
𝗛𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗦𝗮𝘁ō

When I open my eyes, I instinctually stretch my body and heard my bone creak.

"Ahhhhhhh, that feels good." I look around my room and saw Astoria and Alice sleeping.

There was also tons of bottle of what seemed like alcohol everywhere.

"What the hell did you two do to my room?"

I ask them but since they were sleeping, no response came out. I stretch my body even more and then the door opens.

When I look at the door Freya was looking at me with wavering eyes.

"Morning." She casually put her tray of food down before charging at me.

She grabs my collar but didn't do anything else.

" dumb fuck!"

Tears start to well up and her eyes.

'Oh god, I can't deal with this!' She looks down trying to not let me see her face.

Astoria and Alice woke up and also saw me.

They just stared at me for a while.

"Are you...gonna help me or not?"

The other two also hug me tightly as if making sure, I'm here.

"Okay, guess not."

They stay like this for a while, my heart throbs mysteriously.

'So this is a feeling of being cared for huh? Not a bad feeling.' I smile to myself and then I pat their head.

"I'm sorry." I want to care for them too, that is the promise I made to myself.

"A-amazing you've recovered so fast!" A male doctor said to me.

I look at the three women who don't want to see my face. Though it felt weird of them to be embarrassed at their age, I have no idea about the standards of this world so I didn't dwell on it.

It was a regular checkup after that but the doctor seemed to have a weird face for some reason. He calls the three out of the room with him and they started talking. After a while, the three come back and the doctor was nowhere in sight.

They just sat in a spot in my room and just casually watch me carefully. Astoria was sitting in the window, Alice near the table, and Freya next to me.

It felt really weird being watched so I decided to strike up a conversation.

"So, uhhhh, how long was I out?"

"Three weeks," Alice said bluntly.

"I see, wait no, I don't see, what do you mean I was out for three weeks?" I was shocked by this.

I knew damn well about the large amount of blood that I lose but I didn't think that I would fall into a coma.

"T-the doctor said that you practically had no mana in you, so he said that it would take at least 3 - 10 years before you even have a chance to awaken," Astoria added in a wavering voice.

"Huh, oh speaking of which, do you guys have this character board thing?" I forcefully or more like naturally changed the topic.

"Huh? oh yes, everyone did, the entire world is on fire right now."

"I see, I'm guessing everything is getting reworked because of this Megu putting a number onto things like mana."

"Right," Freya responds. It wasn't just exactly the character board, there were three more dark blue rectangular things with white text around me.

First was, of course, the character board, the second was just a rectangle which says that If I am in combat or not, the third was the activity l, and lastly was about terminology simply called "Help"

The help button had a question mark at the end of it so I hold it with my finger.

A text pops out about its description and when I stop holding it, the question mark disappears. And in the seemingly empty menu, a text written as "Help" appears with an arrow at the very end of the rectangle where the text was.

I tap on it and it showed the same description as before.

I then tapped the character board with my finger and saw many question marks at the end of most text.

I hold the "Character Board ( ? )" and text pop out.

"'Blessing of Megu, The God Of Entertainment after finding out the existence of video games from the planet known as earth'" I stay silent after reading that.

'The hell is that god doing in my former world?' I stop thinking about it after a while and scrolled down with my finger which starts to show my status.

I tap the question mark not bothering to read it since I could already guess what most things mean.

'So that's what she meant.' I saw my mana count.

"Hey uh, question, how much do you all have?" I ask the three women who were still watching me.

"Huh? Oh uh about this much." They showed their character boards and saw mana into the thousands.

It seems you were able to show your character board to other people.

Astoria as if an idea popped into her head, ask me a question while poorly hiding her intentions.

"So Himura, how about do you have?"

'Oh, that's it?'

"I have a whopping one out of one mana."

"""Huh?!""" The three shout in surprise.

I stay expressionless, not knowing what to say or do after their reaction.

Realizing my abnormality I look for a reason for my low mana count then I looked at the curse section of my character board and finally saw it.

Curse of reincarnation. Its description says: "An being from another world and its standard making you strong or weak depending on what world you are in"

After its description, it listed its effects:

- Limited to 1/1 mana

"Apparently it's from the curse of being reincarnated."

"""What?!""" I dropped bomb after bomb of information about myself and it seems they couldn't take it anymore.

I felt my chest feel better knowing that secret is out.

"Meaning I either summoned or revived" When I said that, my race updated from "Human?" to "Homunculus"

The activity log also told me of the change. Astoria and Freya seem to be still processing everything while Alice grabbed me by the arm. Knowing her intention I said bluntly.

"I have no idea how or why I appeared in this world, sorry."

After saying that, Alice became somewhat sad. I was open about reincarnation since I don't see the need to hide. Though I did realize after that some might interrogate me about earth because of the origin of the character board but it was too late now.

I scroll back up while they try to process everything and looked at my stats.

'...these stats are an exact copy of that tabletop role-playing game.'

I said at the obvious rip-off that the god of entertainment did. Then I laid my eyes on my charisma.

'Wha-why do I have such a high charisma?' I look at my party members and asked how much charisma they have.

"So you're telling me, I have the highest charisma out of this group."

"Wait, how high are yours anyway?"


They don't seem to be that surprised about it. "Well, that's not surprising."


"Well, it's not like you don't know how to talk to anyone, besides, I even saw haggling with some people, those things take good charisma."

'That's because I felt like I was being scammed!' It still felt wrong probably because my Japanese blood refused to believe that I was actually good a haggling though I don't anything about other countries, I do know that even though it's not illegal, it still feels like it when you haggle in there.

I spent most of the time, checking out my character board and drawing because the three refused to let me out of the room until I was better. I don't really know what they mean by it since I felt fine so I decided to take a closer look at my debuff.



-50% to all physical activities

-30% Stamina

-Slowed down by 20%


A large amount of blood lost

Lack of any physical activities


12 Days

I decided to wait for them to fall asleep.


In the dead of night, I grabbed my newly fixed jacket and wore it. It was quite hard to put it on with one hand but I still managed to do it.

Silently leaving the room, I made a b-line to the copper-like wall and stared at the distance.

The breeze passes through me and I smile for a bit.

"I'm still alive." I only said that as I spent my time looking at the distance and also hardening my will to change.

It wasn't for my party members but myself.

I finally realize that this was no dream and I was really in a new world, a world where I can finally live happily. I also remembered my team members no, my companions that I value more than my life.

Astoria, the frontline archer.

Freya, the priest that can't heal.

Alice, the not-so versatile mage.

And me, the cowardly swordsman.

I look at my missing arm and try to sort my feelings about my disability, I do not blame anyone even myself. My new skill, undying focus made the decision knowing well what will happen next.

I breathe out and white smoke comes out of my hand then I realized that it was snowing.

"Himura?" I turned around in surprise and saw Astoria.

She has a face of worry and guilt. I was not a dense guy so I knew how she was feeling.

I felt happy that she cares for me but I couldn't take her guilty face, she probably already realize that she should have dodged the abyss instead of using her body to shield Alice. I approach her and my heart beat faster, I was nervous because this was another attempt of changing myself.

I raise my right arm and pat her head and as if a dam has broken, she lays her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

I felt my chest was a bit damp meaning that she was crying. I do not say anything and did not deny her fault, all I could do was to keep patting her head.

It took a while to calm her down and when she finally does, she only looks at me. I open my mouth.

"I'm fine alright and I already forgive you so please, don't hate yourself."

I say as if I was speaking from experience, it seems Astoria picked that up as well but without giving her time to process what I mean, I forcefully change the topic.

"Let's go, it's getting late and I want to rest."

She only nods and follows me silently


Stats Meaning:

Strength - How strong you are at doing physical activities and also how much you can carry.

Dexterity - How fast you are at activities requiring fast movement and also how to use weapons that do not require much strength to use.

Constitution - Your overall healthiness, immunity to debuff, and increased effects of buffs

Wisdom - Your overall wits and perception of everything around you.

Intelligence - Your understanding, affinity, and immunity to magic

Charisma - Your ability to talk in social events and also how to manipulate your words.