Mission XVIII (Dark Skies)

Redwolf: alright, mission's happenin', I want you armed, we came to kill one guy!

Cynix: are you going to keep your promise?

Killer: I will…

Cynix: hope you came back alive, dad…

Killer: I will, just as they say, I live my life on edge!

Cynix: go kill him!

Redwolf: let's go!

Killer: I'll be back after a few hours!

Cynix: you will!

Killer: I will…

Redwolf: anytime now!

Killer: on my way!

Killer: *rushes to plane*


Redwolf: Starting from here, we should rush to the airport!

Truck drives by

Redwolf: *holds onto handlebar*

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: there's a gatling gun at the back, with 8 boxes of ammo! Shoot all of 'em at our 6!

Trucks show up

Killer: *shoots*

Bullets: 8000

Truck with Geom-seok shows up

Redwolf: shoot it down!

Killer: *shoots*

Truck bumps onto truck

Killer; *shoots driver*

Geom-seok: *gets down*

Geom-seok: *throws flashbang*

Killer; *gets flashed*

Geom-seok: *drives away*

Redwolf: move to the front!

Geom-seok: *shoots*

Redwolf; get down!

Geom-seok: *accelerates speed*

Killer: uh, I think we lost him!

Recon plane shows up

Sean: did you forget about me b*tches!

Redwolf: Sean? What are you doing here!

Sean: same reason, to assassinate that son to a b*tch!

Redwolf: anyway, we have to be first onto that airport, that's where he will initiate a second attack!

Sean: then I'll take over the driver's seat!

Sean: so, move aside, b*tch!

Redwolf: jeez!

All 2; *moves to the back part*

Sean: let's get this son of a b*tch done!

Sean: *speeds up*

All 2: *shoots*

Sean: assholes blockin' our way!

All 2: *shoots*

Blockage explodes

Truck drives by

Enemy tries to shoot Sean

Sean: shoot that d*ckhead down!

All 2: *shoots*

Redwolf: they're blocking the path!

Sean: f*ck it!

Sean: *drives through blockage*

Enemies show up

All 2; *shoots*

Sean: whooo! Yea b*tches!

More truck shows up

Sean: Kill those fatherless retards!

All 2: *shoots*

Sean: ratatata motherf*ckers!

All 3: *shoots*

Sean: if it's only to assist you I'm shooting a goddamn SMG with one hand!

Truck shows up

All 3: *shoots*

Sean: Chad power b*tches!

More trucks show up

All 3: *shoots*

Sean: ka-boom!

Blockage shows up

Sean: burn 'em!

All 3: *shoots*

Sean: MG fatherless loser on left!

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy shoots RPG


Sean: *still continues driving*

Redwolf; I think we have to evacuate the truck!

Sean: not until we reach the goddamn airport!

All 3: *shoots*

Sean: we're close, just hold on!

Truck drives by

All 3; *shoots*

RPG hits truck

Sean: For f*cks sake!

Redwolf: we have to leg it to the airport!

More enemies show up

All 3: *shoots*

Trucks show up

Redwolf: convoy incoming!


Vehicles explode

All 3: *arrives at the airport*

Truck arrives onto airport

Truck hits airport

Civilian scream

Killer: shit!

All 3; *shoots*

Redwolf' convoy incoming!

All 3: *shoots*

Truck piece flies by

Killer: is he even here yet?

Truck arrives

Redwolf: move inside!

Policemen shows up

All 3: *enters airport*

Truck arrives

All 3: *looks behind*

Geom-seok: transport all of our men to my position!

Enemy1: roger that!

Redwolf: shit!

Geom-seok: let's play!

Geom-seok: *enables armor*

Redwolf: shoot it down!

All 3; *shoots*

Geom-seok: *shoots RPG*

Civilians scream

All 3; *shoots*

Redwolf: shoot down the hinges, that's their weak spot!

All 3; *shoots down Hinge1*

Hinge breaks

Geom-seok: agh!

Geom-seok: *flies up jetpacks*

Geom-seok: *shoots miniguns*

Redwolf; get behind!

Miniguns run out of ammo

Geom-seok: *disables jetpacks*

Redwolf: he's available, shoot it down!

All 3: *shoots*

Hinge2 Breaks

Geom-seok: you little shits!

Geom-seok: *enables blades*

Geom-seok: *thrusts onto the team*

Sean: agh!

Sean: kill that son of a b*tch!

All 3: *shoots*

Geom-seok; *shoots grenade launchers*

Grenade launchers run out of ammo

All 3: *shoots*

Hinge3 breaks

Geom-seok: I will not let you kill me!

Geom-seok: aaagh!

Geom-seok: *shoots homing missiles*

Homing missile break cover!

Redwolf: cover's blown, move right!

All 3; *finds cover*

Geom-seok: *thrusts forward*

All 3; *shoots*

Hinge4 breaks

Redwolf; his armor's broken! Do not lose him!

Geom-seok: *moves to airplane*

Redwolf: follow him!

All 3: *follows Geom-seok*

All 3: *enters airplane*

Airplane takes off

Sean: where the f*ck is he?

Terrorists show up

Civilians scream

Geom-seok: *hacks onto screens*

Geom-seok: man, man you have the balls to come and fight me, but I believe it's the end of the reign for you…

Geom-seok: so how about enjoy this flight while dying!

Broadcast ends

Redwolf: we have to locate Geom-seok!

Terrorists shoot

Terrorist1: this plane is ours!

Redwolf: fry 'em up!

All 3: *shoots*

Plane turns over

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: head to the pilot for an emergency landing!

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *arrives to the pilot's room*

Enemies throw frag grenade

Grenade explodes

Killer: shit!

All 3: *falls back*

Airplane stops spinning

All 3: *falls*

More terrorists show up

All 3; *shoots*

Geom-seok shows up

Redwolf: kill him!

Plane spins

More terrorists show up

All 3: *shoots*

Killer: *rushes Geom-seok*

Geom-seok: *throws smoke*

Geom-seok: *knocks Killer back*

Killer; *readies weapon*

Geom-seok: *pushes gun aside*

Geom-seok; *punches Killer*

Plane stops spinning

Geom-seok; I've got a bomb to detonate!

Geom-seok: *throws smoke*

Geom-seok: *goes away*

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: head to the boiler room!

More terrorists show up

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *arrives to the boiler room*

Redwolf: I'm going to disable all data on all of the bombs!

Redwolf: watch my 6!

Geom-seok: *tackles Killer from behind*

Geom-seok: you just won't leave me alone!

Geom-seok: *throws flashbang*

Arcus: well, you didn't take my word, huh…

Arcus: maybe just calm your mind…

Arcus: *disappears*

Killer; *pushes fist*

Killer: *pushes Geom-seok*

Killer: *scars Geom-seok*

Hypnosis wears off

Geom-seok: why am I fighting you?

Evil self: you're worthless without me!

Geom-seok: shut up!

Killer; *pushes Geom-seok*

Evil self: just trust me, you will have a brighter future without them!

Geom-seok: *gets possessed*

Redwolf: all of the file are purged! Let's go!

Redwolf: *escapes boiler room*

More terrorists show up

All 3: *shoots*

Plane spins around

All 3: *shoots*

Luggage falls

All 3: *shoots*

Redwolf: *opens luggage*

Luggage has grenades

Redwolf: throw this luggage and shoot it down!

Killer: *throws luggage*

Killer: *shoots*

Grenades explode

Masks drop

All items fall onto the gap

All 3: *holds onto a passenger seat*

Terrorists shoots

All 3: *shoots*

Geom-seok: *punches Killer*

Killer; *falls onto second seat*

Terrorists shoots

All 3: *SHOOTS*

Enemy throws grenade

Gap gets larger

All 3: *shoots*

Geom-seok: *punches Killer*

Killer; *falls onto third seat*

All 3: *shoots*

Enemy throws grenade

Gap gets larger

All 3: *shoots*

Killer: *falls onto gap*

Redwolf: no!

Geom-seok: *falls onto gap*

Both activates parachute

Geom-seok: well, I guess it's time for a final standoff…

Geom-seok: I betrayed the HQ for better, you had to downgrade me by killing my leader!

Geom-seok: let's just end this for once…

(Shoot down these 4 hinges)

Killer: *shoots string1*

String1 cuts off

Geom-seok: *throws knife*

Killer: *dodges knife*

Killer: *shoots string2*

Geom-seok: you just cant wait to kill me…

Loses hypnosis

Geom-seok: kill me!

Geom-seok: just kill me!

Geom-seok: there's no point for living!

Evil self: no!

Evil self: *throws knife*

Killer: *dodges knife*

Killer: *shoots string2 and string3*

Both strings get de-attached

Geom-seok: it's okay, I've been evil for awhile now, just end it all!

Killer: *shoots last string*

Last string gets de-attached

Geom-seok: goodbye, legend, I'll see you in the other side!

Geom-seok: *falls*

All 3: *falls onto gap*

Plane explodes

Redwolf: it's over now!

Killer: with war, comes with sacrifice…

Redwolf: let's go, we have to evacuate this area!

Sean: you got some big balls when you killed him…

Killer: thanks…

Killer: *glad it's over*

Arcus: you surprise me, legend, you are the best for sure…

Killer: thanks…

Arcus: *disappears*


7 years later

Reinx: *casually chills at tower bridge*

Cynix: Reinx!

Reinx: Cynix?

Both: *hugs*

Renix: reunited!

Cynix: hey, I've got something I could let go, Reinx!

Reinx: what is it Cynix?

Cynix: come closer…

Reinx: *goes close*

Cynix: you deserve it ever since 7 years ago…

Reinx: huh?

Cynix: *kisses Reinx*

Cynix: thank you…