Arc 4 Chapter 4.3 ( The Prince and The Eunuch )

Qiang Quiyue told Mo Xun that he wants to go out and stroll . He had never exited the palace ever since his former servants restricted him to do so . He can only wander in the inner palace with limited range . Moreover , the former servants always had their eyes on him .

Mo Xun doesn't have any reasons to refuse the little prince and agreed . So the five membered group departed from the palace and strolled around the garden .

Qiang Quiyue was particularly interested in the green lawn that he stepped upon . He would occasionally jump like a kangaroo with a cute smile on his face .

Seeing the third prince's child like behaviour . The three little maids behind Mo Xun had their hands over their small chests with a motherly love painted upon their countenances .

They would talk with each other praising how cute the little prince was . How the third prince got his handsome genes from the handsome emperor and beautiful birth mother . Su Jie praises Qiang Quiyue's big round peach blossom eyes . Lei Dandan praises Third Prince's chubby cheeks while Yin Ping praises the Third Prince's heart shaped small lips and soft ,gentle , straight brows .

Mo Xun remained standing in front of the three while listening to their compliments but his hearts furiously agreed with them and even regarded the Third Prince as his foster son .

Suddenly , the Third Prince walked towards them holding a bunch of yellow colored flowers . Qiang Quiyue shyly gave each one of them one yellow flower . Among the flowers held within his hands , there are tulips , daisies and sunflowers . It sent warmth and joy towards the three maiden who for the first time recieved a flower from a man , er ... No , a boy ...  A kid .

" Is this for mer your highness? " Su Jie squealed and touched her flushed cheeks .

" Om " Qiang Quiyue cutely responded . His way of saying yes kinda made the three maiden's heart feel a rush of excitement and adoration .

Qiang Quiyue then gives one for Yin Ping and Lei Dandan . " These are for you guys . "

A gardener saw these situation and frowned seeing that a boy picked up the flowers without permission .

But seeing the cute boy's shy face giving the three maiden flowers. The gardener couldn't get himself to fight the boy .

"By the way your highness , why did you gave us flowers? " Asked Yin Ping with a gentle smile .

Qiang Quiyue blushed and shyly sucked his thumb , his canine and rabbit teeth peeking out of his heart shaped lips . " Uhmm ... I heard consort Lin mother talked about the language of flowers when i was visiting her before.  She talked to her palace servants that yellow flower symbolizes friendship from the wester kingdom . "

" I can't remember the other language but i heard that red flowers symbolizes true love . " Qiang Quiyue stick out his small chest in confidence as he began talking effortlessly and maturely as if he was not a three years old kid who is not supposed to be so smart .

The gardener widened his eyes when he heard these things . As a gardener , he also has knowledge about the flowers he cultivated but he never knew that there's meaning on their colors at the western kingdom .

Su Jie's mouth gaped open . " Then , Consort Li is indeed smart and intelligent to know this kind of thing . She must have a friend from the western kingdom right? "

Qiang Quiyue shook his head . " I heard from the palace servants that consort Lin mother's family has an ancestor that comes from the western kingdom . It was probably my great great great grandma or grandpa . They said that the western kingdom's genes are good . Their language is also different and they dresses differently from us . "

Mo Xun suspected that this ' western kingdom ' might be the equivalent version of the westerners(british/americans) in the modern world .

" Then , your highness . What is the meaning of a pink flower? "

Qiang Quiyue hummed and closed his eyes trying to remember the voices that was marked within his head when he was eavesdropping . Then smiled and spoke .

" Pink flower also symbolizes love but there are also other meanings of it such as happiness , gentleness and femininity . It is also suitable to give pink flowers to your parents and siblings . Especially the females . "

Yin Ping clapped her hand with a determined look . " Then I'll send my mother a pink rose next month for filial piety . "

" Met too " Su Jie added .

" Me three " Lei Dandan joined .

Qiang Quiyue then shyly gave Mo Xun a purple flower .

Mo Xun dumbfoundedly recieved the flower . What is this? Peonies?

" T-that flower is named Little Frogs , in the western kingdom . T-they call it rananculus , they said that the meaning of it in Latin is Little Frogs . "

" It symbolizes charm and attractiveness.  I especially thinks that Mo gege looks handsome so i chose it for you . Purple also means , elegance , royalty , refinement , grace , and beauty . I looked up to Mo gege , so this is for you . "

" Although you are not a member of a royalty , i think you are handsome and charming . So the purple rananculus suited you very much . "

Qiang Quiyue blushed and bit his fingers , staring at Mo Xun's face for his reaction .

The hidden gardener almost fell down on the ground . Why did he not know these meanings? The gardener immediately marked the child's words and has a determined look to give a flower to his wife .

Mo Xun could help smiling and rubbed Qiang Quiyue's head . " Your highness really admires beautiful faces . I am humbled to hear his Highness' evaluation of my charms . Thank you for the flower , I'll cherish it . "

Qiang Quiyue couldn't help smiling . His chubby cheeks stretched as his cute teeth flashed .

" Eh? What's that? "

An arrogant looking child loudly said as he walked confidently towards the Third Prince's direction . Behind him , stood four palace servants and one high ranking eunuch .

Mo Xun and the three palace maids behind him immediately stood straight , hid their flowers and greeted the Crown Prince and the high ranking Eunuch .

Qiang Quiyue frowned and stared at the taller prince. " Greetings , Eldest Brother . "

The prince gave Qiang Quiyue a frown and stared at the flowers within his hands . " Who permitted you to destroy the flowerbeds in the imperial garden? This is the imperial father's garden , how can you casually pick up flowers to give these lowly servants? "

Qiang Quiyue felt his fingertips and toes cold . He trembled upon the Crown Prince's sharp gaze . " I-i don't know that it was forbidden though . "

The crown prince snorted . " You don't know because you don't have a mother to educate you. "

Qiang Quiyue trembled when he heard his words . His small lips trembled and weakly smiled . He wanted to cry and wanted to be hugged but he can only held it within his heart .

Qiang Quiyue cannot answer the Crown Prince's words since it was true that he doesn't have a mother .

" Have i offended eldest brother to treat me like this? " Qiang Quiyue asked .

Qiang Wei hurrumped . " Yeah ... You are a sore to my eyes . "

Qiang Quiyue couldn't understand why his eldest brother has such big animosity to him .

" Then , if i am a sore to your eyes , why did you even bother to approach me? "

Qiang Quiyue felt that his eldest brother is really stupid . " Why bother talk to me , if you see me as an eyesore? Do you really expect me to disappear from your sight like a bubble? "

Qiang Wei's eyes widened . " Y-you? "

The eunuch beside him also felt enraged and wanted to point at the little prince . " Your Highness Third Prince , don't you think you are being disrespectful to the heir of the throne? "

Qiang Quiyue tilted his head in confusion . " Heir? I indeed knew that Eldest is the crown prince but ... How can he be sure that he can sit on the throne without paying any price? Eunuch Zhang , don't forget that Second and male cousin exists . Any imperial members can sit on the throne , even if he is the crown prince . He has to struggle first and fight with his brothers before he can own imperial father's authority . "

" There's a lot of factors that could hinder Eldest's rise to the throne . "

Eunuch Zhang's eyes widened and stared at the Third Prince with horror . A thought flashed within his mind .

' How can this Third Little Prince be so monstrously smart? Even the crown prince confidently thought he can inherit the throne without hindrances , but this ... This small unfavored prince unexpectedly has broad understanding towards the Crown Prince's situation . '

" I maybe uneducated without being taught proper etiquettes . But don't think that i am an idiotic little kid . "

Qiang Quiyue said and glared at the eunuch , but then suddenly realized that he has voiced out his inner thoughts . Panick flashed across his face and immediately turned around to walk away with fast paced steps . His heart drumming in nervousness .

Qiang Quiyue paused and turned to look at Mo Xun behind him . He spread out his hands and lifted his arms . " Mo gege , carry me "

Mo Xun , who is still digesting the sudden change upon the seemingly harmless little prince suddenly woke up from his trance and subconsciously heeded the little prince's command and lifted him up .

Mo Xun walked away followed by the similarly dumbfounded little maids .

Qiang Quiyue hugged Mo Xun's neck and said. " Mo gege , I'm scared . "

Mo Xun immediately rubbed the little prince's back , comforting him . " I'm here . "

" Mo gege , w-will Eldest brother complain to imperial father and punish me? "

Mo Xun doubted that will happen , after all , Qiang Quiyue is still the emperor's son . There's no way someone could have thick face to hit a small child . " That will never happen to you , your highness . "

Qiang Quiyue doubted . " Really? "

" Really " assured Mo Xun .

The third prince felt joyful and giggled. " I will not be scolded. Hehe "

Su Jie , Yin Ping and Lei Dandan almost burst out in sadness when they saw the relief upon the third prince's face .

" So pitiful " commented Su Jie

" Pitiful indeed " Yin Ping

Lei Dandan nodded furiously and wiped his nose .


" The third prince said that? "

A man doned in dark purple robe lazily sat on a red cushioned sofa . His hands holding a smoking tobacco has traces of blank ink from the paperworks that he had just done .

A black robed shadow guard could be seen kneeling far away from the emperor as the emperor looked at him from above .

" Yes , your majesty. "

Qiang Rongyao put down the tobacco and put his fist on his temple , posing a lazy pose with crossed legs . " Do you think that son of mine is a smart child? "

The shadow guard remained kneeling and said . " This subject personally thinks that the third prince as a small child is still a little timid , but he has the wits and far sighted broad mind . "

" You know that those qualities aren't enough for the throne . "

The shadow guard understands what the emperor's meant but he doesn't bother on it too much . After the Emperor dismissed him , there's a glint within the emperor's obsidian black eyes as thoughtful look appeared on his face .

" What might be the child's situation right now? It's been a long time since i inquired about my son's well being . " he muttered and massaged his throbbing head .

He licked his lips that was painted with slight rogue to cover up his pale lips . " Shit this poison , those f**king ungrateful officials really dared to commit treason . "

Qiang Rongyao touched his aching heart as he struggled to breathe .

" F[beep] "

Qiang Rongyao couldn't help but arc his back to avoid the palpitating aches within his heart . He felt sharp needles poking at his heart regularly , preventing from inhaling .

" I'm so weak ... " Qiang Rongyao helplessly sighed and drunk his medicine .

" I need to arranged these things first . " He muttered and started doing his paperworks and hidden plans again .


Qiang Quiyue stood stiffly in front of the familiar figure sitting on the couch . His heart trembled as he weakly called out . " Consort Li mother? "

Weak eyes locked unto the little boy's body . She weakly answered with pale lips . " Son "

Qiang Quiyue bit his lips and slowly walked to her . " How are you doing , mother? "

Lin Lifen weakly shook her head. " Not good , I think ... I'll die next month . I can't hold on anymore. "

Lin Lifen knew that she should not have said it to the child but she knew that the child can understand her. Her son is already matured , although it aches her that her son became like this . She knew it was all her fault , tears fell down from her drowsy eyes .

" Let me hug you son. "

Qiang Quiyue obediently walked into her embrace and closed his eyes to feel the sensation of a mother's embrace . " You will really leave me ? " He weakly asked . His childish voice holding a hint of sadness and pain.

Hearing the child's words , Lin Lifen couldn't help trembling . " Yes , I'm sorry ... "

Qiang Quiyue shook his head . " No ... I'm scared , mama , don't leave me . "

" Sorry son "

Qiang Quiyue gulped and suddenly started sobbing . " Mama ... "

" I hate you "

Lin Lifen clenched her fist and weakly soothed her son's back . " I know "

" I hate you! I hate you "

" Sob , i know my son , i know . "

" Mom ,don't leave me " said Qiang Quiyue in a weak voice before finally drifting to his dreams .

Lin Lifen looked at his son's swollen eyes and tenderly stroke it and wiped the wetness on it . She couldn't help wanting to hug her son and kiss his forehead . ' I love you , my son . My dear son . '

Lin Lifen slowly looked up and smiled at the young man standing at the side . " Thank you for taking good care of the child . "

Mo Xun respectfully clasp his hands in greeting . " It is this humble one's duty to take care of his highness ."

" Good " Lin Lifen nodded and stared at the sleeping three years old kid within her arms .

" My little prince is still small , i hope he grows up as a good child . " Lin Lifen run her fingertips to the strands of the prince's hair .

And suddenly took out a strange artifact from her inner garments and gave it to the eunuch . " I hope you can be trusted . This is a spatial ring , it is our Lin Family's heirloom . Please take care of it and manage it for the little prince . "

" There's a lot of things inside , it is for my son as his inheritance . As a general's grandson , Qiang Quiyue was also expected to grow up and surpass the military merits of his grandfather . Inside the spatial ring , are the materials for him to study martial arts . "

Mo Xun was dumbfounded and held the spatial ring with stiff body . " Lady Li ... How can you wrecklessly trust someone with this kind of thing , especially to a low ranking Eunuch ? "

Lin Lifen smiled and looked at the aura surrounding the young man . It is full of positive vitality and holyness , Lin Lifen knew that the young man wasn't exactly castrated . She doesn't know why this strange young man approached her son but she couldn't deny that the young man's presence is a good thing for his son , now that she was about to die .

" You don't need to dwell on these small matters too much and just take good care of my son . "

Lin Lifen stared at the sleeping baby in her arms and kissed te little prince's nose . " Especially from the hands of those malicious consorts and concubines . "

As for the empress ... The emperor could only be the one who could deal with her .

A glint flashed within his eyes as she closed them and sniff her son's fragrant scent . " I will sleep beside my son tonight , prepare the bed and milk . "

The eight lined up palace maids immediately moved and started rearranging the poorly designed room of the prince .

" Xiao Hui , you will be serving the prince from now on . Do you understand? "

Hou Houian bowed . " We will heed your order , mistress. "

Lin Lifen felt satisfied and weakly carried her son to the room .

Don't think that although Lin Lifen was unfavored by the emperor , she cannot live easily in the palace .

Lin lifen however is not a simple woman , she is a daughter of a general . The general naturally wouldn't let his daughter be wronged , the eight palace maids behind her were trained experts that could contend with the emperor's shadow guards .

She wouldn't let the empress' men harm her son . The other concubine were already suffering from the empress' supression , She was already angry when she heard her son's situation after she woke up from being unconscious .

She couldn't forgive those people who have wronged her child!

Lin Lifen sadly looked at her child . She unfortunately couldn't witness her son's growth to adulthood . She is greatly saddened by it .


Staring at the spatial ring within his hands , Mo Xun still could not digest the things that happened today .

Mo Xun pulled out martial arts book and saw that it was about mobilizing the internal qi .

Good , he can finally commence his internal qi cultivation . Since the prince is still at the tender age , Mo Xun naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to train the child to the peak .

By the time Qiang Quiyue grows up , no one can win over him anymore and at the same time , Mo Xun can finally have the spare time to gather intel if there's a man within the area that possesses crimson eyes .

Where are you? My Love!!!