88. Someone Nonevil

She pressed her lips together tightly, touring the territory in search of him. Perhaps, she could have just gone out of his territory to see if he was by the beach again but that man was unpredictable... What if she go out there and he was not there, how will she enter the territory back? She refrained and search the territory courteously.

After some moments, she looked solely into the pool. 'If he could go missing inside this mountain, then, that pool was the only place he would enter. W-what so good about that things?' She peeped irritatedly into it.

Her reflection in the stagnant pool engrossed her. Afterward, she tried a different pose around it... enthusiasm, as she recall what she felt like when Lord Edam confessed and even flattened his lips on hers without retreating. Those memories made her smile in front of the quiet pool. She was that carried away when her demoness bluntly scold her. 'Fool headed! I think that man was right to call you little punk.'