

"Sure, if you accepted the money or left, the next day you'd sleep with the fishes, after all I won't let someone play with my little brother's heart."

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, Hannah quickly turned her head.

"..." Looking at the young man on the gurney, Christian sighed "What was Alan like at the orphanage?"

Smiling softly, Hannah replied "Clumsy... didn't know how to make beds, didn't know how to interact the kids, and complained about everything... you had to see his face when the kids teased him, he was so cute when he got mad"

"That sounds like my brother" Christian nodded.

"But over time he started to learn and complained less and less... he was only at the orphanage for 3 weeks and he ended up winning the hearts of the kids... and it only took him a day to steal mine"

"Yuck" With a sick look on her face, Hailie rolled her eyes.

"..." Looking at the woman's soft smile, Christian watched her closely.

Hannah is a simple woman in every aspect, her body is slim, she has a black hair with brown eyes and actually her face is quite normal with some spots and pimples on her skin, as for her height and age, the woman looks to be about 17 years old and is 5'7".

"Hannah, even if I accept you, now you will have to go through certain situations" Looking at Alan, Christian continued "I don't know yet, but Alan may have a trauma because of everything that happened or he may even come to hate you, it's up to you if you manage to pull your relationship through."

With a sad face, Hannah just nodded.

"I'll leave you to take care of him, mom, let's talk" Looking at the woman who still looks annoyed looking at Hannah, Christian spoke and walked towards the door.

Looking at Hannah with narrowed eyes, Eva nodded, then turned to Hailie and spoke "Don't let her do anything weird."

Rolling her eyes, Hailie nods.

Walking towards the exit, Eva looks at Leslie and speaks "Bring security to the hospital, I want them to be on 24 hours a day guarding the door"

"It's all set up" Leslie nods with a straight face.

"Good" Nodding, Eva leaves the room and looks at Christian who was waiting for her by the door.

Approaching his mother, Christian looks at her serious face and sighs, then gently hugs her "This isn't your fault, or any of ours."

Biting her lips, Eva just nods.

Taking Eva's face in his hands, Christian looks at her with a soft smile and speaks "I assure you this won't happen again, Alan will be fine and live a happy life."

"I know, I'm not as weak as you think" Smiling slightly, Eva looks sideways and seeing no one, she quickly kisses Christian's lips.

Smiling softly, Christian sighs and speaks "Have you filed charges yet?"

"Yes, we filed charges against her for assault, abuse and attempted murder..... In addition, we filed a complaint against the police for letting Samantha go after taking her"

Nodding, Christian spoke "Lend me your cell phone, I'll call Ivana."

Raising her eyebrows, Eva nods and pulls out her cell phone "What will you tell her?"

"I'll give her a warning" Taking the cell phone, Christian searches through Eva's contacts and finds the president's number.


"Mrs. Ivana, nice to speak to you."


"I won't beat around the bush, I'll give you a chance to make everything legal and the trial will be carried out based on the laws, hand Samantha over to the police and don't open any more problems."

"And if they don't?"

"I don't know what may happen in the future, but be careful with military bases, when weapons are not properly maintained, certain things can explode and cause a lot of damage"


"Keep this in mind Madam President, you started all this, because if you had followed everything legally from the beginning, we wouldn't have to resort to such uncivilized acts."

"You will have an answer in 1 hour"

"If you hand her over, make sure everything is clean, if I ever discover the slightest dirt in the deal, I won't give any more chances."

With her words, Christian didn't bother anymore and hung up the call.

"Is it okay for you to threaten her so openly? She is the president after all."

"Don't open problems, but from now on make sure everything we do is legal and we can't get screwed, also change your cell phone every week from now on, including the Chip, when you talk about something important or private, leave the cell phone in a microwave or move it as far away as possible from you and block its microphone with tape or whatever."


"Where are you staying?"

"I bought two floors of a building at 26 Madison Avenue."

"Do we have enough rooms for everybody?"

"Yes, it has 11 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms."

"We're taking Hannah with us."

"Why?" instantly frowning, Eva asks.

"If she's volunteering at the orphanage where Alan was, it's because she's from Detroit, she must have nowhere to stay here and she came alone to New York because of Alan"


"I know you don't like her, but the woman really loves him, you know no one lies to my face and that woman only spoke the truth."


Smiling at Eva's annoyed face, Christian speaks "Stop acting like a child, you know Alan would eventually get a girlfriend."

Crossing her arms, Eva refused to answer.

Looking closely at Eva, Christian smirks at the sight of her in a suit "You're very beautiful like that, it brings out your curves quite a bit."

With a sudden sparkle in her eyes, Eva looks all around again, then whispers towards Christian "Look what I'm wearing."

Opening her clothes, Eva unbuttons her pants and pulls them down a bit as she turns around.

With interest, Christian advances towards Eva and looks between her pants, seeing that his mother is wearing the floss model underwear he bought her.


"What an indecent woman" Smiling, Christian gives her a quick slap on the butt and walks away "Now fix your clothes we are very exposed."

Chuckling lightly, Eva straightens her clothes and sighs, noting that the tense atmosphere quickly vanished with the small exchange.

"*Sigh*" Moving closer to the seats, Christian sighs and sits down with tiredness on his face.

"Christian... you won't do anything crazy, will you?" sitting down next to Christian, Eva takes his hand and asks with concern.

"No, but I will create an organization, something like mercenaries."

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Hearing his cell phone ring, Christian pulls it out of his pocket and answers.

"Christian, did you get here okay?"

"Yes Elisa, I arrived a few hours ago."

"*Sigh* You had me worried, you left so fast and you didn't even explain what happened to you."

"My brother is in the hospital."

"What? Alan!? What happened to him?" With obvious concern in her voice, Elisa asked quickly.

"Her ex-girlfriend hit him."

"How is he doing?"

"He's stable, they had to fix his nose since it was broken, plus he has 3 broken ribs."

"That fucking bitch, how dare she!?"

Smiling at the genuine anger of the sweet woman, Christian continued "I'll take care of her, but for now the important thing is Alan, maybe he has some psychological damage and that has me worried".

"I'll come and see you right away!"

"No, stay at home for now, we'll be seeing a lot of legal proceedings for the lawsuits and all that, I'll be back in a few days"

"But Christian... I want to come with you" With a sad voice, Elisa answered.

"I'll be fine Elisa"

"I'll go anyway, I don't care what you say!"

Smiling softly, Christian just sighed "Do what you want, but you'll be bored"

"I don't care, I'll get my stuff together and leave right now"

"Alright, let me know when you get there so I can come get you."

"Yeah, see you~"

Shaking his head as he cut off the call, Christian sighs and leans back in the chair.

"Is that woman coming?"

"Yes, I told her it wasn't necessary, but she's too stubborn."

"Elisa... I kind of like that girl" Eva nodded after a few seconds.

"Who wouldn't like her? She's a very sweet woman."

Pursing her lips, Eva snorted as she folded her arms.

"What, are you jealous because I called her sweet?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian smiled, then hugged Eva's waist and leaned closer towards her ear "Although you're not a sweet woman, I find you're more the hot type~"

"Which do you like more?" looking at Christian from the corner of her eye, Eva asked.

"Both, each has its beauty, but you are where I spend most of my time immersed, no?"

"Exactly" With a satisfied smile, Eva nodded.

Resting his head on Eva's shoulder, Christian sighed and spoke "I'm meeting my team at the Grey building on Tuesday."

Frowning slightly, Eva asked "What will you do?"

"Nothing for now, but I already told you that I will create my own personal army, so I need to talk to my team since I will be sending them to Russia for training."

"..." Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Eva finally sighed "Just take care of yourself."

After a few minutes it went silent, the duo returned to the room and sat in silence, staring at the woman who doesn't move an inch away from Alan.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

After a great many minutes, Eva's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, any news?" Placing the cell phone on speaker, Eva spoke.

"Samantha showed up, she is now under arrest and they started the investigations of what happened, we need in a few days everyone who was at the scene to give their statement."

Looking sideways at Christian, Eva nodded "We'll take care of that, let me know any news."


After spending most of the day at the hospital, Eva went home with Hailie, Hannah and Leslie, while Christian took another vehicle to the airport.

Sitting on the hood of the vehicle, Christian waited patiently for the crimson-haired woman to appear, while the limo driver stared at the young man with a crush in her eyes.

After about 15 minutes of waiting, Christian finally saw the petite woman looking every which way.

Smiling softly at her lost face, Christian raised his hand and shouted "Here!"

Quickly turning her head, Elisa smiled and runs with her bags to Christian, then sets her bags down and hugs him tightly.

"Were you bored on the trip?"

"No, it was a lot of fun, I came on the window side!" Smiling excitedly, Elisa replied.

"And Sarah?" Looking sideways, Christian asked.

"She had to travel to Detroit to sign something with the publisher, she's coming tomorrow or the day after..."

"Never mind, you're good enough for me" Smiling, Christian takes the woman's hand and with the other takes her suitcase, then opens the limo door and pulls her inside.

Letting Elisa in, Christian looks around and enters the limo, then sits down next to Elisa.

Hugging the woman's waist, Christian pulls her close to him and smiles "You got bored without me?"

"You don't know how worried you left me, I called you so many times and you didn't answer!" Speaking quickly, Elisa looked at Christian reproachfully and pouted.

Smiling slightly, Christian picks up the phone next to him and speaks "Take us somewhere to eat, then we'll head towards the apartment."

Putting the phone down, Christian turns to the woman who is still pouting and smiles, then moves closer and kisses her.

Instantly losing her judging gaze, Elisa melted into Christian's arm and returned the kiss gently.

Entwining their tongues, Christian opened his eyes and calmly observed the woman's beautiful blushing face.

Parting his lips, Christian looks into the woman's misty eyes and smiles as he holds her chin with his two fingers "You are so beautiful..."

Breathing shakily, Elisa loses herself in Christian's eyes for a few seconds, then purses her lips and speaks "Don't think I'll forgive you for a few kisses and a sweet tongue..."

Hugging the woman's soft waist, Christian smiles and speaks "That's why I'll take you to dinner~"



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