108. Save us

A moment she was happy, in another moment she was dismayed and for those moments he was the reason. Random murmurings cut her off from her thoughts. Their murmurings filled the air like a siren of a car. Regardless of this, Lord Edam smirked before progressing.

"Qorex, don't ponder about Princess Tinaya too much, this little Princess is under my punishment. I guess that was why she is holding grudges against me that way... So lame of her."

His hand went from her waist and rub roughly on her neatly packed hair that Naya had to tilt her head to see how ludicrous was and confirm if he was the one doing this to her for real.

Some jerky coughs filled the living hall. Yet, Lord Edam cheesy his voice at Naya, "Little Princess, Isn't it?" His brows flared at her.

Naya glared at him speechlessly with gaped lips. Subtly, Lord Edam faced Queen Qorex to buttress further, "She ignored me this whole time... That's her manner of grudging." He smiled.