
After a long carriage ride, they reach some type of dock. The carriage owner tells Lena that the fastest way to reach her destination is one of those boats here but he doesn't know which one exactly, Lena pays the man for the ride then goes around asking. "hello sir." Lena said to the short middle-aged man sitting on a boat while smoking. "eh? what do need young woman?" the man replied. "can you please tell me how I can reach jawf village?" Lena asked the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man raises his head and then points at the boat that is the smallest among all the other boats. Lena raised her eyebrows in response to the old man's silent action and bows as thanks before heading to the boat.

"e-excuse me, sir?" Lena tries to wake up the old man sleeping on the small boat, but he doesn't respond to her calling so she tries shaking him a bit which he jumps in reaction to. "h-huh?! ...oh sorry young lady how can I help you?" said the old man as he fixed his hat back onto his head. "ah no problem, I was just asking if this was the right boat to jawf village." lena repeated her question to the now awake old man. the man gives her a slight gaze then says "indeed it is, young lady". "o-oh can you give me a ride then?" Lena awkwardly said. "sure hop right on." said the old man as he immediately started preparing. Lena takes a seat and waits passionately as the old man prepares for setting sail, well it was more of a rowboat than a sailboat but anyway.

After a bit while on their way, the old man asks Lena a question "what's the purpose of your visit young lady?". "I'm just meeting an old friend of mine" replied lena with an awkward smile to the sudden question. "a friend huh... I'm sorry," the old man said in a slightly apologetic voice. "d-don't worry about it...." lena said as she thought the old man was making fun of her.

It took them around 25minutes until they reached the shore of an unattended dock. The old man docked his rowboat at the unattended dock. Lena then got off and thanked the man for his time, The old man told her the direction of the village, and Lena thanked him for it. As Lena slowly got away from the old man he quickly shouted "If you want a way back I will be waiting!" which lena shouted in reply to "No I'm good, thank you!"... as lena faded into the path the old man looked at the sky "it's gonna get quite messy, guess I will set up for the night here."

Lena walked with many random emotions flowing through her. happiness, sadness, anticipation, betrayal. All of them under the thought of "octan", but known of those emotions or thoughts would prepare her for what she was about to witness. She took step after step which slowly grew in speed. It started raining but she didn't even notice it because of all those emotions running through her. And as those emotions reached their climax she saw it. The village, she spent a whole year in with people she grew to love, in shambles. Not a single house was left only rubble, and all the fields were ruined not a single crop left. As she got closer to the village only more rubble could be found, except for a body. There was someone leaning his back onto a wall while not moving at all.

She quickly ran for them, and the closer she got the slower she became for she knew who it was. "Octan". Immediately after those words left her mouth the head reacted and turned to her, at first it had a smile of anticipation, but as soon as it took a good look the smile went upside down and the anticipation turned to despair. "of course it's you." octan said as he lowered his head to the ground. Lena with her towering height was looking down at the body she once knew as octan. it's leaning onto a wall while not moving at all. Both of them stood in silence as the rain continued to fall aggressively.

"Did you do this?"


"Did you try to stop it?"


The moment she heard his reply, she pulled her right leg back and swung it towards his face at full speed. His face only tilted towards his left a bit as if it was just a slight push. Lena jumped down towards him and grabbed his collar. "WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" she screamed as she shouted at him "WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP THEM?! WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME?! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING?! WHAT WERE YOU DOING FOR THE PAST FUCKING YEAR?! DID YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME OR KOUKO AT ALL?!" she shook me back and forth screaming all that she was holding in while he only swung alongside her shaking without care. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" she said as she threw him away from her. "I always thought to myself "oh his probably doing something important that's why he hasn't found us yet" or "his searching for us but can't really find us" BUT HERE YOU ARE ROT--" that's when she realized. "you.... what are you." Lena said with a face of horrified realization. "y-you didn't take a single step away from here for the past year, right?" Lena said trying to confirm her fears. Finally, a reaction was given by octan, with a smirk he replied "yes.". "when was the last time you ate something?" Lena said as her face only got worse. "now I really do wonder when..." said octan as his smirk widened. "b-but your body, your face, your look, y-you haven't changed one bit? No...how? what? w-what are you?" as soon as lena said that octan pushed himself up and walked to her saying

"come on now Lena, it's me! Octan! The person you ever so love! The person who saved your village! The person you like to carry bags for! The person you like to follow everywhere! come on now, you cant say you don't remember me! It has always been me, Lena, Octan!" Octan said while walking towards Lena with a sarcastically huge smile as she slowly stepped back. As soon as they reached face to face he looked slightly up to her and said, "just leave me here and leave." then turned away and went back to his position. A moment passed where nothing was heard other than octan's steps on mud and the loud raindrops. Lena watched as octan slowly went back to his position and then turned away herself. "It's raining," Lena thought to herself as she slowly walked away.