

"I'll need a sheath for my sword, more knives, gas mask, poison antidotes, spare ammo, dried meat and a canteen in case I have to run for a long time... study the maps of all the areas where I go and more than one satellite phone in case one gets destroyed in fights... some bandages and some medicine" Muttering inaudibly everything he must carry from now on, Christian closed his eyes and sighed "It's going to be a complicated and stressful period..."

"What are you mumbling so much?" Resting her breasts on Christian's pecs, Elisa raised her head and asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about how much I love you" Smiling warmly, Christian quickly kissed Elisa's nose and chuckled softly, then lifted Helen's body slightly and pursed his lips as he saw her still awake "Has this girl eaten yet?"

"No~" Sitting up on the bed, Elisa pulled off her shirt and removed her bras, then tossed them aside and lay back while massaging both of her breasts "Come and eat my loves~"

Chuckling, Christian laid Helen on top of Elisa and he moved to the other side, then grabbed the free breast and took it into his mouth.

Quietly sipping his wife's milk, Christian narrowed his eyes in satisfaction and stared at the little girl beside him.

'This is life.'


"Hehe~" Smiling foolishly, Christian finished dressing Helen and quickly walked away, then squinted excitedly and bit his lips "My god, how did I not think of this before!?"

Sitting on the couch, Helen sat still as she watched Christian silently, but unlike her usual outfits, she was now wearing a cute lion costume.

The costume is not much different from the pajamas Christian used to wear, but this one has two big round furry ears with a long tail behind, causing the girl's tenderness to easily make the silly father's heart melt.

"Hehe~" Sharing the same silly smile from Christian, Elisa twirled around Helen taking lots of pictures of her with a big gleam in her eyes.

"..." Sitting still next to Emily, Sarah shook her head and muttered "These two are a basket case."

"Doesn't it make you tender to see her like this?" tilting her head slightly, Emily asked.

"Tender?" Turning her gaze to the little girl, Sarah stared at her silently for a few seconds, then snorted and turned her gaze back to the window "I hate those stupid costumes, it brings back bad memories with a certain imbecilic child."

"Yeah?" Smiling slightly, Emily continued, "I find it cute."

"Heh" Turning his gaze to Sarah, Christian chuckled derisively and commented "You say you don't like it but I still see you look sideways at her, liar~"

Blushing slightly, Sarah turned her gaze to Christian with annoyance on her face "Can you stop being so annoying!?"

"So shy~" Chuckling, Christian looked at the different costumes on the table and rubbed his chin, then turned his gaze to the large wooden box on the side of the couch and smiled "I'll dress up too, I'll be right back."

Taking the wooden box, Christian walked happily into the room, but not before giving his little girl a long look to enjoy her tenderness.

Closing the door, Christian walks to the room where the clothes are kept and starts to search through his suits, then pulls out a completely white one and takes off his clothes.

Being already dressed in his suit, Christian looks at himself in the mirror and nods with satisfaction, then approaches the wooden box and opens it "It was definitely worth paying those 8000 dollars... beautiful wings".

Just as Elisa had requested, Christian had them specially made for her.

The truth is that buying these took him a while, since it is incredibly difficult to find any quality product.

But after talking to a Netflix worker who specializes in filming clothes, he managed to find the right place.

The wings are incredibly realistic, using some kind of animal feather to get a better look.

But the great thing about it is that if you make a certain movement with your shoulders, the wings expand or close behind you, giving it a more realistic look.

Adjusting the wings with some difficulty, Christian hid the clasps under his clothes and murmured "This is incredibly heavy... maybe 25 kilos".

"Let's see..." Standing in front of the mirror, Christian smiled and moved his shoulders in a circle, causing along with a small noise, two large wings to appear on his back "This must be about 10 feet tall... incredible"

Gently stroking the wing feathers, Christian looked at himself in the mirror and muttered "Fuck, I'm really on another level."

At this moment, Christian's face shone in all its glory.

If we combine his soft and beautiful features together with the suit and the big wings, Christian could make anyone believe that he really is an angel.

Not to mention his bewitching eyes that undoubtedly gives him a supernatural look.

"Well..." Rolling his shoulders again, Christian smirked at the sight of the hidden wings and walked to the door barefoot, then out and into the living room.

"Are you getting married?" looking at Christian with a smirk, Sarah asked.

"Little sinful souls, I have come to lead you to the right path" Smiling kindly as he clasped his hands together in prayer, Christian spread his wings and looked up at the ceiling "Turn away your impure thoughts and come into the arms of the goddess."

Instantly, all eyes froze on Christian, including little Helen's.

"Fuck..." Oddly enough, the first to recover from her daze and the first to curse in disbelief is Elisa, who is right now watching Christian with a glint in her eyes as her cheeks blushed rapidly.

"W-what the fuck are you doing dressed like that!?" Raising her trembling finger while pointing at Christian with a flushed face, Sarah exclaimed.

"What? You don't like it?" Turning while looking down, Christian smiled playfully towards Emily and asked "What do you think?"

"It's... great" Biting her lips softly, Emily replied dumbly.

Picking up her camera, Elisa quickly walked over to Christian and started taking several pictures of him with an excited face, causing Christian to chuckle as he thought 'These moments aren't bad... maybe I should buy Sarah and Emily a costume.... several costumes'

Looking at each woman in the room, Christian's eyes sparkled at a new world opening up in front of him 'It's going to be fun'.

The afternoon was filled with laughter and happiness, Christian and Elisa were busy trying on costumes for their little girl as sweetness filled their hearts.

Sarah, as always, complained about the noise and everything she saw, but even so, it was impossible for her to leave the room and take her eyes off the little red-haired girl.

Until it was time for Helen's last meal and her bedtime, causing the costumes to have to be put aside and Elisa had to go and prepare food.

Sitting between Sarah and Emily, Christian fiddled with his cell phone in silence as he rested his legs on Emily's thighs.

"Christian, I want to ask you something" Holding her laptop on her lap, Sarah turned her gaze to Christian and continued "I'm writing a new novel and there's something I don't quite understand."

"Just ask, don't beat around the bush" Waving his hand lazily, Christian replied.

"Do you know how the system of organizations works?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian turned his gaze to Sarah and asked "What kind of organization? They're not all the same."

"One of assassins."

"Your novel looks interesting" Chuckling, Christian thought for a few seconds and commented "You know I run something similar?"

"I don't know much, but I already had my suspicions" Undeterred, Sarah nodded "That's why I ask you, you know more about that kind of world and I find that it would give my new novel quite a bit of realism"

"Mmmm..." Rubbing his chin, Christian nodded "Well, listen carefully because I'll explain to you how mine works."

"For starters, I have 7 people who are loyal to me and manage everything for me. They only take orders from me and no one else. I call them the 7 deadly sins"

"Underneath them are hundreds of trained soldiers with different roles, for example.... We have Envy, she is a very important person in everything."

"Envy and her people are dedicated to intelligence and management. Whenever we plan a mission, it's her people who do the research on our data and manage everything, that includes lodging, weapons, vehicles or helicopters. They also organize escape routes, plan responses in case of emergencies, among various other situations."

"Then I have the other 6 sins, 5 of them are dedicated to carrying out the dirty missions. Wrath, Greed, Pride, Sloth and Lust. They each have their own teams under their command and she is in charge of leading them."

"The other sin that is just as important is Gluttony. She and her people are dedicated to handling all kinds of explosives and lethal weapons. At first she only handled explosives by means of powder, but thanks to the experience and many contacts she was taught, they now manage to handle even more lethal toys. Plutonium, ammonium nitrate, pathological agents or whatever. She learned to create all kinds of weapons of mass destruction and her ingenuity is limitless, even the terrorists say she is a genius."

"Mmmm... that would be the gist of it, do you have any doubts?"

Blinking in a daze as she learned that the man she lives and sleeps with daily is a terrifying leader of a possibly maniacal group, Sarah looked down at the computer and was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and nodded "How do you keep them from rebelling?"

"Even though I blindly trust those 7 people, I still take measures in case of emergency. Not many, but I do have some" Smiling slightly as he turns his gaze to the ceiling, Christian continued "For starters, the teams they handle are completely mixed up with the people of the other sins. The only way they can use them to take me down would be to have to buy each person off a team. The team has about 10 people and they all work for different people, it would be difficult to buy them all out, almost impossible. But even if they manage to have a team, they won't achieve anything against me, a team is not even a speck of dust next to me."

"The only way they could bring me down is if they all unite against me. Something I hope to never experience..." Closing his eyes, Christian murmured "Not because they might end up killing me, I always have the confidence to take down whatever is in front of me, but... I'm not sure I can handle a betrayal of such magnitude... if I tell you I trust them blindly, it's because I love them like my own family..."



Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos