Arc 6 Chapter 6.3 ( The little mermaid and the Marshal)

Note : The story is only fictional .

In a hazy dream , a blonde haired man could be seen piously kneeling and praying in front of the statue of a god . The man's long blonde hair exudes a holy presence that could make anyone who saw him feel that he is not supposed to be sullied or blasphemed .

The long fan shaped lashes trembled and slowly opened , revealing a pair of deep blue eyes that seem to shine bright.  The man then slowly kowtowed and kissed the tip of the statue's feet before straightening his body and gazed at the statue with a fanatical look .

A few moments later , distinct sounds of footsteps caught the attention of the man . The man slowly stood up and held the helm of his white robe carved with golden embroideries and slowly turned to face the crowd .

A certain men knelt down in front of the blonde man and cried . " Father , please forgive me! I did a grave mistake!!! "

The Pope was confused and swept his eyes over the crowd .

The man called Ace sheds tears and knelt down . " Father , please punish me for this lowly man have sinned! "

The Pope interrupted Ace and gently asked . " What sin have you committed? Ace ? "

Before Ace could answer , a golden silhouette suddenly strode inside the church and gave the pope and pitying look . When the pope saw the man's body . His eyes suddenly widened in shock .

" A-an angel ... A real angel . "

The angel however sneered and looked at the pope with cold eyes . " Do you know what you've done to have angered the lord god? "

" T-the lord god? " The Pope's eyes suddenly turned worried and trembled . " I-is the lord god really true? "

The angel scoffed and glared at the pope . " Of course he exist . How dare you doubt the lord god's existence when you're his subject? "

The pope turned silent . " What have i done to have angered the lord god . "

The angel then turned silent . " You've exceeded the limit the lord god has given you . "

" W-what limit are you talking about? "

Ace suddenly stood up and pointed at the angel . " What limit? You foolish angel , your lord god just doesn't want anybody else to surpass him . When our pope became everyone's favorite because of his kindness and almost forgot about the lord god's 'supposed' grace . That so called lord god of yours got jealous and immediately wanted to eliminate him . "

" Your words is nothing but a reason to kill our pope! "

The pope immediately shouted to stop him . " Ace! "

Ace turned to look at the pope and pointed above . " Father! The lord god you're worshipping is only sucking the faith you had gathered after spreading kindness and righteousness to all the people . The lord god was dissatisfied because you didn't spread his name , but instead taught the people how to be kind , righteous and generous . The lord god wants his name to be spread out . He wants everybody to worship him so that he can gather all the faith energy every people has . He is nothing but an insect! Leeching off every mortals' faith! "

" Enough!!! " The pope stared at Ace with horror . " How dare you blaspheme the lord god! Ace! "

The angel's being pointed at by Ace had a grave expression on his countenance this time and coldly glared at Ace . " Where did you get that courage to slander our god! Hah? Holy Knight Captain Ace . "

Ace glared back at the angel who's named unknown .

Ace turned to the pope . " This angel had always told us in the bible that Popes like you are a high ranking angel from the second level that was sent by the lord god to spread his name in the mortal world . But i know the secret! Father! Don't believe that you're simply an angel of virtue . You're not an angel of virtues but the---- "

" Stop babbling Captain . Don't you know that everyone's watching . "

The angel chuckled and looked above . " If the overpowered Thrones heard your words.  Everything will be over . "

Ace glared at the angel and looked at the pope who is still confused . Ace couldn't talk for some unknown reason and its obvious that the angel silenced him for good .

" Oh , i forgot to introduce myself . I'm an Archangel named , Anlo . The second messenger of the lord god . "

( Made up name )

The similarly blonde haired man flapped its pair of white wings and slightly smiled . " And i am here to tell you . That the lord god will punish your for your disobedience . "

The angel then looked at Ace . " As for this traitorous knight . I shall execute him myself . "

The Pope immediately stepped forward and disagreed . " No! Don't hurt Ace! "

" You have no right to order me , Zone "

Ace struggled and wanted to speak but his eyes suddenly widened as black mist appeared behind the angel and suddenly attacked the pope .

" Father!!!!!!!! "


Uno suddenly jolted forward and clutched his heart and gasp . The silence of the night seemed to have become more noticeable as his pants could be clearly heard through the the silence .

The sleeping Doze groaned and drowsily opener his eyes . " What happened? Uno? "

Uno wiped his cold sweat and couldn't help tearing up . " I still feel guilty . "

He doesn't know why he started dreaming about that incident again.  It's all his fault that his master was cursed . The world they came from was mysterious , and belonged to the supreme grade plane . It is filled with powerful demons , god like dragons , nature favored elves and etc .

That Pope ... Or rather Zone , was said to be an angel that was sent by the lord god to protect and rule that plane .

That angel always told them that Zone's a second level high ranking angel of virtue , but he , as Ace heard a revelation .

Uno clutched his head , at that time , he could only remember that the black mist was supposed to attack him and forcefully erase his memory .

But his master protected him . That black mist was a spell contained by the lord god out of his divinity and was given to that angel .

But the moment it contacts a being with a divinity , it will become a corrosive curse and corrupts that target's divinity . Causing him to fall from his grace .

Everyone got confused why the pope fell . Although the black mist could indeed make an angel fall . It's not as effective as when a god would.

Then , everyone discovered the truth about the Pope's identity .

He was an ancient fox deity .

Zone was so mysterious that even the lord god felt threathened and did something to Zome to supress him .

And Uno fell into a conclusion ...

And that was ... Zone was a lost deity that always traveled through time . Even Zone couldn't remember who he really was .

And why does he have a mysterious ability to transmigrate countless times .

Only realm agents have the ability to reincarnate countless times .

However , the realm agent's ability was flawed . Their ability to retain memories depend on the level of the plane they are going to reincarnate and will only get back their memory with a certain trigger .

Zone , whenever he reincarnates was attacked by the angels dispatched by the lord god and would always lose his memory due to injuries . He was driven mad and became fully corrupted rendering him unable to control his tails . That was why he was so surprised when he saw that his tails weren't corrupted by the curse .

Due to his master's bestowal ... They also got the ability to reincarnate similar to the realm agents . That's why the realm agents hated them .

But Uno knows that not only do they have that ability . As long as a person's soul is powerful , they can still reincarnate to another plane .

Sean , Reina , Kang-Dae .

Zone met their reincarnations during his transmigration .

Lin Ming , Li Xiaojian , Fu Xia .

Uno couldn't even believe they met them in another plane . Uno then thought that it may be because of their close intimacy with Zone and Jiro causing their souls to have a qualitative change .

He was also a modified being by Zone and no longer a complete human like before . However , the method Zone used to modify his soul and body. No one knows how he did it .

Uno was supposed to get a host and bring them to transmigrate and harvest energy to strengthen . He is just used to being a human that he's no longer interested on managing a mortal to revenge .

Remembering how evil Zone had become before and remembering Zone's words how he saw his future , his future of Jiro being fed up with his emotional abuse .

Uno could feel how mentally unstable his master was . He even suspected that Zone's future self purposely gave his past self a hint in order to not repeat the same thing to Jiro again . As for how they did that ... Zone was just too powerful .

That's why his master tried so hard to change his self .

The lord god ...

Uno crunch his face in anger .


" Wake up! Wakey wakey! " The sound of a milky and soft voice resounded . Like Anna waking Elsa to play with the snow outside . Unfortunately , there's no snow outside .

Zone felt a scold sensation slapping him on his face and groaned . He turned to his side and opened his eyes slowly . Only to see the little mermaid beside his head .

Oh right , he remembered putting the little mermaid in a small basin full of water and put it beside his head last night. The little mermaid was too small and could perfectly fit inside the small basin . The pool is not yet ready so the little mermaid would be wronged for a little while .

" Morning , little one . " The hoarse voice of the omega greeted the little mermaid and slowly stretched his arms up revealing a stomach full of fit abdominal muscles . Causing the little mermaid at the side to secretly drool .

Zone suddenly paused and sniffed.  " Blood "

Zone narrowed his eyes and looked around . The sound of water splashing suddenly rang out drawing Zone's attention back to the basin . Then Zone's eyes landed on the palm sized , purple tailed mermaid .

Nose bleed .


Zone : this somehow reminded me with Mo Shaoqing

Little mermaid : ....

Zone : Don tell me you got nose bleed because of my looks?

Little mermaid : a little

Zone : ....

Zone: you reacted the same way as Mo Shaoqing ... That's weird .