Chapter 4 I am too weak

"They used to be humans when they came looking for treasure but all they found was my wrath. " came a replay following Usopp's worried cry. 

"You transformed them, then you are a God. " feeling afraid and looking at the weird animals Usopp kneels before saying with worry.

"Look at all these weird things. " unlike Usopp Luffy is not afraid of the animals and picks up the Pig-Lion before asking with a curious face "Is this a Pig? "

"Could be a Lion. " says Nami with uncertainty while Alex by her side quickly warns Luffy "I wouldn't pick it up if I were you. "

"Why? " asks Luffy in confusion when the Pig-Lion cried out before biting him on the face "Rawer~ " 

"That's why. " says Alex with a serious face.

"Ahaaaa~ " feeling pain from the bite Luffy pulls the Pig-Lion away from his face which caused his face to extend while the Pig-Lion is forced to leave him while the unknown guy asks in surprise "You freak of nature what are you? "

"One time I ate a devil fruit and I turned into a rubber man. " says Luffy with a smile while stretching his jawline.

"Yeah~ right Devils fruits, I heard about stories about them back when I was still a Pirates. " says the same guy pretending as an Island God in disdain and doubt. 

"Back when you were a Pirate? " feeling strange about the weird words from the Island god asks Nami with a serious face.

"Ummm~ I was only remembering about the old days, wait no that was only a mistake in the wording of my sentence well anyway I don't want to hear about the old days…. " the Island god starter saying wrong words at the end when he didn't understand what to say.

"Are you nuts? " feeling irritated by the random words Luffy finally couldn't help but ask "You are the one who brought this here. "

"You faker you sound dumb to be a God. " Nami calls out in anger since the guy is making a fool of them for far too long.

"Shut up~ if you don't believe then prepare for my Divine Judgement. " cried out the fake Island God before starting some matching that fired wooden arrows and rocks of different sizes at them.

"Watch out Nami. " says Alex in a hurry when he discovered an arrow is about to hit Nami but it was too late for him to save himself and blood stats coming out of his shoulder and discovered he lost half of his health in an instant from just a single attack (Helth:5)

"Watch where you touch you Pervert" getting touched by Alex suddenly made Nami startled as she slaps him on the face before removing his hand from her chest.

"Ah~ sorry it was unintentional. " says Alex quickly moving away from Nami while removing the wooden arrow from his hand while gritting his teeth 'Ahhh this 8s painful ~ man that hurts a lot. '

"Alex you are bleeding. " looking at the blood on Alex's shoulder says Usopp with worry before  quickly moving to his help.

"Nah~ it's alright its a small wound nothing to get yourself worried about. " says Alex with a pained smile before turning to Luffy to ask "But more importantly look at Luffy we need to help him first. "

"Nah ~ don't worry about me and get yourself a bandaged from Usopp. "says Luffy with a smile before he stands up as the rock on his head falls on the floor before he declared "If that was all you have got then, you better do better than that god. "

"How are you not dead? " asks the fake God from within the bushes before feeling afraid and moving a little bit which easily caught everyone's attention.

"There you are. " looking at the moving bush behind them Luffy says with a smile. 

"Hey~  I said don't move. " says the guy in the bush but Luffy still turns to look at him which caused him to be afraid and taking out his pistol he fired a bullet at Luffy in Panic.

"Luffy? " when Alex is done bandaging his hand the sound of gunfire came into his ear and turning around he discovered Luffy getting shot before he calls out in alarm while Nami and Usopp froze in silence or fear from the sudden event "Ahaaa~ " 2x

But to everyone's surprise the bullet that strikes Luffy gets send back while Nami explains with a smile "Hey~ island god even mortals knows that bullets can't hurt rubber. "

"Maybe not but I still hate them. " said Luffy with a serious face before putting his hat back in the head since it was in the wrong place because of the earlier event.

"You... You are a monster. " feeling extremely terrified calls out the island god before he throws away the pistol in his hand before he tried to escape from them.

"Over there. " Usopp says with a serious face pointing at the escaping bush.


1x Pistol of the previous generation is picked.⟧

'Can I store it in the inventory? ' upon picking up the pistol Alex received a notification in his ear before asking.


1x Pistol of the previous generation is stored in the inventory.⟧

Not a moment after his thought the pistol in his hand vanished before he received a notification and says 'Open Inventory. '


Storage: Unidentified Paramecia Devil Fruit. 1x Pistol of the previous generation. ⟧

'Oh~ right the devil fruit, I have almost forgotten about it.

Anyway let's take a look at my Status once more before I eat it. ' thought Alex.

⟦Name: Alexander.







Occupation: Fisherman, Mechanical Engineer, Teacher, Writer, Pirate (Straw-Hat Pirates)

Skills: Fishing, Marine Six Style

Ability: None.

Devil Fruit: None.

Bloodline: Mink (?)

Storage: Unidentified Paramecia Devil Fruit.1x Pistol⟧

"Hey~ Alex look what we have discovered. " while Alex is looking at his status panel came a call from Luffy.

"Coming~ "