Rankings for Heroes and Villains.

Hero Ranks.

0-Star. - Disciple

1-Star. - Amateur Hero

2-Star. - Average Hero

3-Star. - Semi Pro Hero.

4-Star. - Pro Hero.

5-Star. - Elite Hero.

6-Star. - Super Elite Hero.

7-Star. - Strong Hero.

8-Star. - Very Strong Hero.

9-Star. - Extremely Strong Hero.

10-Star. - Superhero

Super-Star. - Legendary Superhero

Hero-Star. - Savior of the Country

Champion-Star. - Savior of the Continent

Legend-Star. - Savior of the World

God-Star - ???

Villain Ranks.

0-Moon. - Thug

1-Moon. - Ordinary Thief

2-Moon. - Strong Thief.

3-Moon. - Murderer

4-Moon. - Mass Murderer.

5-Moon. - Serial Killer.

6-Moon. - Feared Villain

7-Moon. - Dangerous

8-Moon. - Very Dangerous

9-Moon. - Extremely Dangerous

10-Moon. - Supervillain

Disaster-Moon. - Legendary Supervillain

Calamity-Moon. - Country Destroyer

Demon-Moon. - Continent Destroyer

Death-Moon. - Destroyer of World.

God-Moon - ???