"Ring of Shield"
Despite his hands being pulled apart by my magic vibes, Garrigan still managed to conjure a magic shield to block my punch.
"Damnit, the shield comes up without using his bloody hands", I complained to myself.
"Do you think these vines would stop my conjuration? I've practiced this so much that the shield will appear on my thought alone" Garrigan shouted out to me about his proficiency with his magic ring.
Suddenly, my magic vines ran up Garrigan's hands.
"What about now?" I asked Garrigan as my magic vines pulled Garrigan's magic ring out from his finger.
"No, how dare you?" Garrigan shouted at me again.
Without the ring on his finger, Garrigan was unable to conjure his magic shield.
"Shattering Punch" "3…2…1"