Math Competition

Victoria's POV

"Good morning, Victory!" Tim greeted me with a broad smile showing his perfect white teeth, and I gave him one of my sweetest smiles.

"Good morning, Tim. It is so nice to see you early this morning!" I said, and he blushed right away, and I couldn't stop myself from giggling. As I tried to flirt with him, I avoided looking at the back to ensure my heart was safe since I didn't want to be distracted by Oliver's presence today. Not only that, I am hurt that he became showy with his personal relationship with Keisha, and I know I don't have any right to feel jealous because we have been enemies ever since the first day he arrived on our campus.

And I couldn't stop myself from feeling so angry and devastated with him when I remember his words telling me he was willing to give me a kissing tutorial. Since I didn't want to be a loser in everything, I got the courage to walk closer to Tim.

I was staring into his beautiful eyes, and I could tell he was swallowing his saliva, and he was trembling, and I only stopped when we were an inch from each other, and I could almost hear the loud pounding of his heart against his chest.

"You've got to relax a little, Tim, since I will not bite you. I want you to put your hands on my waist." I whispered in his ear as I stood on my feet, and I am glad he leaned forward so I could whisper on his ear since Tim was towering over me. And I could see how his face turned bright red, and I felt relieved he followed my instructions because I felt him loosen up a little as he put his warm hands on my tiny waist.

"Am I a bad kisser, Tim?" I asked, trying to sound as seductive as possible, and I made sure my voice was loud enough to make all our classmates hear what I was saying. And they all fell silent as they waited for Tim's reply.

"Are you kidding me? You are a hell of a kisser, Victoria, and I am proud to say the kiss I shared with you was the best kiss I have ever experienced." He said, and my smile broadened.

"Do I need some kissing tutorial, Tim?" I asked, and he shook his head immediately.

"You don't need any tutorials, Victoria, and I think it is better to talk a private matter when we are alone, not here when everyone can hear us." He said as he pulled me closer to him, and I made my act more believable by giggling, and I tried to look upon the ceiling as I laughed, making it likely that I was having the best conversation with the hot quarterback.

I got back on my chair feeling so triumphant, and I felt so glad the moment I sat down on my armchair, our teacher arrived. And I was smiling like an idiot as I listened to her discuss our lesson for the day, and I was back to my old self.

Before our math teacher could finish the question, my hand was already in the air, and I could tell right away someone was also raising a hand since our teacher kept looking at the back. And I could tell she was having a hard time deciding whom she wanted to call to answer the question on the board, and she ended calling me three times in a row.

Then she stopped calling me, and she focused her attention on Oliver Prize, and I wouldn't say I liked that our teacher was calling him successively, and he was able to answer all the questions our teacher threw at him. When our math teacher said we could go or study for our next subject of the day, I wondered why she had to dismiss us ahead of time.

When our math teacher called Oliver and me to stay behind after letting our other classmates go, I suddenly felt worried if she noticed that we were competing to the extent that we were throwing hurtful words at each other, even if Oliver is still new in our campus.

"Oliver and Victory, do you know why I asked you to stay behind?" She asked, and I shook my head while Oliver answered no.

"I am so happy that I have two brilliant students now in my class, and it seemed to me, you both love this subject, and I could say you were made perfect for each other." She said, and I saw out of the corner of my eye, Oliver scowled, and I felt a pang on my chest, and my face hardened when I saw his reaction after our teacher told us we were made for each other.

"Without due respect, Maam, Victoria and I would never get along, and it is funny if you will say it that way since we can't stand to be near each other." He said, and I became angrier with him. But our teacher's reaction made me feel so confused.

"I don't think that is the case, Mr. Prize, sometimes there are certain emotions we can't fully understand, and it would be too late for us to realize that we let the most beautiful thing slip from our hands." She said, and I raised my eyebrow while she smiled at us.

"By the way, I called your attention because of the upcoming Mathematics Inter-School Competition to be held two weeks from now. And since you are both excellent in math, I wanted to tell you that I chose you to be our representatives." Our teacher declared while I was speechless since I didn't want to deal with Oliver, especially this time.

"I don't need to worry about your performance because I know you can nail it, but I think you should find time to brainstorm with each other during your spare time because it would be nice if you would get along." She said.

"Don't worry, Ma'am, I will be there during the competition; tell me where the venue is and the time of the event. And I will make sure we will win. But we don't need to study together, since I am always busy during breaks and after class." Oliver said as he smiled at our teacher.

"And we don't need to talk about it either." He added and walked out of the room without taking a second glance.

"Why did our math teacher call you and Oliver?" Lana asked the moment I sat beside her for our second period, and I wouldn't say I liked the idea that I would be entering the contest with him because I hated him so much, but I am sure I am feeling this way because he ignored me.

"I couldn't believe our teacher would pair me with Oliver for the upcoming inter-school mathematics competition," I said, and I couldn't read Lana's expression on her face.

"I don't know what to say, Victoria; I know you can win the competition alone. Why do you need to be with Oliver?" She asked.

"Exactly, and I don't know why Ms. Danes need to tandem me with my favorite student at this academy," I responded sarcastically.

"Well, maybe something good can happen during the competition." Lana declared.

"Don't make me laugh, Lan. If we talk about Oliver Prize, we both know nothing good will happen when he is involved. I will tell our math teacher later that I wanted to back out; maybe she can find someone else as my replacement." I replied.

"Well, Ms. Danes chose you and Oliver because she knew there is a big chance you can bring home the medals." My best friend said, and I was about to answer her when I saw Keisha and Oliver get inside our room holding hands with each other.

I couldn't stop myself from getting hurt again, and my face darkened as I turned to face the board. I am just glad our English teacher came and asked us to get a piece of paper for our quiz, or else I would be spending my entire second period thinking of a way how to get back at Oliver for hurting my heart and my ego.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat at the cafeteria again, Victoria?" Lana asked when I told her I would like to have lunch at a nearby restaurant after our last class in the morning, and she complained while she was walking beside me going to the parking lot.

"I'd rather eat outside campus than dine at the academy's cafeteria and see my mortal enemy, Lana. I loathe Oliver, and I think I don't find him attracted anymore. He is annoying. Who does he think he is?" I asked as I tried to control my voice as I got inside Lana's car. And I felt delighted even if she protested eating outside campus; Lana is still willing to drive me to my favorite place.

"Well, Oliver is handsome, attractive, a magnet to all the girls. And I know why you feel that way, Victoria; you wanted him to give you even a little attention coming from him." My best friend responded, and I scowled at her.

"Of course not," I replied in a stern voice.

"The expression on your face contradicts your words, Victoria." She said. I know she was right, but I don't want my friend to pity me.

I am aware that the food in front of me was flavorful, but I wonder why it tasted bland in my mouth. Lana was having fun eating our lunch while I only ate a little, and I felt so drained even if I didn't do anything. And I can't deny I felt like this because of Oliver, and how I wish I could stop myself from thinking about his handsome face.

But I know whatever I do, there is no way to stop my heart from feeling this way, and I couldn't believe that now that I am experiencing these kinds of emotions, it happens to be with the one I hate, and I can never get along. And I wonder why I can't feel anything towards the other boys on campus, like Tim, but instead, I like someone arrogant and insensitive, like Oliver.

Another day was over, and I couldn't believe that my driver texted me he couldn't pick me up, and Lana had already left the school ground, so I didn't have a choice but to commute home. And as I was sitting at the waiting shed waiting for the next bus, I was shocked when a big bike came to a halt in front of me. When the driver removed his helmet, I was shocked to find Oliver Prize looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face, and without saying a word, he handed me a helmet.