

Dialogue- "Example"

Thoughts- 'Example'

Sounds- Example


Thud! The sound of the body hitting the ground after being released from my grip resounded heavily off of the training ground walls. There I sat, on a pile of unconscious students breathing heavily. The sweat that clung to my brown skin glistened under the setting sun. "Good job Ike, to think you'd have grown so much in only three years. To be able to defeat every predator and apex predator in the Viper faction at your age is impressive." Nuke approached me calmly, hands placed behind his back. He removes both hands from behind his back revealing a box before placing it into my hands.

"Thanks, Nuke, you're finally treating me how a master should treat his disciple." I jokingly managed to exhale a few words between breaths before slowly opening the box. Inside was a handgun with multiple attachments in slots around it. It was almost entirely black with a purple slide.

"Damn, and here I thought you'd finally give me something normal. Instead, you got me a pistol." I exhaled heavily before making a sarcastic remark. I pulled the handgun out of the box before inspecting it. "The frame is made of a polymer composite, it has a skeletonized trigger, and can hold multiple attachments." Nuke swiftly informed me of the details whilst I took apart and put the gun back together.

"It's chambered in forty-five caliber, pretty standard for our time. Illuminated iron sights, skeleton handle with rubber accents. With a sleek design and an eight inch barrel, it's a very dexterous pistol with plenty of range. This is my gift to you, for your seventeenth birthday, and of course for becoming champion of the faction." He rests his heavy hand on my shoulder before quickly removing it due to the sweat and blood that covered my body.

"You should take a shower, and wash your sweat and blood off of your body." He covered his nose jokingly whilst waving me away with his hands. I slowly, but steadily stood up before beginning to walk away. Holding the open wound on my stomach, I passively flipped him off before speaking once more, "My birthday was a week ago asshole."

Arriving back at my dorm from the training grounds, I enter the bathroom and remove my shirt slowly. Feeling a painful sensation as the fabric passed over my cuts and bruises. Looking in the mirror I examine my toned and lean figure. Checking for any cuts I might not have noticed.

Turning on the shower, I began fully disrobing myself. I enter the shower when it's warm enough for me, hissing in pain as the hot water meets my cuts. I slowly, but steadily clean myself of the dirt and sweat before turning off the shower and exiting.

I slid on some underwear and shorts before heading into my room, grabbing a first aid kit on the way. I positioned myself in front of a full-body mirror before I began cleaning the large cut on my side. Once I had finished cleaning it I grabbed a sterilized needle and thread and began stitching. Wincing each time the needle pierced my skin, it didn't take too long before I was done.

Repeating this process on multiple other wounds, by the time I had finished the fatigue had caught up to me. I quickly cleaned up before lying down on my large bed and passing out.

I awoke at two in the morning to Nuke entering my room. He crept silently over my bed, knife in hand. He swings it quickly, attempting to slice my throat open, but failing as I roll off the edge of my bed. I quickly kick the bed in his direction as he jumps over it with little effort.

He stops there before turning on the lights and speaking, "Impressive Ike, even with your injuries and level of fatigue you managed to avoid my attack. Anyway, prepare yourself, we have a big day ahead of us. I brought you a suit and tie, wear them for your inauguration as the champion of the faction."

Handing over a bundle of folded clothing he exits the room to allow me to prepare. I did my daily workout before waiting until about eight in the morning just before the initiation. I began to dress myself quickly. After tucking my shirt in, I began attempting to tie the tie before quickly giving up and video-calling my dad.

He answered with a bright smile on his face before speaking, "Hey son! What's the special occasion that you call this old man after so many months." I show the tie to him before responding in a frustrated tone, "I have an important event to attend, but I can't figure out how to tie this damn tie."

"Wait here." He released a light chuckle before standing up and walking off. When he returned he had a tie in his hand. He proceeded to walk me through step by step how to tie it. "And finally you pull it as tight as you need to. And you're done. Anything else you might need? Maybe a few condoms?" He burst out laughing as my cheeks became a little hot.

"I don't even have the time to talk to any girls, no need for that dad." He quieted down a bit before speaking again, "That's a funny way of saying you get no play. Haha!" He once again burst out laughing before finally settling down.

"I'm just busting your chops, have a good time, and don't give me any grandbabies just yet. Love you, son." I chuckled lightly before responding, "Love you too dad, goodbye." I hung up before putting on the jacket and looking at myself in the mirror.

I was dressed head to toe in black with a purple shirt and black tie. I grabbed a black elastic band before putting up my neck-length dreads for the special occasion, showing off the fresh fade from my recent haircut. I stepped into my bathroom, taking care of my normal needs before leaving to meet up with Nuke.

There he was leaning on the wall right next to my door. "I wuv you, Dad." He smirked at me as he mocked me jokingly. I tossed a heavy jab at him irritated at his joke, he took it directly to the mouth without flinching as blood trickled from his mouth. He wiped it off before continuing to mock me along while we walked.

Nuke himself was also well dressed, in his military service uniform this time. How surprising. "Are you ever not dressed in military clothing?" I asked sarcastically, he looked at me semi-seriously before answering, "No." Without any further elaboration, I kinda just shook it off before continuing to follow him out of the dorms and toward his estate.

We entered through the back of the estate to avoid the large crowd gathered in the front. We walked to the front door before Nuke turned to me, "You ready boy? The duties of a champion aren't to be taken lightly."

I nod my head before walking out the door as the guards open it. There stood hundreds of students, including the students I fought the day prior, all in bandages and whatnot. As soon as I exited the cheers of the crowd became much louder. It was at this moment that I realized that these students were each putting their faith in me.

I silently composed myself before gesturing for Nuke to speak into the microphone that sat on the stand. Usually, the champion would give the speech, but I don't have the balls for that. This irritated the crowd, but who cares what they think?

"Greetings members of the Viper faction, I'm here today to announce the existence of a new champion. Welcome, Ike, who will lead our faction to greater heights from this day forward." I bowed formally as the crowd quickly got over their irritation and began cheering loudly again, hurting my ears until they adjusted to the noise.

Following that were hours of partying and festivities. Plenty of games were being held in celebration, for this one night people were allowed to drink and smoke without repercussions, so you can assume people got pretty wild.

I didn't participate in the games, instead opting to spend my time with Gail who was there for the inauguration festival. It was in the middle of a conversation about the best kinds of sutures when I was offered a drink by an attractive young woman.

"Hey champ, you looking to party with me tonight?" Remembering my first lesson, I kindly declined with a, "No thank you." Before moving on with my conversation. She angrily scoffed before flipping her brown hair in my face and strutting away.

I sat there, stunned for a second before speaking, "How are people like her even accepted in a faction like ours?" Eliciting a hearty laugh from Gail who was otherwise relatively tired. She shook her head before smiling sweetly at me and speaking, "Well Ike, it's about my bed time. I'm gonna be off, have a good night."

"You as well. Make it home safely and I'll see you later. Don't forget, you can't tell Ava I'm the champ!" I waved her off as she left before checking my phone and realizing it was about time for me to get to bed as well. I swiftly began walking, passing by several faces in the crowd, familiar and unfamiliar.

I had almost arrived at the dorms before being stopped by the previous champion and his group of around ten friends. "Hey asshole, what the hell's with you getting the jump on me and taking the title of champion for yourself?"

"There were nearly forty of you and you all still lost to me. There are no excuses." Not wanting to continue the conversation for any longer I make a peace sign with my right hand and teleport behind them with a small pop sounding out after.

I attempted to continue walking only to have a hand grasp my shoulder. Knowing where this would go, I decided to attack first. Reaching over my shoulder I grip his hand with one of mine and his shoulder with the other. I quickly spin before throwing his body forcefully into a brick wall slightly denting it and knocking the wind out of him.

I duck a punch from behind before headbutting the guy, knocking him out instantly. I grab the body before it can touch the ground before throwing him full force into the group, knocking them all down like pinballs.

Not wanting to waste any more of my time, I swiftly left the scene. Along the way hoping to avoid the prying eyes of the large crowd that had formed.

'Annoying motherfuckers.' I released a tired breath, being mentally exhausted from the festivities I entered my room, closing and locking the door on the way in before tearing off my clothes and collapsing on the bed, drifting slowly into a deep sleep.
