
Victoria's POV

"You!" I said the moment I met Oliver's friend, and I couldn't believe he was the doctor who helped Wolfe and me when the black wolf almost attacked me at the Park, and if not for Oliver's pet, I would end up like Tim.

"Yes, it is me. Nice meeting you again, Victoria," He responded, and I am still shocked that they are friends, and I wonder why he didn't tell me about Oliver. Because if they are close, I am sure Oliver already informed him he was staying in our mansion.

"Hello, Zane; nice meeting you," I responded.

"Are you a licensed veterinarian ?" I asked since I could no longer stop being curious, and I could hear Zane's laughter echoing the entire place.

"Of course I am," He responded, and I felt so ashamed when he fished out his license from his wallet and showed it to me.

"I am sorry, you looked so young to become a vet, and I thought you have the same age as Oliver." I declared.