

Staring at the bag of coffee, Christian reads everything on it carefully, but after a few seconds, he puts it aside, while his frown deepens even more "It's normal coffee..."

'Something's not right... why does the coffee taste so bad? It's too acidic... coffee shouldn't be acidic, it should be bitter.'

"That's why I don't even think about spending money on coffee, I'll just look for another job and that's it" Thinking Christian realized how bad his idea was, Eva, smiled and spoke.

"What's the name of the place where you work mom?"



At that name, Christian went blank for a moment, then turned to his mother with an awkward smile and spoke "W-what?"


Frowning, Christian thinks 'My mother knows the creator of Starbucks? But in my world, the company was never sold by this date... let alone made so little money... it's 2010, at this point, it should be pretty expanded'

Getting up from his seat, Christian continues his thoughts as he walks to the computer in the room 'Come to think of it... it's a waste just to leave my money in the bank... I should invest in certain things... my project with Emily has already started, that should make quite a bit of money, but it has yet to blossom'

Turning, Christian speaks to Eva "Mother, do you know any corporate lawyers?"

"Sara is a corporate lawyer, why?" frowning, Eva asks suspiciously "You're not thinking of buying the coffee shop, are you?"

"I don't think so, but I want to see certain things about the money...leaving that aside, wasn't Aunt Sara a store worker like you?"

"Yes, but it was just for her part time job, she was studying at the time, now she's been qualified to be a lawyer for a few years."

"Oh... could you give me her number?

Looking suspiciously at the boy, Eva sighed inside her mind 'This kid already has that look of his... I'm sure in a few days I'll be stressing about new news *Sigh*'

"Okay" Shaking her head, Eva just nodded "193xxxxxxx2"

"Thanks" Still thinking, Christian nods and sits down at the computer, turning it on quickly unlike the library computer.


Let's see...

Turning on the search engine, Christian searches for Starbucks on Google, but when he found himself with no useful results, Christian frowns.

"Leading coffee companies."

Researching for a while, Christian leans back in his chair and thinks 'Coffee is not a viable business in this world, it tastes like crap... but why? I was researching and the process is the same as I remember from my previous world, so it has nothing to do with that... why does it taste so bad?'

Tapping the desk with his fingers, Christian's eyes light up 'The palate is the only option'.

"But why?" frowning, even more, Christian logically analyzes the situation 'The coffee process is the same as always, but the taste is different... even with different vegetables and fruits, the taste is the same... but the coffee is not... no doubt it's the palate, since it's impossible for it to be the earth... the palate could have changed, but why? 'I thought only the roles were reversed, it shouldn't affect the-'

Opening his eyes wide, Christian notices something important and exclaims "Shit!"

'It's obvious that everything would change! That's why I always found adult men's voices weird, they were too high pitched for what they should be... that's why men are quite small to the average of my other world... the evolution process was different, it was always women who fought in wars, it was always them who hunted in the Jurassic era, everything changed!'

'The change had to bring more changes in the body than just the palate!' Thinking that Christian took his cell phone and called Professor Andrew.

"Good morning Christian, you're already in New York?" a cheerful voice rang from the cell phone.

"Professor, we'll talk about the meeting later, I have to ask you something important."

"Tell me?"

"I want to buy books on human anatomy, from cells, hormones, to the palate, everything that describes human anatomy and biology."

"It's easy-"

"Wait, I also need books that talk about food chemicals and at the same time beverages... let's also add books about natural and artificial flavoring... I also want books where all the animals and plants of the world are, ideally describing their functions and details... I also want all the books that talk about research on coffee... I would also like to know about some complete laboratory that is up for rent in Detroit, but that would be for later, for now I need the books."

"That's not easy at all" With a somewhat agitated voice, Professor Andrew replied "The human anatomy I can get easily, but the rest... it's a bit complicated, essentially because it's more than 200 books you want... are you sure?"

"Yes, absolutely sure, no matter the money, I want them for maximum of 7 days in Detroit."

"Ok, I'll do my best to get it ready, but it will cost quite a bit kid, remember that."

"Never mind, I have money... if you need help in any mathematical sector, you can bring me books that talk about the area and I'll try to help you, I don't like to owe favors"

"I will make good on your word" With a calmer voice, Professor Andrew replies.

"I'll leave it for now, we'll talk tomorrow about the meeting, see you later" Finishing speaking, Christian hangs up the call and goes to do more research on the computer.

"So Uber already came out a year ago in San Francisco...there's also Airbnb... Tesla needs capital, it has a heavy loss this year, but the capital they are asking for should be a lot for me, a minimum of $50 million for 12% max... no doubt it's the best time to invest, the 2009 crisis is still hitting these golden hens..." Smiling, Christian looked at the name of the current leader of the company "Elene Musk, what a weird shit, they don't even look alike, this woman is quite... unpleasing to the eye."

"But well, I guess Tesla won't do for today.... Airbnb should only need max $6 million and would take a big chunk of their company... the problem is that site only managed to pull results around 2017, before that the loss was a lot"

"Uber will succeed faster, by mid-2011 it should be coming to New York, that will give them users, and at the same time problems... but with $10 million I can take a big bite out of it"

"All of that would be normal shares, I would have voting rights and I could sue the company if I see them doing something illegal, at the same time I would have a seat on the board of directors."

"Now, if we look at the public stock.... Tesla took its stock public 2 months ago in this world, going out its first day with a price of $15... today it went up to..." Googling quickly, Christian looked at his price and arched his eyebrows "$28... even though it went up, quite a bit in such a short time, the price is still small.... I have to spend $25 million, for now, all the rest I'll leave for home.... I can't buy the 25 million in public shares all at once, the stock would suffer a very big drop, not to mention that I don't think there are that many still for sale."

Pursing his lips, Christian continued to ramble "What's up... Whatsapp!"

Quickly settling back in his seat, Christian googled all about the App, finding it still in its first version, remarking that it was only launched a few months ago, causing Christian's eyes to sparkle "This was sold to Facebook for 19 billion dollars, I only have to invest max 6 million dollars and the bite could be 35% of the company, that would mean I would earn approx. 5 billion dollars, in max 3 years... I'm not interested in keeping Whatsapp shares, I'll never make that much money, but I could also have part of my share payment with regular Facebook shares, that would give me a seat on the board of directors... no, that shit would tarnish my image, Facebook will get into a lot of dirty shit in the future, even more with people dying in their virtual helmet Meta.... *sigh* that was a big fiasco."

"Even though the version still doesn't have messaging and only focuses on statuses, it's better for me, since it means the company wasn't created more than 3 months ago... inspiring them to get into messaging would score me points with them... I could also help them in the process of creating and modifying the app... I could even try to incentivize the app with a more updated format"

"Instagram is not yet created... I will not bother to create it, it would be a lot of work and money invested, I am already working with Emily on BlockChain to be able to create the bitcoin, I better wait and see if I can buy the company when they already have everything put together... I need a financial advisor to do everything for me, with the research I decided to do, I don't have enough time."

Christian a few months ago wanted to invest in bitcoin, but to his surprise, there was no Bitcoin yet, much less the BlockChain, the engine of many programs in the future, something that Christian saw as a golden opportunity, causing him to raise the idea to the girl the very next day, instantly receiving an affirmative response, as the girl considered it 'fun'.

Christian hasn't forgotten about Emily now that he has money either, for her birthday, June 17, Christian talked to Eva and bought her the best computer money could buy, but for that Eva had to talk to the girl's father.

It all ended in tears for the poor guy, talking for hours about how his bastard of a wife left him and went away, but at the same time being thankful that he was left with some money because he wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't for that.

After getting to know each other's families, Christian managed to get permission to go to Emily's house from time to time, something that frustrated Eva a lot, as she didn't like the girl, but under the prodding and a few puppy dog eyes, she could only reluctantly agree.

"So... let's start with Whatsapp, Uber, and Airbnb? I might also buy a few Tesla shares, at least $1 million."

"If everything goes well tomorrow, I'll start getting a lot more money from books thanks to the free announcement I'll make when I'm interviewed... the publisher should also announce the release of Harriet potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Narnia and the Hunger Games."

Picking up his cell phone, Christian dials Sara's number "Hello, aunt Sara?"

"Christian? Hello my boy, how are you?"

"I am doing good auntie, a few minutes ago we arrived at the hotel".

"Is the hotel nice?"

"Yes, Hailie and Alan are very excited."

"And your mother?"

"She almost died of a heart attack when she got on the plane, she's afraid of them."

"Hoh, that information is interesting" With a mocking voice, Sara replies.

"Auntie, I was calling you because I need your help".

"Whatever you want Christian, what do you need?"

"I'm thinking of investing in certain companies, but I need a lawyer to do the whole process"

"Invest in companies?" With an incredulous voice, Sara asks.

"Yes, I was researching certain growing companies and I'm interested in taking a stake in them"


"I'd like to hire you as my corporate attorney, Aunt Sara, although there are quite a few corporate lawyers in Detroit, I don't trust other people very much, and I'd rather stick with the ones I know and trust."

"*Sigh* How could I ever charge you? You're like a son to me." With a tired sigh, Sara replies.

"Don't even think about doing it for free, I plan to pay you for your services aunt, I don't want to take advantage of you"


"Do you have a job right now?"


"How much do you get paid?"


" Trust me auntie"

"*Sigh* 45 thousand a month."

"Wow, that's quite a lot of money!" Christian exclaimed, then put his hand to his chin and thought 'Auntie is just starting her career... the money she earns must be less than what corporate lawyers with a broad career earn...'

"Aunt Sara, we can do a 3-year contract, with a salary of $50,000 a month."


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_