
- F*ck! Haunting feels good!

Loras looked pleased while doing so, he appeared from behind the tree and jumped over the unlucky deer and Mary did the same. The force of a werewolf was unmeasurable even when they were in human form. He grabbed the poor animal by the neck with his big teeth as his wife kept it still, it tried to scream, but soon was on the ground dead.

- No wonder you like it, - his wife went on, - especially when you do it with me!

- I like doing many things with you!, - they took the animal and she looked at him with a teasing stare.

- Like what?, - she asked him

- You want me to show you?, - he provoked her.

She gave him a gaze, than he let the deer fall and moved with quick, but slow steps towards her. He pulled his body close to hers and found her hands and held them down there having his eyes on hers and his head close but still. She looked at her husband, his black straight long hair, his blue eyes with beautiful strong eyebrows and eyelashes, his sharp nose and jaw and his juicy lips. Knowing that all of that belonged to her.

In the middle of the dark forest away from the city and from their kingdoms, a midnight gentle warm breeze gave life to the leafs and slightly moved their hair as she closed her eyes and her husband laid a deep possessing passionate kiss taking her mouth inside his. The sounds of him swallowing her tongue lasted for a while until he finally pulled back for a bit.

- Wow! You are getting better every day., - she told him.

He looked all conquered by her and couldn't hold back for too long. He aggressively started kissing her mouth, jaw and later her neck. Soon his right hand reached to her dress and he started pulling it up. He touched her leg and slowly went up teasing her vagina with his skilled agile fingers and she released a sweet sound

- Do I please my future queen?, - he murmured.

- Yeahhhhh!, - she moaned.

And quickly put her hand inside his pants pulling them down and ordered:

- Give me yourself now!

Loras moved even closer with his hand under her dress and grabbed her by her butt as she wrapped her hands around his neck. Than he pulled her a bit and let his penis slip through her cunt and started striking her so hard that she looked like she was riding a horse jumping and kissing his mouth. Feeling the warmth of each other inside and of the breeze she finally felt the white juice running through her.

- F*ck! F*cking you feels ten times better than haunting., - Loras said giving her a last kiss and letting her down.

- Mary Wolfly is better than anything, especially at making love at anytime, - she praised herself, while Loras pulled his pants and they took the animal and went on their way to the castle.

- I was thinking about the full moon night, - he said after a short moment of silence.

- You always have the most suitable thoughts after sex. My god I was expecting you to think only of me in those moments.

- I'm a bit strange I know, but I can't forget what my father told to Sebas.

- You know that he didn't mean it. He just gets angry and after feels bad.

He let the animal down and walked around worried saying:

- I know! And I can't forget my mother's reaction, the disappointment in her face! She is always like that, what kind of family are we? And my brother...

- What?

- He and my mother always have that look on their faces that tells they disagree., - he went on, - Thank god my brother is not to be the king one day!

- Would he be that bad of a king?, - she asked and answered him, - I don't think so.

- He has a tender heart, he thinks it's wrong to kill, my god we are werewolves! I don't know who to blame when he and my father fight over those kinds of things. How can someone like that be king of our kind, of course he would be bad.

- Your father is a bad king!, - she told him convinced in her statement, - It's true that The Werewolf's Kingdom can't be ruled by a kind heart, but it also can't be ruled by an angry merciless creature like your father.

- My father is not merciless!

- But he would sacrifice the kingdom to ease his anger and take his revenge against the vampires! I like your father, but the queen and the younger prince have all the rights to feel disappointed.

- I didn't say that my father is the kind of king I wanna be!, - Loras stated.

- What kind of king do you wanna be?

They were sitting by a trunk. Mary was resting in his lap and he had her between her arms. Than he told her:

- My father is a strong king and both the kingdoms fear and respect him, but he is cruel. Give a look at our family, we are divided because my father let the anger take over him. While my brother would try to stop violence and make as all humans in his fantasy.

- Yes! And what will you do?

- I will be balance. I'll let the werewolves be the kind that they are and I will make this kingdom and our palace feel like home. I want let as fight with each other, not for real at least. We will be able to sit on the table together and enjoy each other.

The look on his face told how authentic and pure his desire was. He did not believe in the peace his brother wanted, but he didn't want the toxicity his father inspired either.

- And where will your brother go when you become king?, - Mary asked him.

- My brother and his family will always have their place in our house when my parents are gone, The Moon Keep is big enough anyways., - it was rare to see Loras being sentimental, - Maybe we will have different kinds of fun with him and his wife!, - he went on being his dirty minded self as they smirked and got up heading to the castle.

Loras walked inside from one side and saw his brother entering from the other. He went towards his brother and called him:

- Wait you there! Are you okay little brother?

- Loras!, - he said with a happy face, - I'm... I'm okay.

- You are great from what I see., - Loras gave him a suspicious look and wrapped his hand around him taking him to his room.

- Where are you coming from?, Sebas asked him.

- From haunting.

- Haunting?

- It was a deer. Don't give me that judging look of yours immediately! But the real question is where were you?

- I was just in The Beer. You know Roger, a short man, sharp humor! We have had a lot of fun.

- Yes yes, Roger. You were angry down to earth and Roger cheered you up, that's why you are so happy., - Loras went on with his irony.

- Absolutely yes! That's it!

- Let me smell you a bit., - Loras lowered his nose to his neck and looked his brother in the eyes as he quickly moved away. And went on, - It's useless that you go away, nothing escapes my nose. Your were with a girl and she was even a vampire!

- Okay! You got me, happy now?

- Not quite yet, you little wolf, - he said, wrapped his hand around him once again and started walking, - I want you to tell me everything! Who she was, what was she like, how did you f*ck her, everything!

- Well I don't know her name, but...

- What?!, - Loras interrupted him with his irony, - You have been with a girl and you don't even know her name?! You keep surprising me little brother. I get you okay, you just jumped on the job, you didn't lose time with the rest! Got you, don't worry, go on.

- She was the most beautiful girl in the world, - Sebas said with his eyes closed and a voice of admiration, - and that's all I can tell you.

- What, only this little?! Well what can I say, you seem to have fallen in love!