A woman.

**4 years later**

Lena and octan are taking rest at a camp they had set up for the night and with them is a woman who's clinging onto octan. He is enjoying the company and has a huge grin on his face. The woman is quite beautiful she has long blonde hair and cobalt blue eyes her figure is also something she could be proud of with how curvy it is. Lena is preparing food while Octan and the woman are just sky-gazing... well octan is daydreaming if anything.

After a while the food is ready and Lena hands each of them their portions and the woman responds with a smile while taking hers. Octan just takes it without paying it much mind. after tasting it the woman claims loudly "THIS IS AS AMAZING AS EVER LENA!!!". "I don't really get it but if you say so sure." octan replies to the excited woman. Lena just nods and goes back to the fireplace and starts eating her dinner.

later into the night, each sets up their camp and heads to sleep. Lena is laying down under her warm blanket while recalling what had happened in the last 4 years. She did nothing other than luggage carrying but had learnt a lot from watching octan fighting and still continues to learn. After 2 years of constant moving with no end goal, Lena had grown a bit of muscle from all the carrying she did, She did think it would ruin her looks but didn't pay it any more attention since it meant she could be more useful to octan. During the 2 years, Octan found a random request on a notice board in some town. It was a desperate noble asking for help from anyone to get rid of a dragon that has taken a part of his land as a resting spot, noble was so desperate he offered a huge reward on top of letting you keep anything the dragon has. With a huge smile on his face octan accepted and defeated the dragon effortlessly, and Lena watched him take it down with an observant eye. The reward was enough for us to live the rest of our lives without worrying and on top of that, selling the dragon parts on the black market were way more than profitable.

but even having enough money to live through 5 lives octan still didn't stop his constant travel, Lena didn't even try to talk with him about it and just followed him around as usual. Ever since then hunting monsters was something they only did to clear out a space for camping. They would only enter towns when they needed stuff. And would do nothing but laze around and move all day. Lena as always didn't complain and just followed octan for a week.

After a week while in a town buying vegetables a woman approached octan seemingly out of nowhere and asked if she could join him and Lena. Lena thought that he will turn her down knowing how he is but to her surprise he actually let her in. It was probably because he has ulterior motives since he is quite old being 37 but with his looks, he would easily make a case for the early 20s. The woman was a beauty in Lena's eyes and even made her a little jealous of how busty she was as she looked at her flat chest, But Lena was a bit taller than her which she saw as a huge positive.

The woman's name is "kouko" she was 28 when she first joined so that makes her 30 right now. She is quite a nice woman she would always praise Lena and try to avoid inconveniencing her as much as she could, but even then they wouldn't talk much since she would always be clinging onto octan while leaving him with a stupid grin on his face. It's been 2 years since she joined them and nothing much of note has happened yet. As always, they're always moving with no end goal from one town to the next sleeping in camps they set up, Lena did notice kouko being quite displeased with it from time to time but didn't pay it any mind. Today is no different than any other as they continue their endless adventure.

after fully recalling everything that had happened Lena closes her eyes and prepare to sleep. ......"hey come on"..... a sound from the tent next to hers. "it's been 2 years now when are we gonna improve our relationship..." octan is trying to be quiet while failing miserably. "stop it octan there is a girl right less than a meter from us," Kouko says. "she's probably asleep by now..." as he says that Lena can hear kouko making a slight moan "s-stop octan...uh...n-not out here..."kouko says struggling to let her words out. "hehe see you wanted to do it too." octan claims while failing to whisper. After listening to that Lena tries to be considerate and head to sleep just when she was interrupted by a screaming kouko. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HUH? FOR FUCK SAKE WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST ACTUALLY, WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING FOREST! WHY? I DON'T EVEN KNOW. YOU THINK ABOUT NO ONE BUT YOURSELF AS YOU MAKE US FOLLOW YOU AIMLESSLY EXPLAINING NOTHING! DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD I FEEL FOR THE POOR GIRL WHO'S FOLLOWING YOU? WHAT DID YOU EVEN DO TO HER HUH? WHY IS SHE SO FUCKING PERSISTENT ON IT. AND LOOK AT THIS NOW YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE OUT WITH ME?????????????? DO YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU? LIKE WHAT ARE YOU EVEN WAITING FOR? YOU GOT THAT MUCH MONEY YET YOU DECIDE TO JUST KEEP AT THE BANK WHILE SPENDING AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN, FOR WHAT REASON? NO ONE KNOWS. IF YOU WANNA GO THAT FAR AT LEAST THINK ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON FOR FUCK SAKE LIKE COME THE FUCK ON. COULDN'T YOU HAVE AT LEAST RENTED A ROOM FOR THIS?"

Lena is shocked by how much complaining kouko is doing, it is making her feel kinda satisfied as she hears her go on and on. She can't see what look octan has on him right now but she imagines him being dumbfounded by all the different complaints flying at him. A bit later kouko stops as she gasps for air and a bit after that she can hear octan leaving kouko's tent to go back to his, Lena did nothing but try to fall asleep again thinking this is the right course of action at the moment.

The next morning Lena had already woken up and put out all the camping equipment other than kouko and octan's tents. She puts the bag on the ground and lays her back on it, a short while later octan walks out of his tent, and sits down on the ground after walking away from his tent to wait for kouko. Lena immediately starts backing up his tent waiting for kouko to wake up too. while putting out the tent lena steals a couple of gazes at octan trying to see how he is after yesterday, to her surprise he didn't change at all the same blank expression with no hint of thought behind it. Lena is happy he isn't sad after that. After a bit more kouko wakes up walks out of her tent and smiles awkwardly. "sorry i shouldn't have said all that. You are being so hospitable with me while gaining nothing and yet I complained impolitely. I'm really sorry it was all on impulse and i didn't mean anything by it." she said apologetically while bowing down octan stared at her with his blank expression for a bit then said "don't worry about it." while looking away. kouko raised her head and smiled towards octan as she jumped to cling onto him like always. Lena backs up kouko's tent then followed kouko and octan who had already started moving. she received thanks from kouko too.