"This is rather strange. The bastard is not this weak", another conjurer said to them.
Suddenly, another voice spoke to them, and the voice didn't come from either of them.
"Are you guys so eager to kill me?" I told them as I appeared above the conjurers floating in the sky above them.
"The bastard is not dead, how did he evade all our conjurations?" a conjurer asked.
Suddenly, two of the conjurers who came to attack me were lifted into the air, restrained by magical chains that silenced their magic.
"Golden Chains of Greed and Restrain"
"What are these damn chains?" the conjurer asked.
Those conjurers who were not restrained tried to conjure their magic to attack me, but something wasn't right.
"How did our magic get suppressed?" they asked among themselves.
"That is due to my Chaos Suppression. Your magic is reduced by at least two to three magical tiers", I said to them.
"Chaos Suppression"