70. Vee...

"so we've agreed that on all my days off., which is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, that's when we'll be having the lessons, between five to seven on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then on Saturday we'll start earlier by two in the afternoon and stop anytime after four., am I right? Vanessa confirmed. After Jenny and Nick had left, there was a bit of awkwardness between them., but thank God they were able to look past their situations and talk. 

"Yep., that's it. But I hope it would not be too stressful for you. I mean because of your work.

" No., no of course not. It's no stress at all. In fact, you wouldn't understand it, but she's helping me in a way.

"well if that's the case, that's good. Also I hope it won't be a problem for you coming here. If you want the lesson can be done at your place instead. She's always there anyway. I hope it won't be too uncomfortable to be around me or anything.