chapter -1

Icy fingers grasped my arm in the darkness.

Sabina sat erect, chest heaving up and down, breathing heavily, extending her hand to the nightstand she caught the bottle. She swallowed every sip of it with her cold, trembling hands. Keeping the bottle aside, closing her eyes forgetting the darkest dream.

Glancing at the clock, I it showed 6.15 am. Keeping her legs on the cold floor, she started walking to the wardrobe, gulping nervously.

She squatted down slowly as she knelt in front of the wardrobe. Cold sweat began trickling from her forehead .she kept her hands on the cold floor, as she pushed her hand furthermore under the wardrobe.

Taking out a key, she took it nearer to her chest calming herself down. Grasping the key tightly, she went to Xael's room. Climbing the stairs slowly. She slowly opened Xael's room and made sure that her daughter is not awake yet.

She proceeded to Xael's closet as she went up on a chair and peeped above the wardrobe. She then grabbed a suitcase that was above her wardrobe as she made her way to her room.

After reaching her room successfully without any noise she sighed and kept the suitcase along with the key under the bed. A dark aura enclosed the suitcase. She instantly got up and steered to the bathroom.


           Now there she was, Xael combing her silky blonde hair, making sure her bangs are in their place she led downstairs. Sitting in the dining and patiently waiting for her mom. Sabina came with two plates served with sandwiches and she placed them on the table.

The younger girl cheerfully took the plate and began digging. Sabina sat aside from her and did the same. As soon as they were done, Sabina eased her hair as she wore a long brown coat. Doing the same to her daughter, she interlocked her fingers with Xael as they led the way to the car.

Wearing the seatbelt for Xael, she halted for an instant when she couldn't reach her seatbelt, frowning she incautiously looked at the back mirror, and there she was sweating as she sensed the dark aura again. Starting the car immediately without wearing the seat belt she headed to Xael's school.

As they got down from the car, Sabina embraced her 12-year-old daughter and caressed her hair gently "Study well" Sabina said like always.  The younger girl nodded.

"Mom, as tomorrow is my birthday, did you prepare any gifts? " The younger girl asked with a longing that was visible in her eyes. Sabina just shook her head as a no. The younger girl dropped her head low as she nodded and proceeded inside her school.

After taking a few steps ahead of the school gate, Xael turned to her mom

"You don't have to pick me up, I'll hang out with my friends and I'll be late," she let out with a cold voice as she strolled to her class with heavy steps. A sigh evaded from Sabina's lips as she headed to work.


                     The clock gave a "ding" sound as the time was 7.00 pm. Sabina was sitting in her bed staring at nothing. Minutes passed as she was thinking deeply about "her".  In her mind, there was a war going on between something.

Finally, she was determined as she stood from the mattress and squatted and dragged out the suitcase. Setting it on the bed she stretched out her hand to the butterfly-shaped key. She inserted the key in the hole. Gliding it slowly through the hole. She halted when she couldn't move further. Twisting the key to the right. The suitcase opened.

Pulling the key out and placing it near the suitcase,  she opened the suitcase with her eyes shut tight. After opening it fully she opened her eyelids slowly. She outlined her fingers through the stuff which were inside, a heavy wind blew through the window, and her hair spruced up when the cold wind grazed her skin. Her shoulders thrust up feeling the cold. She went to the window and shut it.

She tugged the curtains and that's when her daughter's voice echoed into the room. Sabina turned around and saw her daughter. Her hair was messed and her clothes were a little dirty. Xael put her school bag down and took slow steps to her mom she slid her hands to her mom's waist and clutched onto her tightly. Sabina bought her hand to her hair and caressed them. " Sorry for how I behaved in the morning Mom, in the end of the day it's always you who are with me, then," she said as warm tears made Sabina's fabric wet . "shhh, that's fine," said the older one as she stroked Xael's hair.

Pulling away from the hug Sabina traced her fingers on her daughter's wet tears on her cheek. " You know that Marc doesn't like it when you cry right? Sabina said as she caressed her daughter's cheek. The younger one nodded immediately as she wiped her tears. " I miss him" the younger girl whispered against her sobs. " I miss him too, " Sabina said as she hugged the younger one again, but this time more tightly than before.

Making Xael sit on the bed, Sabina took a photo of a boy who seemed to be a teen from the nightstand. " Why did you leave us hm? you know how much your sister misses you?" Sabina said as she hugged the photo tight against her chest. " Mom?" Said  Xael with a questionable voice. " Yes dear," Sabina said as she kept the photo back in its place she turned to her daughter. " Who's is this " the younger girl lifted a flute from the suitcase with was on the bed.

Sabina widened her eyes as she immediately snatched the flute from her daughter. " It's ... No one's, "she said nervously. " But mom I like that .....can I have it? " The younger girl asked her mom with those same doe eyes which were irresistible "You can't have it, baby," Sabina said while her eyes travelled to the old flute. "Mom, please at least can you give this as a birthday present for me? the younger girl pleaded as tears formed in her eyes.

Sabina thought for a moment as she nodded hesitantly and handed the flute to Xael. Xael squealed in happiness as she got the flute in her hands. "Thank you, Mom," she said as she hugged her mom tightly. Suddenly Sabina shut her eyes tight. The left side head started to ache badly. Sensing something wrong with her mom, Xael immediately pulled away from the hug and looked at her mother worriedly.

Sabina kept her hands on her head as she pressed them trying to reduce the pain.  "Mom what's wrong, " asked Xael with widened eyes. soon Sabina calmed down as she kept her hand on her chest and breathed heavily . " nothing it's just a headache " said her mom. "I already had my dinner with my friends so I'm going to sleep, don't forget to have your medicines," said Xael as she went to her room. Sabina smiled thinking how caring her daughter was.

she already lost her appetite so she decided to have a cup of milk. after having milk and the medicines as she lay on the bed "Why are you still not gone" she whispered to herself as she closed her eyes and went to dreamland.  meanwhile, Xael was having a bath as she hummed her favourite song (I like me better by Lauv) as was humming, and some strange music was playing behind.

sensing the music running in the background she immediately stopped singing but the music didn't stop. soon she realized the music was coming from a flute. frowning she wore a baby pink robe as she came outside the bathroom. She sensed the music was coming from her room. she immediately headed to her room.

as soon as she stepped into the room, the music stopped. the young girl stood in confusion. She shrugged it off as she went to her closet and wore comfy clothes as she jumped to bed. soon her eyes fell on the flute which she got from her mom a while ago. smiling a little, she went and took the flute. keeping the front part in her mouth she started blowing. but only the air flew from the holes, no music came. after trying it multiple times, she sighed, accepting her defeat.

she threw the flute getting irritated which rolled under the bed. feeling sleepy she went to her bed she lay, but soon she felt the bed sink to the other side of the bed. She turned her head to the other side of the bed and saw no one. frowning a little she thought it was just an illusion and turned back. soon she felt something cold hugging her.

shrugging her shoulder she pulled up the blanket. but still, she felt cold. she felt like ice was hugging her. but she didn't feel anything for long because she had slept already...