"Huh, ignorant fool. Do you not recognize my apprentice seal. It is authorized by the laws of the Conjurers Court. Even if I hypothetically stole from my master, a Conjurer of Drachia, you peasant villagers have no right to question matters that involve our organization", I told and scolded the village judge who was shocked and afraid of my response.

"There must be a misunderstanding. I've already proclaimed the trial of the theft of the magical armor is resolved", Wilmonn replied to me timidly all of a sudden.

Wimonn realized now that the trial which unfortunately involved the Conjurer's Court is becoming out of hand.

"There is no misunderstanding here", I replied to the baron.

"What more do you want? We are letting the thief go", he replied to us.

"The accused theft by Raven is resolved but there is another matter at hand", I told the court.

"What matter that I am not aware of?" the judge asked me angrily.

"There is the matter of Wrongful Accusation and if you do not act against the wrongful accuser, I may report this matter to the Conjurer Court, defaming the honor of a Conjurer and even his apprentice would be punishable by death not only to the accuser but this entire village. With a flick of their finger this entire village will be up in smoke", I told the judge and his kangaroo court threateningly and they suddenly shook in fear.

Actually, I made up the rule myself, but these people were never the wiser. Nobody in the whole country ever went to the Conjurer Court of Drachia except Greenduff.

No wonder my father wanted me so much to be awakened in Templar magic even if it used up all his savings and he was so thankful when Greenduff took me in as his apprentice. The power of the name "Conjurer" was even greater than the Baron in this small village town.

Everyone in the village court was stunned by my sudden outbursts in the village court. 

I was only a thirteen-year-old boy, it wasn't possible that I would understand the politics of the land so well and even use such knowledge against these seasoned village politicians. 

But that was what I did, which was an undeniable fact.

"Did someone teach him how to talk to us older people like that?" Wilmonn asked himself before he answered himself with a question, "could it be his master is back, which explains the boy's arrogance in my court? Then this trial cannot go on if the Conjurer is back and if the matter remotely involved him".

"Raven and Bommurs are not guilty of stealing and would be released and it will be the end of this matter", Baron Wilmonn suddenly pronounced immediately to end the matter quickly.

Although everyone else including Caelum was ready to accept the result I wasn't.

"I am not here just for the release of the accused, I am here to seek justice for them, the wrongful accuser must be punished to the strongest manner allowed under the Constitution of the Conjurer Court", I told everyone there to their shock again.

"Orion", Minna suddenly said out loud with a gasped.

Even Minna was quite surprised by my sudden transformation, and she began to have a little fear of the power I suddenly wielded. 

The power of my words. 

But I alleviated her fear a little by throwing her a wink and she suddenly laughed at my silliness.

"We are not familiar with the Conjurer Court's Constitution?" the village judge pleaded with me.

"Under the Constitution of the Conjurers, IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE", I shouted back at the judge who dropped to the ground in fear and knelt before me begging for mercy.

Obviously, the whole room was stunned when the village judge bent the knee to a thirteen-year-old boy. Even the Baron was speechless at this moment. 

Suddenly Michonn realized something was off in the trial and he started to run.

"Rings of Vines"

Michonn was pulled into the ceiling by my magical vines as all the guards knelt in fear.

"Did we really anger a Conjurer?" the guards asked among themselves but they were helpless against the power and magic of the Conjurers.

"The punishment for defaming a Conjurer apprentice is ten whippings by lightning and I pronounce you Michonn, Guilty", I told the court my pronouncement.

The court had nothing to say so the judge merely asked me, "as you proclaim apprentice Conjurer but where do we find lightning to whip the accuser?"

"That you don't have to worry about", I replied to the judge.

"Rings of Sparks"

Suddenly Lightning sparked across the Village Hall as lightning struck Michonn burning all his clothes and deeply wounding his flesh and skin.


"One Strike"


Michonn screamed in pain as he was struck by my magic lightning spark. Even his father the Baron couldn't do a thing to stop the lightning whipping his son.

"Two Strikes"

"Yes, strike the bastard", Raven shouted at Michonn.

"Three Strikes" "Four Strikes" "Five Strikes" "Six Strikes" "Seven Strikes" "Eight Strikes" "Nine Strikes" "Ten Strikes"

When the punishment was completed, I released Michonn from my magic vines.

"He won't bother us anymore from today", I told Raven and Caleum as we left the village court.

"But at the same time, we made a powerful enemy", I told myself as I looked at the furious face of the Baron who was barely restraining himself.

"Was it necessary to punish the young lord like that it would embarrass the Baron", Caelum asked me as we left.

"If you have the power, it must be wielded and used otherwise it would become powerless", I told Caelum to which he understood a little but what he didn't understand was how those words came out of a thirteen-year old.

"Are you sure you are the same Orion that I knew since your father brought you back when you were eight years old?" Caelum, the hunter friend of my father asked me.

"I am the same Orion although I have changed. I have new memories and experiences now", I replied to him.
