

With food in hand, the minutes passed faster for Christian, until at some point, a voice rang out from speakers in the room.

"We are starting auction number 9 this year!"

"You have a nice projector, will you use it to give information?"

"It's easier for certain products."

Nodding with interest, Christian crossed his legs and focused on his first auction.

"To start today, we have a fully equipped bunker with a space for 80 people, it has weapons, food and all the luxuries needed for people like you" Pointing with her hands towards the image of the project, the masked woman continued "This bunker is located in Switzerland and for security reasons, the exact location of the bunker will not be said".

Looking at the images on the projector, Christian murmurs "Cinema, gym, jacuzzi, big kitchens, big dining rooms... this looks like a high end hotel but inside a bunker, not bad".

"The starting price is $8 million, start the auction!"

"How do we raise the price?" Turning his gaze to Dimitri, Christian asked.

"Here" Picking up the electronic tablet, Dimitri tosses it to Christian and speaks "There you put in how much you want to raise and give your bid, the price at which the sale is going also appears there"

"Interesting" Taking the tablet, Christian looks at the information displayed and mutters "Here is more detailed information about the bunker... how boring, I thought we would have to shout out the prices."

"We focus more on elegance, it's a very low level thing to have to shout to bid on something, but I understand that the auction organized by the Rothschilds is like this."

"This bunker in Switzerland... I'll buy it" Rubbing his chin, Christian looks at the price on the screen and mutters "It's already going for $20 million... this bunker must be around $60 million, after all it has room for more than 80 people..."

Looking at the price, Christian scrolls down to the buyer's menu and increases the current price "Let's increase it all at once by $2 million."

"Heh, they're already over it" Watching the price rise rapidly, Christian smiled slightly and continued to increase, until after a few minutes he sighed "It's not worth it anymore, it's at $80 million and rising, I'll pass".

Turning his gaze to Dimitri, Christian asked "These auction items, are they yours?"

"Normally yes, but we always tend to have client items, we take a small percentage and that's it."

"I see..." Turning his gaze towards the stage, Christian squints at the audience and comments "This area... is it unsoniradized?"

"Yes, as it is a VIP room, this is made to avoid noise from the outside."

"Then it must be noise chaos in the stage area, no?"

"It's like a fair, sometimes it's very easy for a fight to break out among these people."

"Not that they were cultured and elegant people?"

"Most of the time only a few representatives come and they usually get drunk before they arrive."

"What entertaining places does this place have? So far I only saw an arena that could only entertain amateurs or people who like to watch fights to the death, something that could only appeal to normal people who have never seen the horrors of war" Looking at the price that keeps going up on the tablet, Christian continued "I saw the room where these rich people live together and now I'm watching the auction, but so far I don't find this area that interesting"

"I told you this is rather meant for women, most of the places are to cater to their tastes" Shrugging, Dimitri continued "We have restaurants, strip area, bars, casinos, and the usual, various men and women to have pleasure"

"Women too?" raising his eyebrow with interest, Christian asked.

"Of course we do, not only women can be millionaires, we also have some men although they are few" Nodding, Dimitri continued with a teasing smile "Besides, not all women enjoy men, some have more extravagant tastes"

"Interesting" Rubbing his chin, Christian asked "These women where do they get them from?"

"Most of them are models, they make a good amount of money at this and it's a dream job for women, so they have no problem coming."

"But there must always be some kind of man or woman they're not interested in, right?"

"Yes, but unlike a cheap brothel, we give our workers the option of refusal, if they don't like it, they just turn down and that's it"

"How thoughtful" Chuckling, Christian looks down at the screen and mutters "It's over now, it ended up selling for 106 million dollars..."

"Do you know why this bunker cost so much?"


"It's because of you."

"Because of me?"

"Yes" Smiling wryly, Dimitri continued "It's because of your prophecies in your drawings"

"Oh... I see, 2019, an unknown virus... the rich must be alarmed" Nodding as he remembered the 'prophecies' he left in the drawings, Christian smiled "Strange that they're paranoid about that though."

"It's all because so far, none of your predictions have turned out to be false, it always happens just as you said" Looking at Christian with interest, Dimitri continued "I won't ask you how you do that but you should expect trouble if it turns out that this year initiates something that could end the world, you might get blamed"

Chuckling, Christian commented "It won't end the world, but it will cause some problems, I recommend you prepare the country for a health emergency, buy several mechanical ventilators and masks, also prepare bonds for the citizens and have everything ready to close borders."

"So serious?"

"It will be very disruptive, it will keep humanity locked up for about 2 years, about 10 million deaths worldwide"

"Sounds problematic" Frowning slightly, Dimitri nodded "We'll be getting everything ready."

"Although I can't assure you that it will actually happen, let's just say they are prophetic dreams and I can never give you 100% certainty that it will come to pass."

"It's better to be safe than sorry"

"Mn" Nodding, Christian looks down at the tablet and looks at the next property "How many properties will be sold today?"


"It will take a while" Sighing with boredom, Christian turns his gaze to the stage and watches in silence.

The minutes passed quickly, and although the auctioned properties were interesting, but for Christian who has so many mansions or apartments, all this was nothing but wasted time.

"Next we have something unique in history!" Looking at the image, the woman continued, "A historical relic found in Uruguay, South America."

Looking at the image, Christian opened his eyes a little wider and straightened up on the sofa "That's it... a Nazi eagle".

"Yes, it was found by a fisherman but the country took it from him, we got interested and stole it."

[Picture of the eagle here]

"These eagles are the ones they used on their warships, aren't they?"

"Only the most important ships, there is no more than a handful of that kind of eagles, and most of them disappeared in history"

"Interesting" Looking down at the tablet, Christian read the additional information and murmured "It weighs 3 tons, it is made of silver plated iron, it measures two and a half meters... it was restored, it is in good condition... initial price, 10 million dollars".

"Are you interested in buying this eagle?"

"I'll buy it, it will be mine."

"Are you a Nazi fanatic?"

"Not at all, but I appreciate history and I like to keep these relics, it's fascinating" Without further hesitation, Christian raised the price by $30 million on his first bid.

Seconds passed and the virtual battle continued, until Christian easily raised the price to $45 million and the bidding stopped.

"Now it's mine" Chuckling, Christian put the tablet aside and asked "How do I pay for this?"

"Usually you should pay it right now, but since you're coming with me, pay it when you can."

"I'll send you the gold when I get to my island."

"You will pay in gold?"


"We'll be waiting."

"Our next item is brought directly from the U.S."

"Don't fuck with me..." Opening his eyes a little wider, Christian muttered in disbelief at the sight of the new item "Old man, you guys have guts."

How could he not be incredulous?

What Christian sees right now in the auction, is a 'simple' picture of a cube with fairly normal designs at best, but anyone with a little information about America, knows perfectly well the importance of this cube.

"The cornerstone of the white house" Nodding with disinterest, Dimitri continued "The truth is that an Englishman had stolen it, then hid it and ended up dying without giving him the opportunity to sell it. About 70 years ago a descendant tried to sell it without knowing what it is and we stole it from him, until then it remained in our cellar gathering dust."

"How do we know if it is real?"

"It has several certificates and everything indicates that it is 100% real, it is impossible to be wrong."

"Interesting" Rubbing his chin, Christian looked at the tablet and murmured "This is going up quite a bit, it's already worth 70 million".

"It should cost around $100 million."

"I know" Sighing, Christian thought for a few seconds and started to auction 'Lila will be happy if I bring this to her'.

The seconds ticked by and Christian never stopped raising the price, until he reached a stalemate and finally ruled himself the winner.

"102 million dollars this damn square stone, that sucker better pay me or I'm not talking to her anymore" Grumbling to himself, Christian tossed the tablet aside and sighed.

"Our next item is an ancient Egyptian coin from 500 BC....-"

The auctions continued and although the following objects were interesting to a certain extent, the truth is that everything is something with too little historical value to arouse the slightest interest from Christian.

"Now coming to the final stage of the auction, we have something totally unexpected and I am sure our audience will be pleased" Looking at the women bringing a large box with a dark cloth hiding the inside, the presenter continued "Brought directly from Switzerland, one of a kind and with an exotic appearance..."

Approaching the box, the presenter takes the cloth and gives it a strong tug, revealing the large glass box with a person inside, a woman to be more specific.

Rising suddenly from his seat, Christian approaches the window with a serious face and stares at the naked woman inside the box.

Long white hair, beautiful sky blue eyes, plump lips, incredibly pale skin, white eyebrows, long white eyelashes, and a perfectly voluptuous body, with breasts hovering at D cup while her hips and ass have nothing to envy from Christian's other women.

'Even her pubic hair is white in color' Looking at the woman's crotch, Christian notices the inverted triangle and thinks, but the reason for his sudden outburst has nothing to do with it "Old man..."


"She... is she like me?"

"I don't know."

"She has albinism?"


"*Sigh* Then she's not like me" Shaking his head, Christian sighed "Although she doesn't appear to be an albino, at least she doesn't have the facial features of an albino."

"Her albinism is mild, it only affected her skin and hair."

"I see..." Moving closer to the sofa, Christian took the tablet and looked at the information, then opened his eyes a little wider and exclaimed "Natasha Romanov, Princess of Russia!?"

Chuckling, Dimitri commented "The Russian royal family was expelled from the country when we took power and overthrew the old communism, then they went to Switzerland and settled there.... the Romanov family was unable to enter Russia for many years, until 3 years ago we reached an agreement and as an offering, they gave us their eldest daughter as a slave."

"So this woman has been here for 3 years?"

"Not really, in fact she was delivered 3 months ago, but we still didn't know what to do with her."

"So this is the surprise you told me about?"


"Mmmm..." Rubbing his chin, Christian looked at the beautiful woman and stared at her stoic face "No doubt she's beautiful, but I don't see why I would buy her just for that."

"She was raised to be a queen, she has good business and administrative skills, not to mention she speaks English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and 3 other languages."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown

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