Confronting the truth

- I am gland you honored me with your presence!, - the king said to Jacken and Kassandra.

- You know this is the best place to be for us father., - Jacken turned to him accommodating himself on the couch.

- You finally decided to call for us I would say!, - Kassandra joked.

For a child, nothing feels like the place of his parents, but it is like that when they feel warm there. And it was like that with Leon. His room felt always like a smaller home to the princes. But today the king was standing all serious by the fireplace and by his face expression it let his children see that something was wrong.

- So how have you been? I heard you made a trip to your homeland lately?, - Jacken decided to make himself comfortable.

- Yes! Glad you opened the topic., - the king went on, - And what else did you hear about?

- I accidentally heard mother and Terry speaking under voice about you and your old lovers!, - Jacken answered.

- Yes your mother is like a detective, nothing escapes her hands!

- And how did she react?, - Kassy asked.

- How do you think?, - Leon rhetorically asked, - She did not even give a f*ck, she had known it for years!

- But how is it possible, was she not jealous?, - Jacken said.

- Because nothing escapes your mother's attention and still few things deserve her interest., - thier father said.

- And you were not enough to deserve her interest?, - Kassandra went on.

- I was, but what I was doing was not!, - Leon answered, - Because your mother understands the rules of our world, especially when it comes to our love lives. It was doing harm to anyone the fact that I was sleeping with some old friends., - he sat next to Diego with Kassandra by their side and remained silent for a moment and than went on, - I wonder how much harm will she consider coming from her children!

- What are you talking about father?

- Are we gonna play hide and seek with each other my children?, - he looked at them with the ironic expression.

- She does not know right?, - they both asked with a really worried voice and look.

- It is understandable to fall for people's beauty, but in this entire world, you found exactly to make love with our enemy family?, - the king confronted them, - Not to talk about doing it with each other!

- And how are we supposed to stop?, - Jacken told him, - You know better than us that we can't stop certain emotions, we are vampires!

- And what did mother say about it?, - Kassandra said.

- I understand the rules of attraction!, - Leon stood up walking around his room, - As does your mother! But that doesn't make it's consequences less applicable!

- Which consequences?, - they asked.

- I council you to stop seeing them! That's all I can say, the rest is in your hands!, - the king said and walked to the window to feel the breeze of the night, - But your mother feels unsafe, I can not guarantee what comes out of it.

- And how are we supposed to stop father?, - she addressed, looking at both her father and brother.

- Lust is like the air we breathe, we can not stop feeling it!, - the king talked looking out of the window, - And when we put it into action, it is like a drug, like a cigarette, we can no longer do less of it. We all fall in the trap of the lust, sometimes it is wonderful, but sometimes it is unfairly hurtful., - he stopped talking for a moment and than went on, - I can understand you falling for each other, because you had not other choice, always being in front of one another. But how did you end up falling for Sebastian, Loras and Mary Wolfly I really do not understand, how did you manage to find exactly them in this huge world?

- It is already done father!, - Sebastian said with a voice that was supposed to make Leon feel bad, - The drug has entered our system! Help us!, - he got close to his father keeping his head down in guilt.

Leon's heart was practically in pieces looking at the situation his children were in, but what could he ever do before his wife, the queen. He got his son in a safe hug and than his daughter too and gave them one last council for the day:

- Sexual attraction comes from the body. The body is the drug, and no body is eternal. I remember as a child my mother being the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and than I remember her getting old, and all of that texture and look fade away., - he looked at them for a second and continued, - It is the same with everyone! Just look at them and think what will they look like after forty years, their pretty faces hidden beside the wrinkles, their hair turned grey and their bodies loose and undesirable. Than go away and imagine it has already happened, and never look back.

His children remained for a bit more with the king, but both he and them knew that nothing will work. You can't imagine the cigarette burned out before it actually is.