
𝗛𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗦𝗮𝘁ō

I drew my silver-colored sword in a reverse grip and blocked the wolf's bite but then its tentacles from its eye started to wrap around my sword, however as I pull it out, the tentacles start to sizzle and smoke starts to come out.

The wolf unwraps its tentacles and jumped back and I, still holding the silver-colored blade in a reverse grip, thrust my sword for a stab; thankfully connected, I pull it out and I held the sword normally.

Kicking the wolf out of the carriage, I took a glance at them. There were crow-looking monsters that they were fending off, that was all I could see before another two wolves jumps on the carriage.

It rocks heavily seemingly because of the rocky road that we were going on and I had to take one foot in front of me, just to balance myself. Using the very small momentum, I lowered my stance before taking a small step for a horizontal slash so that I can slash them both.

One of them dodges but I managed to graze the other then its skin starts to sizzle for a bit before I took another step to attack once again however a crow-looking monster swoops down and entered the carriage with the intent of killing me. I instinctively sidestep to dodge the attack but thanks to my skill [Calm Mind], I remembered who's backs, I was protecting then I immediately meet the crow head-on.

The crow crashes into the blade of my silver-colored sword and the crow was split in half without even any resistance, with just a single glance, I could see that its skin was sizzling.

'I've heard back in my world that a silver sword was effective against monsters, demons, and such, so I guess it's safe to say that this is indeed a basic silver sword'

I thought of this whilst I was fighting the two wolves thanks to [Calm Mind].

Due to the rocky road that this carriage was going on, I slip and fall on my butt, and the two wolves immediately charges at me for a bite but I managed to react quickly with [Death Perception] by kicking one of the wolves out of the carriage and the other, I met with my silver sword.

I was quickly dominated by the last wolf because I only had one arm to wield my sword and so I, using my knee, I kick the wolf in the side forcing it to stagger for a bit, and then I used my other leg to try and kick the wolf off the carriage.

The wolf, unfortunately, however, managed to stay on the carriage and as I try to stand up, the wolf once again tries to bite me and I met it once again with my silver sword but this time, the carriage rocked a little too hard making me fall to the side, going through the cloth and almost falling through to the ground.


Alice shouted which I only heard briefly since my senses were getting invaded by the loud crows and wolves, the rocky sound of the carriage, and my death perception.

I desperately used my legs to avoid falling but I was slowly slipping and it seems the crashing sound has caught of attention of Alice as she kicked the wolf as hard as her feeble body can before growling loudly.

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[NEW]: Skill [Animalistic Intimidation] has been unlocked.

[NEW]: Skill [Animalistic Intimidation] has been activated

I could briefly see Alice having a transparent mask of a tiger appear in her head as she growls loudly that the wolf starts to become somewhat tame and taking that opportunity, she kicks the wolf outside of the carriage before grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"You okay?"


I said briefly in her eyes which had a slight worry but I could also see that her mind is busier somewhere else so after hearing my response she briefly checked her skills.

Looking at the floating window, it was a skill that was derived from some sort of animal handling skills or maybe her summoning magic however, I didn't have time to dwell on it as Astoria screams.


She said as she and Freya goes in the back of our carriage.

The two horses jump with all their might and we start to fall. The three women jumped out and I followed although very uncertain about this.

Astoria managed to land gracefully on a small branch that was sticking out of the cliff, Freya with all her strength managed to stick her staff into the cliff then finally Alice threw out a large red feather which then become a giant red falcon and caught floated down safely but I, however, was not so lucky, I did not possess Freya's strength, Astoria's elven trait, and Alice's magic and I continue to fall.

Using my mind, I open my character board and activated my only skill, [Undying Focus].

As if time has slowed down and my eyes started to glow, I calculated what I can do to get out of this alive. With my death perception screaming at me, I managed to see two thick branches that were in a diagonal direction which was heading into a bunch of trees.

So as I met contact with the cliffside with my foot, I immediately jumps down into those branches to crash into them which broke a bit of my momentum before crashing into the trees with my feet first however, I was unfortunate enough to into a particularly thick branch which stopped all my momentum at a cost my back being severely injured.

The skill immediately broke from the pain and then I fall into a comfortable grass patch, however, I somehow managed to hit my head at the overgrown root of the tree. I see Alice running towards me but I slowly lose consciousness.


I wake up under the starry night and the brief noises of the burning wood from the campfire.

When I look beside me, I see Astoria, being a lookout for tonight. When I tried to get up, I could feel a sharp pain in my back.


When I said that out loud, Astoria finally notices me and looks over me.

"Ah, you're finally awake."

She greeted me casually but I perceive that she was trying to stay strong since this has happened a couple of times. It probably has to be something in her past which caused her to be like this with her party members but I didn't really care however I also wanted to reassure her. "..I'm fine."

I probably should have said more but I was already cringing at myself since I never had to do this back in my world, thankfully it was enough to reassure her since she starts talking once again.

"Well the girls are already sleeping is just us right now."

"Hmm." I nod my head while laying down on the comfortable dark grass.

"So I'm guessing the carriage is destroyed?"

"Huh?" Astoria looks at me weirdly to then looks at me with a laughing face before speaking again.

"That's a covered wagon dumbass" She hits me on the forehead lightly before laughing slightly.

"Hey, you can't blame me for this, back in our world, we stopped using wagons and carriages."

"Yeah, yeah Mr. I'm a Noble, by the way, I've meant to ask what is your old world and how did you even reincarnate here?"

I was hesitant about this question but it was inevitable though, I was very thankful for my party to be people that we were accepting of me, and after a moment of hesitation, I start to talk about my country and making sure to not tell her about my life and my past "attempts" and instead told her the very large difference in our world.

After about an hour or so, I drink my water because of my dry throat, and as I did that, Astoria begins to speak.

"Haaaah, I wish I could go there, it seems like a fun place." She said I stayed silent since I couldn't return such feelings.

"How about you Himura, do you want to return too?" My heart seems to stop and I look away as flashes of my old shitty life come back to me and Astoria seems to notice my change in mood.

'No, please don't return to that place.'

The thought of me returning to my world was the only thought that truly scared me, I didn't want to return to a life of suffering and so every night, I pray that this world was not just some dream that I was having while I was in a coma or something.


I noticed Astoria's face of concern and I immediately snapped back.

"I...no, I want in this world."

I say that briefly then I smile to reassure her however, my smile does not reach my eyes but thankfully with the combination of skill, [Poker Face], [Sly Tongue], and [Natural Liar], I managed to shake her off my case.


She only said in a down voice, we stopped talking after that and I try to awkwardly sleep next to her and hoped that she forgets about this in the morning.