123.Their birthdays...

"Vanessa" the name came as a whisper from Jenny's mouth. Vanessa just turns her head to look at her, as she was too depressed to even utter a word. 

"We're going to make it out of here right? We are not going to be locked up in here forever right? Nick and Nathan are going to find us right.? Vanessa let's out a weak chuckle. 

" Jenny, you are the older Christian between the both of us, but I think I'm starting to surpass you. Before men, shouldn't we put our hope in God first? I want to believe that God will help them. He will help Nick and Nathan find us soon. Very soon. 

" You think so" 

"I know so. He will not leave us."



"I think today is 27th."

"is it?

" Yes, it is... Happy birthday... 


In an empty room, a man is rested on the cold floor, hands and legs tied up together in front of him. Lips sealed with a tape.