49. What You Lack

She consumed her mind with strange feelings while Edgar's signal was already imprinted in her mind and her gaze could not drift from the door even though two spoonfuls of her dish were already in her mouth. Swallowing it at once, she dropped the spoon hastily and ambled recklessly to the door.

"Ouch!" She screamed at the step she took from the full force of opening the door, "What the fuck is here?!"

"What the fuck...?" A bassy voice shuddered her as she landed in a pool of water. Striving to be balanced, her mind was void at the moment.

Barely did she expect the door to lead to a pool let alone to be this close to the door, her teeth grit heavily beneath, and scowled around to see the voice that shuddered her.

"You..." Her brow raised, amused to see Lord Edam pointing at her even though he did not appear like being surprised to see what just happened to her.


Instead, Naya gulped as nothing tangible popped out of her slender head.