Arc 3 Chapter 3.3 ( Boundary Between Virtual and Reality )

Doze pushed the door open and saw that his master is still doing excercises . Doze pulled out a towel from the side and a bottle of water before putting it on the table. 

" I heard that you're going to a homeroom meeting for Li Xiaojian ? " Doze asked and sat on the bench .

Jiro still doing push ups groaned and hummed yes . After finishing his 100th push ups , he then stood up and received Doze's towel and water.

" Free up my schedule tomorrow . Li Xiaojian has always been a cheerful child . I'm afraid he'll change because of his parents' lack of focus to him . "

Doze nodded " You as his cousin definitely have to accompany him , or else he'll definitely change . "

Jiro paused and remembered how cheerful Zone was when they just met . Zone may look cold on the outside whenever he strolled around , Zone would subconsciously reveal his child like personality whenever he's alone . He always caught that young Zone acting in front of the mirror .

But as time passed by , Zone gradually changed because of the unhealthy environment .

Jiro doesn't want Li Xiaojian to change either . Even if Jiro transmigrated , he still inherited Zhang Zhong's responsibilities after he inhabited his body . He has been living as Zhang Zhong for 9 years already and he gradually blended himself in this world .

Unlike his detached feelings from his first world Transmigration at the sealed campus . Jiro actually does not have good memories aside from the few genuine friends he acquired .

And he only suffered depression at the second world . Jiro clutched his heart in sadness , Jiro had been searching for any people in this world that might be his wife's reincarnation .

Although there's indeed rare cases of someone having a natural red eyes . Jiro could not feel the familiar aura he felt whenever he faces his wife in them . 

Zone had always been dominant . Despite looking feminine , he had this aura of a strong predator within him that could make your skin hair rise in goosebumps .

His wife is a possessive and aggressive man . Despite not loving Jiro , he would subconsciously regard Jiro as his own possession that anyone must not touch .

Doze stood and walked outside to give his master a time for his emotional remicincense .

Jiro sat down and stared at the sky while speaking to the air . " Wife ... Where might you be? "

Jiro covered his eyes and cried . Jiro couldn't bear it anymore , he's been searching for Zone in these past few years but he still failed .

The longing within his heart became more intense as time passed by . Sometimes , Jiro thought that he might never meet his wife again in this lifetime . It was unbearable and he almost wanted to commit suic*de .

Jiro stood up and sighed . He walked out of the gym and washed up .

He drove his car to the company and worked in order to free up his schedule tomorrow . There's a lot of paperwork to this time and Jiro rapidly finished it before lunch .

After drinking a bit of coffee to energize his body . Jiro remembered the game he installed yesterday . Jiro decided to play since he doesn't have anything to do anymore after he finished his paperwork like a monster .

[ Welcome Back to Mundo De Fantasia Raising Cub . ]

[ User has log in for the second day . The Cub's favorability measurement has risen by 2 points . ]

[ Please make sure to be present regularly for your cub's mental health . Good luck ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 4 ]

This favorability points is really low . Is it really this hard to please a mature cub?

Jiro somehow felt displeased .

Zone who was sketching at the table suddenly noticed the rectangular interface .

[ Your master is currently displeased , immediately do something to please him . ]

" ... " Zone blink and looked around . He doesn't know why his master would feel displeased when he did not even do something wrong to make him do so. 

" Master has arrived , this small one is humbled and delighted to have your presence around . "

Jiro's mood turned for the better and rubbed the anime boy's head . Although he wanted to vent his unrequited love in this anime character . It is still a fictional character after all and he's not the real Zone Jiro had been yearning for .

Zone felt his master rubbing his head and pursed his lips .

The cub unexpectedly did not drop any favorability points and Jiro felt satisfaction .

[ Cub's favorability : 6]

Zone looked into the air and bowed . " I'm sorry for not introducing myself to you yesterday . "

" I'm Zone , 35 years old . My race is ... "

Zone suddenly remembered , what's his race again? Although Uno stated that he is the member of the lesser race . It did not specified which lesser race he belongs to .

A pair of furry triangular sky blue ear and a tail suddenly popped out his body and shook . The ears drooped down in a docile manner while the blue furry tail is swaying left and right .

Zone touched his tail and ears , but he still doesn't know his race . However , Jiro was shocked by the revelation .

[ The cub's information has updated . ]

[ [ picture of the cub ] name: Zone

Age: 35

Race: Blizzard Fox

Description: Unknown ]

Blizzard Fox? Isn't that not much different to Arctic Foxes?

Jiro sighed , he didn't know if he really just missed his wife so much . But every time he saw something that reminds him of his wife , he doubts that it was related to his wife .

Looking at the familiar furry ears and tails that his wife also possessed . Jiro felt his heart throb in pain .

Jiro rubbed the ears and tails of the fox and burst out . Tears started flowing out his eyes as he sobbed slightly.  He couldn't help it , he really missed him that he even began seeing Zone in this game character's body .

Zone stiffened when a warm sensation touched his ears and tails . Zone subconsciously purred in docileness and immediately stiffened in shock . Why is he acting like a cat? So shameful!

Jiro stared at the character with melancholy and a touch of amusement flashed when he saw the docile look of the boy . He remembered the time whenever his wife clings unto him .

His wife always wanted to be groomed and always cling unto his cold body in his past life . He's cute and docile whenever they did that but in bed ...

Jiro blushed in shame when he remembered how his nose started bleeding when he first time saw Zone's naked figure .

Jiro immediately slapped himself . He felt that he's a sinner for bringing that out of his mind like a pervert . Although there's nothing wrong lusting for your own wife's body , Jiro never felt secured by their relationship and subconsciously felt that his wife could only be admired and not be touched .

He's just like a typical highschool loser who would gaze at a popular student from a far .

" Ah , l-let's not talk about my race as i don't even know it either . "

" Right! Master! "

Jiro tapped the screen in response .

" You know , i have lived in here for 2 decades and the thing is ... I cannot go out of the room no matter what i do . "

" I am curious about what the world outside looks like . But it seems that i am unable to go out so ... Can you give me books from the outside world? "

Jiro widened his eyes when he heard the boy's statement . Although he knew that the game character cannot go out of the room yet . He did not expect for the game character to tell him that he had living in there for 2 decades! And he doesn't even know what the world outside looks like .

The game company ... Really considered how a normal man would react if they were locked in that kind of room for 2 decades . However , Jiro couldn't understand how the boy did not turn crazy from loneliness in that long span of time .

Seeing as the boy looked too pitiful , Jiro decided to grant the boy's wish and bought multiple books from the mall with varieties of genre .

[ You have bought a large number of books that the room was unable to accommodate . Would you like to buy a wooden bookshelf for the child? ]

Of course Jiro clicked the yes button . And a few seconds later , a large wooden bookshelf appeared beside the closet with hundred of books placed inside .

Zone's eyes immediately sparkeyd in joy and immediately run towards it .

And at the same time , the Cub's Favorability rised rapidly .

[ Cub's Favorability: 7 ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 8 ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 9 ]

[ ....]

[ Cub's Favorability : 15 ]

[ Congratulations! You successfully completed the hidden task ' Reach Cub's Favorability Points: 10'  . ]

[ Please choose the reward you desire .]

A: Communication

B: Place Unlock

C: Room Expansion

Jiro pondered for a few seconds before clicking the option A . Although it may sound scummy , but he really wants to communicate with the game character who has similar voice as his wife . If he communicates with this game character , it will be just like communicating with his real wife .

Jiro sighed , he's really beyond saving . He is even using a pitiful game character to satisfy his yearning for warmth .

Zone excitedly pulled out a book and started reading . He was about to focus on reading when he suddenly heard an intimate husky voice .

Zone trembled and looked around with fast beating heart .

" W-who was it? "

Zone clenched the book and touched his pounding chest . That voice!

That voice sounds familiar to him . Zone wanted to recall this feeling again but he somehow felt that something is blocking his mind . Zone felt inwardly irritated and wanted to bang his head on the wall but there's no medicine around so he could not afford to hurt himself .

" It's me ... "

Jiro was about to say ' your daddy ' when he suddenly remembered that Zone always addresses him as Master .

" Master " Zone trembledly called out in excitement .

[ Cub's Favorability : 16 ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 17 ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 18 ]

[ Cub's Favorability : 19 ]

Jiro stared intently at the favorability measurement but it suddenly stopped at 19 . Jiro immediately slapped the desk in frustration .

Dang! That was so close!

Zone immediately calmed his heart and felt weird why he would feel that way when he heard the man's voice . 

He blushed and rubbed his cheeks softly . " Master's voice is so nice to the ear . "

[ Your master is very satisfied with your compliment .]

Zone smiled and looked mid-air although he doesn't know where his master is .

" C-can master ... talk to me often from now on? "


Jiro felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest cage . Saying those words with the voice of his wife . The impact was so great that Jiro felt he might need to go to the hospital for check up or he might die from stimulation .

Zone waited for his master's response and suddenly heard a gentle chuckle .

" Ok , if it's what you desire . "

Zone bit his lips to restrain his self and immediately covered his face . This is bad! The master's voice sounds so enchanting that he might get aroused from hearing it .

Zone is a bad child ... This is bad .

" You're voice also sounds good . "

Zone looked up and heard his master's compliment . Zone blushed and coveted his face again .

[ Cub's Favorability : 20 ]

Zone heard his master chuckling as if he was amused by Zone's action of covering his face .

A warm condensed air suddenly brushed upon Zone's fingers and moved it away from his face . Zone panicked and wanted to run back to his bed to burry his head when he suddenly felt a force stopping him from moving . All his limbs were restrained by four condensed warm air .

Zone blushed furiously and wanted to get out .

" M-master! "

Doze who just stepped inside suddenly shouted . " Oh goodness Master! Why are you bleeding! "

Jiro panickedly covered his nose . Doze also panicked and hurriedly pulled out a napkin and covered Jiro's nose .

" Looks like the master had been so stressed these past few days , how about you go on a vacation? I can manage the company in your place . "

Jiro shook his head . " No ... "

" Aish , just stop denying it . You're health has already begun to deteriorate because of stress , you have to take a rest for a month . Don't worry master , i can handle the company for you . "

Jiro sighed , he didn't expect to get an automatic day off because of a misunderstanding . He somehow felt guilty not saying the truth of the matter . But he's a little but selfish and indeed wanted to take a day off to escape the hell called company .

Jiro looked weirdly at Doze . Did his system forgot his vitality? His vitality has reached 200 and Doze thought that he's unhealthy?

Jiro began wondering wether there's something wrong with his system's interior .

Nah , let's forget about it  . Let's just take advantage of the loophole .

Zone sighed in relief and suddenly looked up when he heard another man's voice .

Who was that man who called 'his' master , master?

Zone felt a sense of crisis and wanted to call his master when he heard that man's worried words .

What? Master's health is deteriorating? What happened to him? What is a company? Does it really causes someone to get stressed and bleed?

Zone stood up in concern and roamed his eyes at every corner of the room . But he cannot locate his master .

Zone frowned in anger and almost wanted to destroy the place .

Jiro was about to close the game when he suddenly noticed red light flashing . And several cautions popped out one after another .

[ Alert! Alert! The Cub's emotions is fluctuating abnormally! ]

[ The Cub's power is about to leak out . ]

[ Alert alert , immediately stop the cub from going berserk or he would suffer a backlash of untamed power . ]

Jiro suddenly panicked and immediately picked up the phone and touched the Cub's body who was emmiting chilly mist . The whole room is starting to get frozen by the cub's power and Jiro was momentarily fascinated before waking up from his trance and poked the boy whose eyes glowing like a beast about to go berserk .

" Sweetie , calm down .... "

Zone as if a switched was turned off immediately woke up from his pre-berserk state and subconsciously manipulated his power to go back to his body . All the ice that covered the whole room disappeared in a blink of an eye as if it was never there .

Zone blinked and said shyly . " Yes ... Master.  "

Zone felt his heart pounding in shyness .

His master called him sweetie ...

Aaah his voice sounds so good .

Master please touch me.

[ Cub's Favorability : 25 ]

Jiro sighed in relief and looked up at Doze who was staring at him weirdly .

Jiro turned off the mic and raised his left brow . " What's wrong? "

Doze peeked at the phone and stared back at Jiro's face . " Who are you calling sweetie? "

Doze suddenly widened his eyes . " Master!!! .... Don't ... Don't tell me ... "

Doze felt that he couldn't recognize his master anymore . " Don't tell me you don't love your wife anymore?"

Doze touched his chest in disbelief . " Master! You're so despicable ... You're cheating! "