
Breaking news...

"The renowned Parker groups goes into a state of panic as the CEO Mrs. Alice Parker and her son are being tried for what seems to be a long list of crimes." All their heads turn to the big screen in the living room as the news caught all their attentions. 

"Some of which seems to include Kidnapping and Sexual assault by the son Jason Parker, and attempted murder by the CEO herself." The reporter continues.

Nathan unconsciously pulls Vanessa closer to himself as Jason's face comes on the screen. Tightly holding her by the shoulder like he was trying to hide her from the picture that was on the screen. 

"Sources say she took full part in the attempted murders, as she had hired some goons to not only kill some women who we haven't confirmed their identities yet, but also sexually assault them before they are completely disposed of." 

Nick's hand over Jenny's wrist tightened, and she flashed him a smile indicating that she was okay.