Fei Qiu arrived at the building late at night.
Fei Qiu looked at the time.
"Su Xiu,I think we should chill somewhere,everyone in the building probably went home or are asleep."
Su Xiu looks at Fei Qiu.
"Okay,if we didn't get stuck in some traffic we probably could've arrived earlier,but where would we go to chill for the night?"
Fei Qiu looked around and saw a internet cafe.
"Let's go over their,did you bring your character card?"
Su Xiu nodded.
Fei Qiu looks into his wallet.
Su Xiu gives Fei Qiu enough casht o print out a character card.
"I see you need the cash so let's go."
Fei Qiu and Su Xiu enter the building and walked up the counter.
"Do you have a character card printer by any chance?" said Fei Qiu.
The guy at the counter points to the direction of it.
Fei Qiu walked over to the printer,in the meantime Su Xiu walked up to the counter.
"Please keep quiet,that's my friend over their and we need to book two computers,thank you."
The guy at the counter looks at Su Xiu and almost freaked out.
The guy takes out a picture of Su Xiu.
"Can you sign this autograph?"
Su Xiu nodded and takes a pen from the counter to sign it.
By the time Fei Qiu was done Su Xiu already have the picture back.
The guy at the counter tried to keep his excitement inside when he said where they should go.
Fei Qiu and Su Xiu walked over to Computer D4 and D5.
They looked at the card reader system the cafe was using.
"Wow." Su Xiu said.
Fei Qiu nods."This is pretty up to date card readers."
They put in their respective cards and entered the game.
Su Xiu was still using his character from the Victorious Championship days.
So the moment he entered and transferred himself into the 6th server he was bombed with people asking "Are you the real one!?"
Fei Qiu on the other hand was just a lowly Level 30 Battle Mage with the username, Mysterious King.
Fei Qiu meets up with Su Xiu in the game.
"Their you are,Fei Qiu." Su Xiu said discreetly.
Su Xiu analysed Fei Qiu equipment.
"Your still using most of the equipment you could get which was used for the King Avatar gear,some of those were event items or upgraded with event items."
Fei Qiu nodded.
"I need you to help me take on Lost Ronin,and with your current level I think you could possibly two shot it since you were such a high DPS type person."
Fei Qiu gave a smile as he said that.
Su Xiu with disgust on his face said "We've been friends since before the championship started and your using me to get Lost Ronin drops."
Fei Qiu who was still grinning,nodded.
Su Xiu puts his hand on his forehead.
"Fine,let's do this but you owe me!" Su Xiu whispered into Fei Qiu ear.
Su Xiu and Fei Qiu waited for 3 hours waiting for the Lost Ronin to show up,in those 3 hours Fei Qiu was busy levelling and grinding item drops for upgrading his character spear.
Fei Qiu looked at his spear and thought.
"This spear isn't good enough,the Titan Annihilator is far superior to anything I could make on my own."
Fei Qiu looks at Su Xiu and remembered the times before the championship.
Su Xiu always used to tell Fei Qiu about the championship as their were promotional images all over the cafe they work at.
Su Xiu keeps begging Fei Qiu to help him form a team for the championship as the deadline is a few months from then.
Su Xiu promised Fei Qiu in return for Fei Qiu services in the championship,he will design him the best weapon in the game.
Fei Qiu delivered on that promise and Su Xiu also delivered on his promise,with Su Xiu help the Titan Annihilator was born and was the best weapon in the game for 7 years before Bonji,Vampiric Saber became the best.
Su Xiu snapped his fingers in front of Fei Qiu waking him up from his daydream.
"The boss is here Fei Qiu."
Su Xiu was already attacking the boss and showing of his skills.
Fei Qiu watched as Su Xiu was trying to regain the rythm and the grace he once had.
Fei Qiu acknowledge how Su Xiu way of playing looked like he was playing the piano.
Finally Fei Qiu leapt to attack the boss by starting of with Draconic Spear.
Knocking the boss off its balance and following it up,Su Xiu used Sky Pierce to shred the boss HP.
Evan had his character leap into the air and perform a mid air Dragon From The Heavens.
Which completely annihilated the boss and the ground below it.
Su Xiu with shock on his face looks at Fei Qiu.
"Was it necessary to bump up the damage for the Dragon From The Heavens skill,it already is a near one shot skill."
Fei Qiu looked at Su Xiu.
"I didn't spent my skill points on upgrading just Dragon From The Heavens I used them to upgrade my skillset as a whole."
Su Xiu laughed.
"Wait so how many skill points did you spend on them!?"
Fei Qiu while looking at the loot Lost Ronin dropped.
"About 153 skill points were spent just on my skillset."
Su Xiu glares at Fei Qiu.
"Wait,this is a entirely different character build then the one used for King Avatar,what happened?"
Fei Qiu sighed.
"With the fact that King Avatar was never meant to be a Battle Mage and was meant to be a knight character before I made the change into Battle Mage just a few months before Season 1 started,meant I really had to struggle my way through the seasons."
Fei Qiu looks at Su Xiu.
"You knew what to do with Crossfire while I had no clue what to do with Battle Mage I only made the switch on your request."
Su Xiu gives the thumbs up.
"And look where the class got you."
Fei Qiu closes his eyes and nod.
"Yes it did bring us championship glory but as time went on King Avatar slowly became weaker as the skill points I was spending were not being used on the correct parts,last season was when I realised the weakness and this season I planned on making King Avatar a great character to play as and not one I have to push to the limit just to win."
Su Xiu looks away at Fei Qiu as he disconnects his character card.
"So,you got fired the moment you tried to rectify your past mistakes?"
Fei Qiu nods.
"What Ziang Xuan is getting is a King Avatar who has 455 skill points spent on pure skillset damage."
Su Xiu slowly turns his head at Fei Qiu.
"F-fo-fou-four-four-four hundred and fifty five!"
Fei Qiu nods.
"I spent many months improving King Avatar and many sleepless nights,comes with the job."
Su Xiu nods.
"Yea,I know."
Fei Qiu continued grinding his equipment while Su Xiu helps improve his current spear.
By the time it was 1:24 in the afternoon was when Fei Qiu and Su Xiu finally went into the Team Civil office.
Fei Qiu entered Tao Xuan office.
<7 days remaining>