
Consequences (Unedited and uncorrected chapter)

Watching the two women looking at him with concern, Christian nodded and struggled to his feet, only to be carefully picked up and lifted onto the gurney.

"Christian, we'll do a check to see if you have any problems, do you mind?" smiling, a woman of about 34 spoke up.


"Good, please open your eyes and follow my finger" Focusing her eyes on the finger, the woman began to move it slowly, but for some reason, the more she focused, the slower the finger became in front of him, causing him great discomfort for some reason.

"Do you see blurry or something similar?"

Blinking, Christian this time saw the finger normally again "No, everything looks normal..."

"Good, now don't close your eyes" Picking up a small flashlight, the doctor turned it on and pointed it at Christian's eyes, following the same pattern of movement "Everything is perfect for now"

"Christian, how are you feeling? Does anything hurt?"

"I hurt all over... I can't breathe normally either, I feel a strong pain in my lungs."

"That it hurts is a good sign" Smiling, the woman continues "You suffered many wounds and one of them was in the lungs, we managed to close the wound, but you will be left with that discomfort for a while... do you want morphine to help you with the pain?"

"Will that put me to sleep?" frowning slightly, Christian replied.

"No, but you'll be numb."

"I don't want to, I want to see my mom."

"She's on her way, lie down for now" The doctor spoke, then turned to the machine and saw everything disconnected "You took everything off?"


"Show me your arm."

Stretching out his arm, Christian just looked away.

"Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself, now just lie back and rest"

"Doctor... how long was I asleep?"

"Five days if you count today."

"I see..." Christian nodded, while inside he was thinking 'So I was down for two days? Or did I fall the same day and only woke up today? Is what I saw in the dream real? It must be... I felt pain when I was attacked by the man.... Chains... talk about those chains in my dream? What are they for?'

"CHRISTIAN!!!" But suddenly an ecstatic voice came from the doorway, causing Christian to smile as he recognized the voice.

Turning his gaze, he meets his emaciated mother, who was looking at him dazedly with tear-filled eyes, then running straight over and hugging him tightly, causing a grimace of extreme pain to spread across the boy's face.

"Hisssss~" Christian hissed, feeling every hurt like torture in the face of his mother's tight embrace.

"Sorry, I-!" Startled, Eva quickly let go of Christian and looked at him fearfully, but in the course was stunned to see the boy's soft smile.

"I'm back mom..." Christian whispered with a smile, putting all the pain behind his mind.

"My baby boy..." In a daze, Eva caresses Christian's face, squeezing the boy's cheek from time to time to confirm that it really is him and not an illusion.

Realizing that they're in over their heads, the doctor wiggles toward the cops and her colleague to leave the scene, leaving mother and son alone.

Quickly noticing that his mother was getting emotional again, Christian exclaimed "Please don't hold me so tight, it hurts!"

"*Sniff*" Wiping away her tears quickly, Eva murmurs "Thank you *Sniff* thank you for not leaving *Sniff*"

Looking at his mother who is crying like a child, Christian sighs and makes an effort to stretch his arms out and wrap them around Eva's back "Easy mom.... I told you I'd never leave...besides I don't think I'm welcome on the other side."

"*Sniff*" Sobbing quietly, Eva rests her head on his legs, slowly calming down as she feels his warmth, while Christian just strokes her head affectionately.

"*Sniff*" After a few minutes, Eva's breathing calms down, only to raise her tearful gaze and whisper "A-are you okay?"

"I am, and you?" smiling softly, Christian just looks at his mother as he strokes her head.

Rising up from Christian's legs, Eva looks down at the frown earnestly and speaks "Show me your chest."

Blinking for a few moments, Christian smiles mischievously and brings his hands to his chest in defense "Mother...how immoral~"

Quickly throwing her hands up in panic, Eva stammers "N-no, i d-didn't mean to s-say that, I-I just-"

"Relax mom, I was just playing." Smiling softly, Christian carefully moves and opens his robe at the neck, dropping the entire top, revealing his entire torso full of bandages.

Staring at the bandages with a pained expression, Eva remains silent.

"You don't have to be sad... I'm fine, my siblings are fine, everything went perfectly" Smiling slightly, Christian dug his fingers into the bandages and began to pull them off, feeling genuinely curious at how his wounds looked.

"C-christian, wait, you can hurt yourself!" Panicking, Eva grabbed Christian's hands and stopped him, but it was too late, the bandages were loose and with the slightest movement they fell off, revealing something that stunned them both.

"Where am I hurt...?" with confusion, Christian looked carefully at his torso at the places where it hurt.

"They were all over your body...I saw them" Frowning, Eva murmured as she reached out her fingers and touched the boy's slender torso.

'With that, the first chain fell, that should recover your body quickly...' Remembering the man's words, Christian felt a shiver throughout his body at the thought of the fact that everything he experienced was real and those beings exist, but with another sudden thought, Christian took the bandages and wrapped himself up again, then looked at his mother and spoke to her seriously "Mother, ask for my discharge, we're going home"

"Y-yes..." Eva nodded dazedly.

"Can I borrow your cell phone? I have to make some calls"

"Yes..." In a daze, Eva pulled out her cell phone and turned around, as she mumbled and frowned "I saw them.... I'm sure."

Picking up the cell phone, Christian's gaze becomes bored and he dials a number, quickly receiving a voice on the other end "Hello, Eva!? Everything okay!?"

"Hi Aunt Sara, I'm glad to hear from you."

"C-christian!?" Sara exclaimed with confusion and excitement.

"The one and only" Smiled Christian "I woke up a few minutes ago."



"Hahaha~ What a relief!" With joy, Sara laughed and spoke "You had us so worried Christian, I'm glad you woke up!"

"Thank you Aunty."

"You already talked to your mom I guess?"

"Yes, right now she's seeing about getting me discharged and coming home."

"Is that safe? Shouldn't you be under observation?" With concern, Sara asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just sore and should avoid sudden movements, but other than that I'm ready to be discharged."

"*Sigh* That's good, I was afraid your mother would take you out of the hospital without thinking about it."

"Aunt Sara, I was calling her to talk about some business..."

"Is it about what happened that day?" with seriousness in her voice, Sara answers.

"Yes, I want to sue the two companies, the nanny company and the security company, they can't be left unpunished."

"I knew you would say that, I already have a team of lawyers filing a lawsuit against the companies, it's not formally done yet as we were waiting for you to wake up to take the right course."

"What would we gain from the lawsuit?"

"From the nanny company a few million dollars at the most, as for the security company...I've been looking into it and we can get hundreds of millions out of them."

"Do you know what happened to my home security after that problem?"

"They are still there, I told your mother to kick those people out and at first she agreed, but then she changed her mind without giving me any reason and let them stay."

Frowning, Christian asked "Do you know why we didn't have more guards that day? #2 was involved with the others?"

"No, apparently #2 gave them the order not to go with you, saying that you didn't want more security because you found it annoying."

"I thought so...Auntie, do you know anything about #1?" With concern, Christian thought of the stoic woman who always accompanied him.

"She went to see you at the hospital, apologized to your mother, I even saw her shed tears... after that I don't know what happened to her between the two of them, but your mother apparently didn't get mad at her and since then #1 has been guarding the hospital door since she came back, looking at everyone with terrifying eyes"

"Oh, is she downstairs?" with a sigh of relief, Christian asked.

"Yes, in fact, he has refused to leave, even if Eva asked him to, just resting for a few hours in the apartment your mother bought across the street from the hospital."

"I see..." Murmured Christian "Aunt Sara... didn't the security company try to come to some agreement?"

"Yes, when they found out about the situation they offered to pay all the medical expenses and give you your service for free for 8 years, doubling your security with 25 more people, they also offered a 50% discount in security for all our companies, the service can start whenever we want and the discount will last 10 years... they also gave you the 5 armored cars you had leased and passed you 5 more for 10 years totally free"

"..." Thinking for a moment, Christian spoke "Accept."

"That's silly Christian, the same situation can happen again with those people!"

"No... those people were not with #2, the situation was very accurate and prepared... just accept and we will use the business protection service as soon as the building is finished, plus we will use it on Instagram and Tik Tok, including Starbucks obviously... are they asking for something in exchange for the offer?"

"Your silence on the situation that happened with their security..."

"What good does it do them? Sooner or later people of power will know it was them, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them already knew."

"I thought of that too, but they said your silence was paramount, that's why they gave that deal."

"Didn't they say it on TV or something similar?"

"Yes, but they didn't talk about the security company and everyone thinks it's a regular one."

"Well... tell him we accept silence, but I want the 25 people for 9 years, and 12 years of 55% discount, if they don't accept we are going to sue"

"Are you sure Christian? The same thing could happen again"

"They changed our security personnel?"

"To a few people"

"So they are leaving the people who are clean and taking the ones who are doubtful, they will do everything they can not to make the same mistake."

"How sure are you of that?"

"Tia Sara, you don't understand the importance of reputation to these people... they offer protection services to the world Elite, all their people are carefully vetted and prepared"

"So how did it happen that day?"

"That's what I wonder... what version did they give publicly?"

"Attempted kidnapping by local criminals."

"What nonsense, but it's believable to those who don't know much about the situation" Christian nodded mockingly "For someone to infiltrate those people in security, it must be a big shot who has me in his sights"

"What are you basing this on?"

"On my paranoia and the credibility of that security firm."

"Well, we'll make a deal with them to see if they'll accept what you asked for, what will you do with the nanny company?"

"How big is it?"

"It's arguably one of the largest in the country, but only top 10."

"Who are the owners?"

"I had a hard time getting it, but to my surprise they're part of Rockefeller Enterprises."

Frowning, Christian muttered "Rockefeller..."

"You suspect them?"

"No... for now be sure to get as much money out of it as possible"

"Good... Christian, now I have to talk to you about a problem."

Frowning slightly, Christian spoke "Tell me what's going on."

"You're under arrest... you should have seen the cops outside your room."

"Is it because of those deaths?"

"Yes, prosecution filed a lawsuit for executing your nanny and killing the other women."

"..." Biting his lips, Christian thought back to that scene he wanted so much to forget.

"You don't have to worry, for now it's the investigation and the trial will be in a month, it's almost impossible for them to punish you for that, since it's rightly considered self-defense."

"But what about the babysitter...?"

"That's the most complicated thing for now, but we will appeal from your mental health and the tension of the moment, showing that they were not in your rational moment during the situation and you were only thinking about defending yourself... you don't have to worry, you will get out of this free... let's talk about this in person, it's a delicate subject"