"I don't know but my master wants it", I replied to him.

"How is your master going to wear this useless rag?" he asked me.

"Bring the shroud into your soul realm", the voice of Emperor Tian told me.

"Ratatouille can you take the shroud into my soul realm for my teacher", I asked Ratatouille.

"This is the first time I'm taking junk. You have no need for me without any more keys here, I'll return to counting my coins", he complained to me when he took the garment and disappeared.

Moments later, the garment reappeared in front of me to my surprise.

"I thought I asked you to deliver this rag to my master", I told Ratatouille.

"He already did that. I am the one who brought the shroud out", Emperor Tian told me.

"You are my teacher?" I asked the shroud.