chapter -13

Why is it so murky here? Did I come to hell? Shit, my eyes are closed right.

Blair came back to her senses. she fluttered her eyes as soon as the sunlight invited her. After a few minutes of comfortable calmness, Blair flickered her eyes finally

adapting to the bright rays, shutting her eyes once again she recollected what happened before she collapsed.

"No way" Blair muttered as she shot her eyes open and sat up straight. And that's when she noticed Liam's presence beside her. He was slumbering like a baby. His head lay upon his folded hands that were placed on the bed.

The sun's rays kissed his face as his eyelashes rested against his cheekbones. His perfect-shaped Lips were moist even when he was asleep. Blair was lost.

she slightly removed his bangs which hid his eyebrows. Tucking his hair behind his ears. Blair sat comfortably on the bed as she had a full view of his face. Her lips were dancing upwards as an unknown feeling assembled in the pit of her stomach. He was a lot familiar.

It was like Blair knew him for a long time. She carefully placed her hand on his hair and flapped it gently.

"soft" she mumbled, something caught her eye near his earlobe.

She was about the move the hair when the door screeched open.















