kid! You see that tower up there?
Cynix: yes!
Killer: wait there, we're on our way!
All 8: *heads to tower*
Redwolf: more bombers on their way!
All 8: *shoots*
All 8: *arrives at tower*
Redwolf: take down those snipers!
All 8: *shoots*
All 8: *arrives on top of tower*
Killer: You injured?
Cynix: no…
Killer: good, get behind!
Redwolf: turrets, get down!
Turrets shoot
Redwolf: disarm those turrets!
All 8: *shoots*
Turrets explode
Redwolf: you still got one more drone?
Killer: yes…
Killer: *releases drone*
Drone goes up
Redwolf: careful this time…
Drone flies to the end of the border
Killer: wait!
Killer: Black's at the end of the border!
Black: why the f*ck would I be with those weak f*cks when I could be with you!
Enemy2: guess you liked your new fate…
Black: I've been planning for this company to be with ISIS, Spetzsnaz, or African Militia…
Enemy2: well we got one of 'em…
Black: Spetzsnaz?
Enemy2: first guess, how did you know?
Black: just a hunch…
Killer: what the hell?
Black: in fact, I have a plan…
Black: but we gotta cut of surveillance…
Black: *shoots at drone*
Killer: f*ck
Redwolf: Requesting LZ at 32.535333, -117.113801!
Pilot: rog'
Redwolf: keep all of 'em out of the LZ!
All 8: *shoots*
Chopper flies up
All 8: *shoots*
Choppers collapses
Chopper explodes
Border collapses
Redwolf: one of the sides down!
Redwlf: still need to be guarded…
Chopper collapses
Chopper explodes
Wall behind the team collapses
Killer: *falls*
Redwolf: *hold Killer's Arm*
Redwolf: hold on!
Plane lands
Killer: *gets up*
All 9: *enters plane*
Killer: take this kid home, the situation is a DEFCON 4!
Plane takes off
Enemy choppers show up
All 8: *shoots*
Choppers fly by
Chopper shoots at turbine
Chopper makes panel
Redwolf: shred them!
All 8: *shoots*
Chopper collapses
Door closes
Plane turns at a 90-degree right side
Choppers show up
All 8: *shoots*
Enemy rappels down via rope
All 8: *shoots*
Choppers head off
Plane land at the other side of the border
All 8: *climbs on top of plane*
Redwolf: I don't see him!
Killer: there!
Killer: he's heading to Mexico!
Missile hits border
Killer: shit!
Enemies rush to USA
Killer: Team 054, deal with those, we're gonna go after Black!
Plane takes off
Mirik: on it!
Team 079: *jumps off border*
Redwolf: kill 'em!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: catch up to Black!
Choppers show up
All 3: *shoots*
Chopper sinks
Ship show up
Redwolf: take down those MGs!
All 3: *shoots*
Boat crashes to ship
Redwolf: *breaches ship*
Redwolf: hostages! watch your fire!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: rush to B2!
Hostage1: Help!
Enemies show up
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
All 3: *rushes B1*
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: enemies coming from the surface!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
All 3: *rushes surface*
Redwolf: shoot 'em!
All 3: *shoots*
Choppers fly by
Redwolf: take over those MGs!
All 3: *shoots machinegun*
Choppers collapse
Choppers sink
Ship Enters a canal
Redwolf: enemy troops landing on the ship! Shoot 'em down!
All 2: *shoots*
Chopper shows up
Chopper shoots missile
Missile hits front of the ship
Ship stops
Enemies enter the ship
Geom-seok: *tries to get away*
Killer: not today!
Killer: *slides down ramp created by*
Enemies shoot
Killer: *SHOOTS*
Killer: *does a barrel roll on boat*
Killer: *stabs leg*
Knife doesn't penetrate
Geom-seok: *chuckles*
Geom-seok: you have to be the largest idiot I have ever seen…
Killer: f*ck
Geom-seok: I still haven't forgotten what you did to me in India…
Geom-seok: *kicks Killer*
Killer; *gets hit and lands on top of the boat*
Hunter: *punches pace*
Hunter: go now!
Killer: no!
Hunter: just go!
Killer: *enters back ship**
Hunter: *dodges punch*
Geom-seok: if there's only one way, it has to be this!
Geom-seok: *punches Hunter*
Hunter: *goes onto a nosebleed*
Killer: *shoots leg*
Geom-seok: you asshole!
Geom-seok: *shoots Rezzo*
Hunter: *on the brink of death*
Killer: no!
Hunter: go now!
Killer: *runs away*
Hunter: *dies via headshot*
Redwolf: we gotta go!
Killer: *runs to the first floor*
Boat gets out
Redwolf: we have to evacuate the ship!
Redwolf: missile's coming in!
All 2: *escapes ship*
Missile hits ship
All 2: *swims to shore*
All 2: *exhales*
Redwolf: where is Hunter…
Killer: K. I. A…
Redwolf: shit, we gotta find a new way…
Mirik's POV
Mirik: there's too many!
Neo: keep firing!
Neo: *gets radio contact*
Neo: it's Neo, how is it over there…
Redwolf: requesting backup!
Redwolf: we need backup!
Neo: what about those enemies?
Redwolf: f*ck them, we need backup!!
Neo: on our way!
Neo: *calls pilot*
Pilot: yes, sir what is it?
Neo: request all our men onto the border! At 26.056367, -97.183097!
Pilot: rog'
Pilot: however, ETAs going to be extended due to a turbine issue…
Neo: f*ck…
Neo: Mirik! Head to the main team! We will spy on you on the way!
Boat shows up
All 4: *shoots*
Neo: jump!
Mirik: *enters boat*
Mirik: *arrives to Team 079*
Killer: *lends out hand*
Mirik: *heads up*
Redwolf: Heads up, nearest city is Naranjos, 32.5km from us…
Redwolf: they would do an early attack from here…
Convoy drives by
Redwolf: convoy incoming!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: leave one!
All 3: *enters truck*
Killer: I got your six! you guys focus on the front side!
45 minutes later
Redwolf: they're setting up barricades!
Killer: *shoots*
RPG hits truck
Redwolf: evacuate the truck!
All 3: *evacuates truck*
Redwolf: move north!
Redwolf: MGs at the roof!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: tanks on the left side!
RPG hits team
Redwolf: get to the roof!
All 3: *arrives to roof*
All 3: *takes all RPG users out*
Redwolf: take the tanks down!
Redwolf: *heads to the left side*
Redwolf: take 'em all down!
All 3: *shoots*
Tank explodes
Tank2 Explodes
Tank3: *explodes*
Lasers show up
Enemies show up
Redwolf: shoot 'em down!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: Requesting LZ at 21.338490, -97.684277!
Pilot: rog'
More Enemies show up
All 3: *shoots*
Truck drives by a maniac
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: *puts Killer aside*
Truck drives by
Redwolf: last wave!
All 3: *shoots*
Plane lands
Redwolf: managed to recover the turbine?
Pilot: yes!
All 3: *enters plane*
Killer: is Cynix safe?
Pilot: yes, I dropped her off at the HQ!
Killer: good to know!
Plane lands back