Better Late Than Never

Victoria's POV

"I have never seen your dad that angry before. Are you alright?" Lana asked.

"Did Declan hurt you?" Lana added another question before I had the chance to answer the first one.

"I am fine, and so far, I haven't been hurt by Declan; he almost hit me unintentionally the last time when he fought with Oliver; besides, Declan is sweet to me; I don't think he can hurt me. And I don't know why my dad is angry with him. But my mom told me Declan's dad was her ex-boyfriend." I responded, and my best friend's eyes got so big, and I wanted to laugh at the expression on her face.

"Oh, no, that could be something from the past; maybe Declan's father had done something terrible to your mom, Victoria." My best friend said, and I looked at her in the eyes since she was sitting across from me in the library, and I felt delighted we found a seat as far away from the librarian; I felt thankful I had only seen a few students at this hour.