Zoomonrs and Octan.

The Kid's have mostly left after the flip, Only the Terran looking child was left walking with Lena.

Walking down the forestlike town, Lena couldn't stop but wonder what's up with the kid who had brought Lena that "meal". Unlike all the other locals he had nothing that looked 'Zoomorn-ish', Could it be that he was a Terran? Then what is a Terran doing living here? And a child nonetheless.

'Could it be that he lost his way and somehow ended it up here? ...No, but how would he have survived that fall? Actually, how did we even survive this fall?' Lena was reminded of her confusing situation.

The town was like any other, except instead of walking down a path of brick alongside buildings or shop stalls. It was like walking down a forest, walking a path of dirt with trees over the place, and on each tree around 2 to 4 'buildings' made completely out of wood. Connecting them nothing, but a bridge system that looked as if it was going to fall at any moment.

"Is this even safe?" Lena let her thoughts out loud.

"Huh? Oh, the bridges?" The boy asked looking at the scribble of a town above them.

"Well, the whole thing really..." Lena said staring above her too.

"They are, they are! Don't worry about them, They have yet to fall apart once." The boy said with confidence.

"They sure don't look that way..." Lena said doubting the boy's confidence.

"It's all made with reinforced material! It's all brought to us by The superior himself, and he makes sure to reinforce it with his own mana to keep it all together!" The boy said with a smile on his face.

"That so..." Lena said thinking back to the fireplace inside the wooden 'house'.

'It really must've been the demon lord if he was able to reinforce this much wood into a level where it wouldn't burn easily.' Lena pondered to herself.

"Hey, kid. Do you know where Octan is?" Lena asked the kid walking in front of her.

"Mr Octan? I wish... I would love to meet him myself, but I have still not gotten the chance to see him other than when all the adults were surrounding you guys..." The kid said losing his excitement.

"Surrounding us? When did that happen?" Lena asked the kid.

"It was right when you came. When you did that flip the first time, don't you remember?" The kid said tilting his head.

"N-no?" Lena was scared she missed something.

"That's weird..." The kid said looking at a fly that was passing.

His tongue suddenly flew out at inhumane speed and devoured the said fly.

'Deja vu!' Lena screamed to herself.

"Wait so you were there when we first came? Did you see how we came in?" Lena asked the kid.

"No, sorry... I only came after the adults started surrounding you two..." The kid said feeling useless.

'Why did that turn him down so much???' Lena thought to herself.

"T-then let's search for Octan! You said you wanted to meet him right? Let's search together!" Lena said trying to cheer the kid up.

"But I have no idea of where he would be." The kid started to feel even more useless.

"T-that so..." Lena said itching the back of her head.

Lena tried to look around only to notice the scornful look the locals were giving her. She knew it wasn't because of the sad kid in front of her, but instead the fact that she was an outsider, 'A Terran'.

"I didn't do anything to you all, you know..." Lena mumbled under her breath annoyed.

"A-actually! I know someone who might know!" The kid said suddenly upbeat.

"You do? That's great! Why don't we talk to them?" Lena said appeasing the kid.

"Of course! Follow me!" The kid said walking excited.

Lena followed the kid continuing the intently stare at the architecture of such a town, questioning whether they were really multiple hundreds of meters underground.

"We're here!" The kid said standing in front of one of the many buildings.

Lena looked at it but couldn't find anything different about it, it looked just like all the others.

"Hey, Miss, come in!" The kid said gesturing Lena to follow him inside.

"No, No you go in by yourself and ask I will be waiting here." Lena said thinking of how the 'person' inside would act after seeing her. She would rather not get in the way of their information gathering so she tells the kid to go inside alone.

"Why... I thought we had become friends..." The kid said dejected again.

"N-no!" Lena said denying the boys sudden depressive mood.

"No? We weren't?" The kid questioned her immediately.

"N-Yes! I mean! shit...." Lena mumbled the last word as to not let the kid hear it.

"What I'm trying to say is, Adult's don't really like me, so you go in alone and ask." Lena finally get her words out.

"Don't worry about that! Mom would love to meet you!" The kid said.

"Mom..." Lena was taken aback by the sudden crash of information.

'This kid really thought his mother would know?!' Lena lost hope.

"Mom I'm Home!!" The kid screamed as he walked in through what felt like it would be the door.

"I'm Here!!" A sound could be heard from a room.

Following the sound they entered what would be the 'living room'.

Inside was a refined looking woman, with her glasses and a book in her hand, she welcomed her son back with a warm smile.

Just like her child she had looked rather 'Terran', but unlike her child her behavior had fit that of a 'frog'. Lena didn't really know much about the biology of a frog so all she could do was think 'frog woman'.

Looking at Lena her warm smile turned into a hostile one.

"And who would you be." She asked with hostility in her words.

"Mom, she is a friend of Mr Octan!" The kid said.

"...Mr Octan? Oh... Oh I'm so sorry. How rude of me... to act like that towards someone I just met. I'm very very sorry." The woman almost bowed in apology.

"D-don't worry about it haha... It's all I've been getting here so I was expecting it." Lena said to the woman waving the problem away.

The woman stopped apologizing for what she had done and then started apologizing for her people.

"Oh I'm very sorry for how they are treating you. Everyone knows Octan's a good person, but it just isn't as easy to trust any other Terran." The woman said bowing her head this time.

"Please calm down..." Lena had felt uncomfortable with how polite the woman was.

"Mommmm... We are here to ask about something and leave that's it! Miss Lena is trying to find Mr Octan!" The kid said clinging onto his mom.

"Really? I would've liked it if we could've sat and talked a bit..." The kid's mom said petting her son's head.

"Sorry... maybe another time..." Lena said.

"Sure, that's a promise." The mom said taking off her glasses.

"If you're looking for Mr Octan... Then he should be at that place..." The kid's mom said petting her son's head.

Following the mom's directions she found the building she was talking about. The mom persisted that her son shouldn't follow Lena there, not because she hadn't trusted Lena, but for his own good.

Unlike the kid's house, this building was quite unique looking. Questioning such an establishment she went in.

As soon as she had stepped foot in she face-palmed herself.

"For fuck sake." Lena said looking at the multiple barely covered woman.

"This is what he had in mind when he called it heaven..." Lena headed towards what looked like the receptionist desk.

"Hello and welcome to--" The receptionist was cut mid sentence.

"Yeah yeah... please just tell me where Octan is." Lena asked the only properly clothed female in the establishment.

"Octan?" The cat eared woman tilted her head.

"The terran." Said the terran covering their face.

"Oh! Sir hero? He should be in the back room. Take a left from there and it should be the 2nd room from there." The woman said pointing towards a kind of door in the back.

"T-thanks." Lena was stunned at how easily she had given out the information.

'Their completely clueless attituded is just!!!!' he sure wasn't lying.

Following the woman's directions she opened the door only to feel disgust.

Octan had a look of absolute ecstasy, As if he had just achieved his life-long goal. Drinking while multiple woman fight over who gets to sit next to him.

"Just what the fuck are you doing?" Lena asked looking at scum.

Octan gesture the women to leave and then talks.

"Enjoying myself. Come on Lena you've gotta let lose here and there you know? If you don't it will all just come back to bite you. You should too! I know a place just like this, but the opposite! you get me don't you?" Octan said creeping towards Lena.

Imagining a seen such as this but with her instead of Octan and men instead of women her first turns read.

"S-shut up! That's not what we are here for! How does this have to do with anything about taking down The demon lord! Why did you even bring us here." Lena shouts.

Listening to Lena Octan's Expression turns extremely serious as he sobers up completely. Seeing that Lena calms down.

Octan says nothing for a bit then takes out a couple of wooden carves that he places on the table in front of him.

"Take those, money doesn't really exist here, but instead they have something called 'do anything token.' Just show this to whatever place you want to go to and they will treat you perfectly." Octan said not raising his head to look at Lena.

"Just enjoy your time here. We will leave eventually." Octan said sitting back still not looking at Lena.

Lena took the "tokens" on the table and went to leave through the door behind her.

"And one more thing. Lena, you are your own person." Octan says as Lena leaves the room.

'My own person? what is this drunk on about.' Lena said clicking her tongue as she left.

"I Should fulfill that promise I made ,for whatever reason, now I guess since I have the time." Lena said heading back from where she came.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thegamerman_420 here. as a special for 50th chapter a rough sketch by a friend of mine for lena.


i think this works? I hope so... anyway the only difference between this Lena and the lena in story is the eyepatch, this was back before the whole octan reunion so lena's eye was still very cringe. so yeah have a good one.