Chapter 3: I'm the BAD guy

A dark and lonely place speaking to an entity with a taunting nature.

[Important notes] I used a Trigadasleng translator for and Trig I didn't know. Words and sentences in square brackets [] are translations.


Every false God: Let there be light!

Light: Yeah, nuh uh. Nope!



All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world

But I only have two hands

-Wake Me Up by Avicii


A dark and lonely place speaking to an entity with a taunting nature. 

"Chon yu bilaik?" [Who are you?]

"I am Clarke of the sky people--"

"Wrong sleng, klark." [Wrong language, Clarke]

Her eyes opened - although she never remembered closing them in the first place - and she sucked in a breath before starting again. "Ai laik Klark kom skai kru, maun slayer--" [I am Clarke of the sky people, mountain slayer--]

"Ripa." [Murderer]

She hesitated but carried on."Princess gon the Ark, survivor gon Praimfaya." [Princess of the ark, survivor of Praimfaya]

The darkness swept around her whispering its little demons in her ear. "Heda," [Commander] the voice sneered, "No..." it chuckled. "KWIN gon wamplei." [QUEEN of death]

"Ai laik nou Wanheda." [I am not Wanheda]

The darkness slipped away from her back and chuckled. "Yu're right, yu laik nou Wanheda. Wanheda was nowe another raunon. Wanheda ste a part gon yu. An ugly part." [You're right, you are not Wanheda. Wanheda was never another person. Wanheda is a part of you. An ugly part.]

Clarke opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Yu laik nou skai kru. Yu laik nou space kru. Yu laik nou tri kru." [You are not skai kru. You are not space kru. You are not tri kru] The voice grew deeper, darker and angrier. "Chit laik yu! Chon yu bilaik!" [What are you! Who are you!]

"Ai nou know!" [I don't know!] Her voice had come back, but broken. Broken and bruised. Frustrated and angry. "Ai nou know chon ai laik." [I don't know who I am.]

The darkness swirled around gaining momentum before stopping abruptly and returning back to her side. She felt it tickle the side of her neck before it disappeared with one final "Pathetic" leaving her in an empty space with only her and her alone.

She didn't know what to feel. Frustration? Irritation? Loneliness? 

Where was she? 

It was dark and scary. And cold. 

Her head turned at the smell of smoke and for the first time since...however long she'd been there, she saw the red and orange wisps of fire.

She knew it was stupid and could probably get her killed, but at this point she didn't really care and her legs had started moving on their own. 

The strange thing is that when she got there, the smoke didn't fill her lungs like they were supposed to. And the fire didn't burn.

She could only watch as it ate up a chunk of metal. But then it got her thinking.

Could fire eat metal? Would it not melt it? 

Then the flames burst replaced with screams and her eyes went wide.

She knew this.

This was a memory. 

She watched as the grounders screamed and the foul stench of burning skin filled the air. 

Then all went silent and the dropship door stuttered open.

(I can't remember if the fire was reddish orange or not in this scene or exactly how this scene went so I just rolled with it)

Then a hand touched her shoulder and she turned around but met no one.

"Jus drein jus daun." [Blood must have blood]

Her eyes narrowed. "Jus nou drein jus daun!" [Blood must not have blood!]

"Ste bilaik chit yu thought when yu put the chip in emerson's head?" [Is that what you thought when you put the chip in Emerson's head?]

"He-Em deserved em!" [He deserved it!]

"Ste bilaik chit yu'll say when Belomi bleeds by your--" [Is that what you'll say when Bellamy bleeds by your--] the voice paused.

"What do you mean. Carry on! What's going to happen to Bellamy!" She panicked forgetting all about the rule.

"Wrong sleng, Kla--" [Wrong language, Cla--]

"Tell me about Bellamy!" She grabbed at thin air. "Tell me!" 

The darkness formed a cloak around her obscuring her view of the fire. "Yu nou order me raun Klark." [You do not order me around Clarke.]

"Who ARE you!" 

The air shifted and she felt the adrenaline rush in her bones and her stance change involuntarily screaming at her to run. But her feet were rooted.

"Ai'm ugly." [I'm ugly] The voice shuddered before laughing. "Ai'm ruined." [I'm ruined.] The laugh broke off with an ear-shattering screech. "Ai'm the FOTO guy." [I'm the BAD guy.]

The darkness swelled and grew swallowing her whole. 

"Ai'm yu." 

[I'm you.]