"If you are not thinking about the clock perhaps, they will stop or if you leave this room", I said to the old man.
"That is a strange perspective. But what will happen to the clocks if I am not here to look after them?" the clockmaker asked me.
"The clocks will be fixed. Didn't I tell you that before", I replied to the old man again.
"How do I know if you are right, if I leave this room. Did you just make everything up?" he asked me.
The old man clockmaker was right. I made up the theory for the purpose of engaging the old man.
"What if I was wrong?" I asked myself.
But there was a way to get out of this room irrespective of whether my theory was right.
"The only way to find out is for you to leave this room. With me of course. If you never try, you'll never know for sure", I told the old man clockmaker.