Sara exclaimed as she got up from the bed .               " I just gave it a thought and yeah I of course need a break "

Blair replied as she kept her bag on her table . " finally,"

Sara sighed as she let herself fall on the soft mattress .

" the doctor will be in an hour so cover yourself up , I will take a shower and come " Blair said as she went to the bathroom .

" Pretending to be a human is really tough " Sara said as her lips formed into a small cute pout . Whining like a small kid she again laid on the bed .

                   "didn't you get ready yet?! , its been half an hour already , now drag your lazy ass and get ready "

Blair scolded the young girl who was playing video games .

"don't call me lazy "

Sara said and within a fraction of second she got ready and stood in front of Blair .

" aah , I sometimes forget you are not a human and you are still lazy "

Blair spat out and gathered her hair to a ponytail .

" what did you tell?!"

Sara exclaimed as she threw a pillow at Blair . " dare to pillow fight me huh?"

Blair said as she threw the pillow back to Sara . 

                     " she is doing good ! "

the doctor said as he checked MS . Glinda .

"and may I have a minute with you Ms. Blair Davis ?"

" just Blair "

Blair said and followed him .

" so what would you like to tell me dr. brown ?"

" its just I thought it would be better if I talked about it alone "

dr. brown said as Blair gave a nod indicating him to continue .

" its just that your mom is doing really good but still there is something which is still a lack of her happiness and only she knows what that is "

" and what can we do to find out ?"

Blair asked .

" we cant find it out but we can do something else , just spend time with her , take her to the nearby parks and make her smile at most the whole day "

dr. brown said with consent .

" thank you doctor , we will try our best "

Blair assured him making his lips curve up to a smile .

" no need of thanks , I will be taking my leave now "

dr. brown bowed and left the place . 

" what did he tell ?"

Sara asked curiously peeping through the living room .

" nothing , I will be back you go to our room and change to comfortable clothes".

Sara didn't protest back as she did what she was told . Blair went to her mom as she sat in her bed .

"how are  you feeling now mom?

" Blair asked as she caressed her hand .

" I m fine dear , you don't have to worry about me , go and enjoy your trip hm?"

her mom said her giving an assuring smile .

" wait , how did you know I m going to the trip ?"

Blair asked a bit shocked .

" Sara told me about it "

Blair sighed as she gave  a sweet smile and pecked her mom's forehead .

" sleep well ,its already late , ill be going now " Blair told as she got upstairs .

"she already slept huh"

Blair mumbled as she saw Sara lying on the bed sleeping peacefully. She went to the bed as she covered the blanket properly on Sara . She took her diary and pen and went to the rooftop .

Sitting down she stretched her legs and hands . She bought her knees close to her chest and hugged them tightly . She closed her eyes feeling the cold wind brushing her skin immediately calming her down .

After a few minutes of comfortable silence she decided to start writing her diary . Minutes passed as Blair completed writing it

" I hope life can peaceful like hope it is now"

she wrote the last sentence as she closed the diary . Just then she noticed the presence beside her .

"weren't you sleeping a while ago "

Blair asked giving Sara a teasing smile .

"and you believed that I was sleeping huh?" Sara replied giving the same teasing smile . Blair chuckled as she laid her head on the younger girl  .


Sara called her in a questioning voice . "what's the matter ?"

" can you play " eyes closed "?"

Sara asked as she pouted cutely   even though Blair couldn't see it .

" aah I m so lazy , I will play some other time , I have to climb the stairs again for taking my 'boo' (boo is her guitars name ) .

Blair suddenly felt her head falling to the ground as within a speed of light Sara was with guitar standing in front of Blair having a huge grin on her  face . Blair chucked as she was now used to the vampire things .

She got the guitar from her sister's hand as Sara sat beside her waiting for her to start playing .  She got the guitar as she brushed her fingers through the strings .

"I, I know where to lay , I know what to say , It's all the same..."

she started with her lips and fingers along with the rhythm . 

                  " Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you , But you've been replaced , I'm face to face with someone new"

she completed as she earned a cute and soft claps from the young girl .

" that song always seems calming when you play ".

Sara said as she looked fondly into Blair's eyes . Blair chuckled teasingly .

"I had sang it over a million times , for you " Blair said as she placed the guitar aside carefully . 

"its not boring at all , I will be missing you for the next few days "

Sara whispered as she gazed at the stars .

" I'll miss you both too "

Blair smiled softly as her eyes were stuck on the night sky ...