Mission XV (Empowered Soul)

Redwolf: First we gather intel by his assistant…

Killer: name?

Redwolf: Merixin Zernov…

Redwolf: the one that made Geom-seok like this…

Redwolf: he's moving for Germany for an evac point…

Redwolf: whatever you do, just capture him, do not kill him, we need him for intel!

Plane goes under airplane

Mission Inspired from: (COD MW3 TURBULENCE)

Redwolf: open the hatch!

Killer; *opens hatch*

Redwolf: hijack all lighting controls, we're going dark…

Killer: *destroys all lighting controls*

Redwolf: Night vis active!

All 2: *enables night vision*

Redwolf: stay away from light rays, we don't want everyone ganging up on us…

All 2: *goes prone*

Enemy1: (Can someone at least repair all lighting controls to see what the hell's goin' on…) Может ли кто-нибудь хотя бы отремонтировать все элементы управления освещением, чтобы увидеть, что, черт возьми, творится…

Redwolf: take them down silently…

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: *scans plane*

Redwolf; Merixin is at the meeting room…

More enemies show up

Redwolf: take them down silently!

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: follow me…

More enemies show up

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: the lighting controls are about to be active soon, take these suits to camouflage ourselves…

All 2: *camouflages themselves*

Lighting controls become active

Redwolf: get to the meeting room!


Meixin: finally lighting controls are adjusted…

Merixin: now the meeting can occur…

Merixin: now my next idea is to kill all the G20 leaders…

Merixin: so the world is in shambles…

Merixin: so this company could rule the entire world…

Merixin: this is Order 66…

Merixin: At any time, this order could be released and the world is truly crippled…

Enemy2: Sir! I've checked the cameras; 2 intruders have entered the plane!

Merixin: hunt them down…

Redwolf: do not engage until I say so!

Redwolf: watch Merixin's six!

All 2: *gets behind Merixin*

Merixin: *heads to the engine room*

Merixin: I knew both of you are the intruders…

Redwolf: Sir! I don't know what are you talking about…

Merixin: I know, Redwolf…

Merixin: I'm actually on of your teammates…

Redwolf: what…

Merixin: I was hiding behind the shadows ever since you left…

Merixin: I rigged the plane so I could test you…

Merixin: you know what, I'm not actually the bad guy here, Captain Kyrvich…

Redwolf: what…

Merixin: I'm not Merixin…

Merixin: I'm actually your sergeant…

Redwolf: please tell me you're not that serious…

Merixin: it ain't a lie captain, im actally Sgt. Nevinx

Redwolf: but why did you plan to betray spetzsnaz?

Redwolf: after I was promoted to captain…

Sgt. Nevinx: I just want to tell that your still worth being a better leader…

Sgt. Nevinx: and you made me proud *detonates bomb*

Sgt. Nevinx: *exits plane and parachutes down*

Redwolf: shit!

Redwolf: we have to evacuate the plane!

Wind tries to pull the team

Redwolf: resist the wind!

Redwolf: move back to the controls!

Enemies show up

Enemies shoot while wind pulls the team…

Redwolf: ignore the enemies just focus up there!

Enemies destroy the wing

Plane steers over

Redwolf: we're getting close!

Killer: *opens hatch*

Wind pulls the team

Redwolf: shit!

All 2: *enables parachute*

Redwolf: land at the ship!

All 2: *lands at an unknown ship*

?: Identify yourself!

Killer: Woah, dude, friendly!

?: you don't seem to belong here…

Killer: shit dude!

Mirik: hold your fire boys…

Killer: Mirik?

Mirik: yep, those are my teammates, they get really reckless when they see an unknown…

Mirik: we are hunting down a clan named VK…

Killer: us too, one of them evacuated…

Mirik: damn, can you confirm it's location…

Killer: no…

Killer: he jumped off the plane whilst trying to interrogate him…

Mirik: tough luck…

Killer: good news is VIRUS clan got disbanded…

Killer: now we're making our way to Geom-seok

Mirik: ok…

Mirik: what's up…

Team 001: This is team 001, out ship has been compromised by the VK clan!

Mirik: shit! We're on our way!

Mirik: Control the ship to their position!

?: on it's way!

Redwolf: control those MGs on the side of the ship!

All 2: *controls MG*

Choppers fly by

Redwolf: mow 'em down!

All 6; *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Choppers drag on the ship

Guardian angel pulls Killer bback

Arcus: thank me later… *disappears*

Killer; close call…

Ship shows up

All 2: *readies to shoot*

Redwolf: hold your fire!

Team 001: *releases bridge*

All 6: *heads to the second ship*

Mirik: any info?

Team 001: no extra info, we left the area, because shits getting critical back there…

Mirik: shit!

Ships show up

Team 001: shit! They've found us!

Chopper shoots missile

Ship1 MGs get disabled

Redwolf: shoot them down!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: move forward!

All 6: *moves forward*

Arcus shows up

Arcus: grab some C4…

Killer: I need C4!

Redwolf: here! *passes C4*

Killer: thanks!

Arcus: *dives down*

Killer: *dives down*

Redwolf: what are you doing!?

Arcus: *arrives to submarine*

Arcus; *disappears*

Killer: *places C4*

Killer: *detonates C4*

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: *breaches missile room*

Killer: *shoots*

Missiles: 5

Redwolf: Killer, do you copy!

Killer: I'm here, I found a sub!

Redwolf: good to know! I'll tell you where to shoot!

Killer: I've got no time, water's leaking in here! Make it fast!

Redwolf: rog'

Redwolf: battleship incoming! On our six!

Killer: *shoots Missile*

Missiles: 4

Water gets ankle deep

Redwolf: enemy battleship on our left!

Killer: *shoots*

Battleship explodes

Missiles: 3

Water gets leg deep

Electricity sparks

Redwolf: hydrotanks on our right!

Killer: *shoots*

Missiles: 2

Water gets abdomen high

Redwolf: enemy battleship in front of us!

Killer: *shoots*

Water reach the neck deep

Killer: I can't hold on any longer!

Killer: I have to evacuate the sub!

Redwolf: rog'

Killer: *uses C4*

Killer: *evacuates submarine*

Arcus shows up

Arcus swims back to the ship

Killer swims back to the ship

Arcus disappears

Redwolf: *deploys rope*

Killer: *climbs up rope*

Killer: where to?

Redwolf: there's a missile from ISIS…

Redwolf: at the Antarctic Circle…

Redwolf: this time they're attacking 25 percent of South America…

Redwolf; more choppers incoming!

All 6: *shoots*

Choppers collapse

Choppers explode

Ship tips over

All 6: *slides down*

Killer: *climbs to MG*

Redwolf: keep firing!

All 6: *shoots*

Boat becomes stable

Chopper shoots missiles

Missiles break front part of the ship

All 6; *shoots*

Chopper collapses

Chopper explodes

Redwolf: do we still have more ghostriders on stock!

Pilot: only one managed to survive…

Pilot: are you sure to use it?

Redwolf: do it!

Redwolf: after all average salary now is a 100 billion…

Pilot: alright no need to show off…

Pilot: Ghostrider inbound…

Plane flies by

Redwolf: assist the ghostrider, that's the only one we have on stock!

?: *steers plane forward*

Enemy shoots

Redwolf: eliminate all the turrets!

All 6: *shoots*

Ship1 and 2 gets abandoned

Redwolf: rush onto these 2 ships for more cover!

All 6: *rushes to ship2*

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy throws smoke

Redwolf: they're rushing onto us!

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy tackles Killer

Killer: *tries to stab Enemy*

Enemy: *pulls hand aside and stabs Killer's leg*

Redwolf: Killer!

All 6: *gets flashbanged*

Arcus: at it again…

Arcus: you just can't stop living life on its edge…

Arcus: sometimes, you gotta be in the safezone *takes out hand*

Killer: *holds hand*

Killer: *wakes up with bruises*

Killer: *deflects hand*

Killer: *takes out knife*

Killer: *stabs neck*

Killer: *pulls out pin of grenade*

Killer: *pushes dead body*

Enemies rush*

Enemy explodes

Killer: *gets up*

Killer: *throws knife*

Killer: *exhales*

Killer: rush every ship, I want all of them EKIA!

All 6: *rushes all ships*

All 6: *shoots*

Missile hits Ship3

Ship4, 5, 6 are affected

Killer: woooo! B*tch!

Killer: *rushes ship7*

Redwolf: can you calm the f*ck down!

All 6: *shoots*

Ghostrider mows enemies down

Killer: *shoots*

Killer: *controls ship*

Ammo: 30

Killer: *breaks ship*

Killer: ETA cut in half baby! Woooooo!

Killer: agh…

Killer: damn!

Killer: I need bandages!

Redwolf: here…

Killer; *enables bandages*

Redwolf: I'll take over!

Killer: thanks…

Redwolf: what was going on in your head when you decided to rush!

Killer: I blacked out and saw Arcus…

Redwolf: Arcus is actually dead…

Killer: I know, he came back to try being my guardian angel…

Redwolf: damn…

Killer: everytime I held Arcus' hand, I felt power, I cant even control myself…

Killer: next thing you'd see me lookin' high as f*ck…

Redwolf: that's the point, you should at least control yourself…

Killer: Everytime I hold his hand all of the sudden I just want blood!

Killer: agh, my head hurts…

Redwolf: get some rest on this boat, trips gonna take 3 hours…

Killer: damn…

Killer: thank you Arcus, but at least make me control myself though, I almost died…

Arcus shows up

Arcus: that's just the side effects of full power, you don't have control…

Killer: at least tell me the side effects…

Arcus: must've forgotten…

Arcus disappears…

Redwolf: get comfy, last thing is to be awoken by ISIS members shooting at us…

Mirik: whatever…

Killer: *sighs* *in my head* the only question is, was I able to help him…

Killer: should I have saved him…

Killer: god, I'm overthinking…

Killer: *EXHALES*