"There are three types of heretics that the Church is looking for, one of them is your kind, with a Demonic Soul realm, which is the easiest to spot because you leave plenty of demonic magic and sulfur when you use your soul magic", I told her.
"So, I shouldn't use my soul magic anymore?" she asked me.
"At least not in public when people could identify you", I replied to her.
"What should I do now?" she asked me.
"Eirot you should stay here in the ruins for a while and lay low, I'll look for you if nothing much happens. Let's just hope that nobody recognizes your demon magic in the Hero Arena", I told Eirot.
"It's ok I'll have more time with Alfred here, he misses me anyway", Eirot told me.
I don't know if anybody saw Eirot using her demonic soul magic but there were many people in the Hero Arena, so it's better to be safe and leave quickly.