51. Crushing hard...

"So did you enjoy the service?? Nathan went over to the ladies when the service was over...

" Personally, I was blessed. The service was perfect... I wasn't thinking of anything else believe me, I was definitely focused on the service all through... Jenny seethed like she was trying to convince herself and every other person that she was completely focused...

"I'm glad you enjoyed the service Jenny, how about you Vanessa, did you enjoy the service??

" Well I wouldn't quite say enjoy, but I wasn't bored... Your brother gave a nice sermon and you both sang nicely. I never knew you had such a nice voice. Really Mr. Bryan, is there anything you're not good at??

This was it, this was what he wanted to hear. To hear her say he hard a nice voice, it gave him that wonderful feeling again, and he couldn't help smiling.