"Why are they arresting people with Angel Affinity?" I asked Saye.
"Didn't you know about it already? The Church suspects the Dark Angel of Revelations will arise again and they are taking away anyone with superhuman abilities. The Dark Angel will be someone born with extraordinary abilities and Jaipore is one of them", Saye replied to me.
"Damnit, its my fault again", I said to myself because I am the person who harbored the soul of the Dark Angel in my soul realm, not Jaipore, or talented good people like him.
"There is nothing we can do to help Jaipore. It is his choice to attack you in public, revealing his secrets", Saye told me.
"Damn, I can't reveal my secrets in public too", I complained to myself.
After the fight with Jaipore, I was in no mood for school.
The advantages of being a rich bully were, I could skip school and play truant at any time that I wanted.